
Hateful Eyes

Within HE, only malice persists.

HeLie · Fantasy
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1 Chs


In a dark alley, two skinny, pale young men scour through trash. Both are the same size with dark hair. One, Stern Malvern, has black eyes. The other, Vale Ventura, bears a scar on his blind left eye but possess a mature golden eye on the right. They are brothers, not by blood. Stern is younger by a year, making them 13 and 14 years old.

They search for food to fill their beat-up backpacks, moving from one trash pile to another. Vale's bag is barely a quarter full, while Stern's has barely anything. It's a small amount for the average person, but the norm for them.

As the sun begins to set, casting long shadows in the alley, Vale slowly approaches Stern and playfully taps his back.


Stern jumps, startled, and falls into the trash in front of him.


Stern's annoyance is evident as he speaks with a soiled towel on his head.

"Haha, come on, it was just a joke. We should head home now anyway. Let's go."

Vale removes the towel, revealing Stern's irritated expression. Despite the annoyance, Stern realizes it's time to leave.

Standing up, Stern's gaze fixes on a colossal black metal wall looming in the distance, the city of hope. A flicker of curiosity and determination ignites within him as he surveys its imposing silhouette. That's where the elite live, where humanity thrives in comfort, free from the burdens that weigh heavily on Stern's shoulders. There, one can indulge in abundance, filling their belly without fear of hunger. He longs for that life, yearning to walk those streets unburdened by the struggles of their current existence.

"If only."

Vale, on the other hand, notices his brother's gaze but feels nothing but hatred towards the wall.

"If only..."

Both brothers cautiously navigate through the rubble strewn streets, their movements silent and deliberate as they check every corner of the desolate landscape. Despite the absence of any signs of life, they remain vigilant, knowing all too well that danger lurks in the shadows. In this world, terrifying creatures roam unchecked, and it pays to be on guard at all times.

Vale and Stern were just one street away from their home, all thanks to Vale, who knew these streets like the back of his hand. Ever since their dad passed away, he had to learn how to scavenge for food to keep his family alive. Now, Stern trailed behind him, learning the ropes of survival. It wasn't just about luck anymore. It was about knowing where to go and what to do to make it through another day in this tough world.

"We're finally here."

Stern breathed a sigh of relief, grateful they hadn't encountered any fiends along the way. Those creatures were nightmares incarnate, responsible for too many lives lost, including Vale's father. But despite the dangers lurking in the shadows, they'd managed to make it home in one piece, and with food no less. It was no small feat, especially in the outer slums, where danger lurked around every corner for the city's most vulnerable inhabitants.

"Indeed, let's get in before it gets too dark out here."

Before going in, Stern looked around. The street they're on was once a market street but now it was completely destroyed, leaving only half the structure of houses and buildings. It was like an apocalypse. Nevertheless, he can almost visualize that this was a busy place filled with people back before the veil, humanity's greatest threat.

In front of them was a three-meter-tall metal door. The door looked indestructible. Stern tapped the door two times. A slit in the middle of the door opened, revealing brown eyes.


A voice could be heard from the door. It sounded unfriendly.

"Vale and Stern bird."

There was a few seconds of silence. The door could be heard making a mechanism-like sound. The door opened, revealing an unfriendly face, Lloyd. 

"You losers still alive? What a waste of space to keep you here."

Lloyd looked strong. He was tall and muscular, unlike the two brothers. He is a young man but looked to be around twenty-eight years old. His job was to alert the defenders of any intruders or fiends. 

Even so, Vale looked at Lloyd with coldness in his eyes, showing that he is not scared of him or his taunts. Making Lloyd shiver slightly. 

Stern realized the tension in the air. He needed to lighten the mood since everyone was on edge.

"Hah, baldie is talking again."

Lloyd and Vale blinked a couple of times. Lloyd looked embarrassed since he was balding at a young age, while Stern chuckled slightly.

"Get in before I leave you both for the fiends."

Lloyd sounded angry but embarrassed. It seemed like people don't point out his bald situation.

He only managed to lighten the mood for one person at least.

The two brothers entered, leading to what seemed to be an endless downward stair. As they went down, Stern couldn't help but think that this was a gangster's hideout. He wondered who used to live here.

The brothers headed down the stairs. The way down is dark, so they couldn't see too far, but this is where their shelter is and the only place that was remotely safe from the outside that they can acess. After ten minutes of continuously moving downwards, they've reached another metal door, but this time it is twice as big as the previous and can be opened.

Stern reached for the door, opening it and squinting his eyes in the process. Revealing flashing lights and a huge underground city, the Forsaken City.

The city looked to be rundown but full of life, mostly because of the lights. Nevertheless, it was much better than the outside.

Waiting for them a couple of meters away are four guards and one receptionist. They seemed to be different than regular people, giving off a mysterious, powerful aura not of this world.

Stern and Vale headed there and both handed their backpacks to the receptionist. While the guards check their bodies for anything suspicious. The brothers are used to this as it is a rule in the underground city.

All that was left is to get their stuff back from the receptionist. Well, half of the belongings actually. This is payment for providing safety, this is also a law. Even though the two didn't have much to begin with they couldn't say anything since they had nowhere to go for safety.

There is three simple laws to follow. payments of half the resources after each exploration, no connections with the city of hope, and last but not least complete submission to the leader, Toric Vell.

The last law is especially dreadful to Vale, he wished for freedom from this world and people. While stern knew this, he didn't really care about freedom if his brother is with him.

These laws didn't exist five years ago. The previous leader of the place didn't need payments. Instead, they had a trade deal with the inner slums which is much safer since it was close to hope city walls. 

"Bad day today?"

