
Hateful Agreement


passionfruitjuice · Urban
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Chapter XXXVII ۞ Thays ۞ Part I

Thays Emmanuelle Rossetti's point of view


I KNEW THAT WAS COMING. I KNEW IT. He seemed to be pondering how to talk about that, and I was getting more and more anxious about it. I knew it, but knowing it didn't avoid me from freaking out. So, when he finally gathered the courage to ask me what he wanted to since mamãe's call, I felt weak and defenseless, so I was rude.

It couldn't be helped. I hate talking about this. I hate it and my family knows it. But mamãe insists in bringing it up over and over again.

Yes. I get it. She's worried. But damn it. It's enough already. Nothing terrible has happened since I moved here. I'm fine. I'm okay. I haven't had much problems anymore.

But she doesn't seem to get that. Even though the last time I had to go to the hospital because of it, was around the Christmas season little before I moved to Queenstown, when I was still living in Mexico City. And after only four days in the hospital, they still freak out because of it now. It's really uncomfortable.

Maybe I might have been too hard on him with my impulsivity, since I'm aware he was just trying to help. Whereas, at least it's a good reason to keep our distance, after losing control so drastically earlier in the car.

All my fault, I am also aware.

When I arrived in my apartment, I found Arya siting on my living room with Lion in her lap. "Where were you?"

"With my boyfriend," I lied.

She gasped, "Boyfriend?" Putting Lion down, she got up and came to me. "Since when do you have a boyfriend, boss? Who is it? How did this happen? Didn't you said you didn't want anything with anyone after Bauman?"

After I told her everything (lying, of course), she sat down on the couch again, dumbfounded.

"The hot neighbor?"

A nod, "Yes."

"Since August?"


"The Vaughn-Solomon? Owner of the building?"


"You are dating Aaron Vaughn-Solomon?"

"I am."

"And your families will spend the holidays together?"

She's always slow processing things like this. "Precisely, yes. On his family's private island."

"You are dating. The heir. Of the richest empire in Queenstown. Since. August," her eyes widened even more and she covered her mouth.


"And you only are making it public because his mom caught you two together?!" I nodded. "What the fuck?" She blinked. "How did you kept it a secret? From everyone. From me!"

I chuckled, "We wanted to keep it like that for now."

"I can't believe you are dating!" Because I'm not.

"Surprising, isn't it?" I chuckled anxiously.

"That's an understatement. At least he's smoking hot, damn. Is he as good in bed as he is angering with you?" She also knows how we had a hostile relationship for years.

I bit my bottom lip, and proceeded to tell her the same lie I fed my sister's with. "The best man I've ever had, definitely." And precisely one I haven't taken to bed, neither will I.

She gasped, blushing profusely, "Hot as hell. Tall. Smart. Billionaire. From Yale. Responsible. Huge. Bottom. A God in bed. Get easily under your skin. As menacing as you. Bossy and stubborn like you. Lives next door. You hit the jackpot, Manu. And what a jackpot, damn!" Again, I felt sick in my stomach for lying for such important people in my life.

200 books. It's worth more than 200 books!

"He's scared of cats though!" I mocked.

Arya stared at me, waiting for me to say I was joking, and when I didn't, she burst out laughing. "Are you kidding me? That big man is scared of cats? Is that a joke?"

"No. It's true. He's scared shitless of them."

"Such a menacing man scared of such a cute little thing," she caressed Lion's fur again. "That shit is almost unbelievable." Her eyes met mine again, "But don't worry, we love Lion. We'll gladly stay with him!"

"Thank you, Arya," I felt relieved and laid on her lap, the proceeded to tell her about what my brother asked, and in what Hotel she should put his for the little time he'll be here before we go to the Island.

"Any plans in mind? For when the holidays end."

I bit my bottom lip, "The manager of the Zurich resort in Switzerland is having some conflicts with Gerard Franssen, that grandpa bastard who owns a resort near mine. He sent me five e-mails about it a week ago. I know how good he is as a manager since I chose him perfectly, so it must be getting hard there. So, I'm thinking of spending two to three months there."

She arched her eyebrows and wrinkled her nose, "What? You want to spend around 60 to 90 days on Switzerland? Are you crazy? What about your boyfriend?" Fake.

"He'll understand, since he works a lot too."

"You can just send me there!"

No. I'll need to stay away from New Zealand for a while after the end of my deal with Aaron. "No. I want to go. It's been a while since I've been there, so it'll be good. You stay here with Ezra managing my properties in New Zealand."

"What about Lion?"

"He doesn't like extreme cold, and Switzerland is way too cold for him, especially on winter. So, I'll leave him with you for a while."

"Does anyone else know about this?"

"No. Just you. Let's keep it like that. While I'm gone, I don't want anyone else knowing my whereabouts, got it?" I sat down and glared at her. "Not even my family, or they will get annoyed again. No one. Absolutely no one, okay?"

Arya gulped, clearly not liking the idea. "Fine. I won't tell anyone." She'll definitely tell someone, I know her.

That's why I'm not intending to go to Switzerland, but to one of the islands in the Caribbean. There's no problem going on in Switzerland, but in one of my resorts in the Caribbean, and it's easy to deal with, but I love that place, so it'll be good to be there for a while. So, I'll go from New Zealand to Switzerland, and from Switzerland to the Caribbean, that way Arya will be fooled.


"I promise. Besides, you are my boss," as if that held her from telling my family before. "But your boyfriend will be aware, right?"

"Of course," not. It's to ran from him that I'll leave.

"Good. You have to be sincere with him. And you," she pinched my nose softly, "are a compulsive liar!" I am.

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are," she kissed my forehead and got up. "I have to work for you now. Take a bath and rest, you look drained, Manu."

"Because I am," I sighed.

"Can I take him already?" She held Lion on her arms.

"Yes," I don't want Lion to see me being miserable. "Take good care of him as always, okay?"