The receptionist spoke up. She is a young, slim woman with short, curly brown hair and brown eyes. She also had the same aura as the guards. The brothers knew not to try anything funny with her.

It really was a bad day, Stern and Vale couldn't find much resources, they also looked very malnourished. If someone were to guess how much they weigh it'll definitely be under hundred pounds or 45 KG. 

"As you can see we don't have a lot. Please be lenient, miss."

Stern was faking his voice but sounded very yielding, hoping that the receptionist will take pity on them.

Even though Stern sounded convincing the receptionist smirked, giving them dirty looks. This isn't how the world works, especially for the outer slums where resources are scarce.

"You know how this works, no favorites."

The receptionist took three pigeons and three cans of beans, leaving Stern and Vale with two rats, two toads, and a dozen mushrooms. They didn't even get to pick what they want or give.

'what a scam..'

Vale hiding a stare of hatred and anger at the receptionist, Stern shared his feeling but not as intense. Vale had his head down, clenched his fist but knew not to do anything if he wanted to live another day. Stern held his arm in the process, shaking his head, hinting to restrain himself.

"Let's go, Stern."

Stern and Vale packed their belongings and left. They're now heading to their shelter.

On their way, they intersected the Deep Market. The market is surprisingly big with many people selling and buying. There are all types of people ranging from old to young, mutant humans with deformed lizard-like arms, fish scales, and animal tails of some sort, etc. This was the cause of the veil, but neither brother's knew much of it.




Everything sounded vulgar for a regular person but this is what people grew up with in the slums, nevertheless It's loud and lively. Stern enjoyed the activity and the action and often a fight breaks out. If there ever was a place for entertainment, the market is an excellent place to come to. 

Today is different though, Vale and Stern didn't want to stand out because they're weak compared to an average human being. And theft was a very common crime in a city with no proper order. So in return, Stern and Vale had their guard up. But of course, nothing goes as planned. Gazes fell on the two small skinny figures. Most on the backpacks than them. It was like two piñatas walking around waiting to be smashed.

'ah.. we should probably run.'

The brothers looked at each other and nodded. Soon they started running, funnily enough, this is a routine for them. They also knew the Forsaken city like the back of their teeth. As they were running, they noticed five figures were after them.

Vale and Stern had tactics to shake them off. First, they started with going into tight and busy places in the market, un-racking stalls of merchants causing two pursuers to be caught by the commotion. Then the duo cut many corners, losing one pursuer after another. Until finally, they ran out of stamina. The brothers stopped in an alleyway with what looks like a dead end, but the wall at the end of the alley was climbable and that was their way home.

Suddenly though, a dark figure showed up behind them. It's one of the pursuers. He looked to be in his twenties and an average size adult. Thankfully, he didn't give off the feeling of having ominous mysterious powers like the guards at the entrance of the city.

"Just hand over your backpacks and I'll be on my way."

Stern and Vale both are out of breath after their pursuit of escape while the man didn't look a slight bit tired but instead ready for battle. He pulled out a knife from his waist.

Stern and Vale were at a disadvantage. However, they've been expecting this type of situation. Vale smirked and Stern scoffed.

"Do you hear this guy?"

Vale stood up straight, one hand on his mouth and another pointing to the man whilst facing Stern. He was trying to taunt the man into anger so he'll be easier to trick.

The man blinked a couple of times, confused but angered. He lunged at the duo, calling their bluff, but that was exactly what the two wanted. At the same time as the man's attack, Vale reached down for dirt and launched it at his face, causing the man to grunt, blinding him in the process. Stern circled around him and jumped on his back, wrapping his hand around the man's neck, putting him in a chokehold. The pursuer is now blinded and couldn't breathe all because of a simple mistake. In his final attempt at getting the two boys, he tried to stab Stern in the eye, but Vale was right in front of the man, punching the knife out of the man's hands.

After less than a minute, the man was now unconscious and on the ground. Stern unwrapped his hand from the man's neck.

"We did it, Vale."

Stern was relieved and happy they got him without losing anything. It's mostly because of Vale's taunts that this worked out the way it did.

Getting up, he glanced at Vale. He was holding the knife with murderous intent. He came closer to Stern and reached for him to hold the knife.

"Kill him."

There were no words to be said after.

Vale sounded cold. His face had no hint of emotion, but his beautiful golden eyes showed madness in them. He looked like a fallen angel consumed with veil darkness. Vale didn't say this because he was crazy or cruel. It was to teach him the survival of the fittest, especially in this horrid world.

Stern's eyes widened. He has never killed anyone before. But this was an unwritten rule in the Forsaken City. He knew that the man would've killed them if he had the chance. After all, he showed it in battle when he tried stabbing Stern in the eye.

There was a moment of silence before Stern reached for the knife with his skinny, pale hand and grabbed it off his brother's hands, turning around to face the unconscious pursuer. He trembled as he turned the point of the knife to the man's throat. Stern closed his eyes. It was so easy to end this man's life who tried to end his own. Clenching the handle as hard as he can, he lunged the knife at the man's throat, missing his target.

"I can't do it, I can't just this his life. This is wrong."

Of course, he knew the consequence of leaving this man alive, but life was precious. This man could have a daughter who needed him, a mom to take care of, or even a brother like Vale is to him. Stern stood up to face Vale, but his head was down. He didn't want to disappoint his brother who was with him most of his life, but he couldn't take a life.

Suddenly, he felt the embrace of his brother.

Even though Vale wanted to teach Stern the rules of survival he didn't want his brother to become a cold blooded murderer like himself.

"It's okay, no matter what you choose, I'll always be there. I promise."

Stern hugged his brother back. At that moment, he couldn't care less about anything. His brother's words meant everything, he felt a sense of hope even in this terrible world.

Truly bittersweet.