
Hated to marry you

The story revolves around Austin Young vice president of his family owned company , Yuli Group. He is smart,ruthless and doesn't pay attention to what his trusty secretary Denise kim is trying to tell him most of the time. After nine years of working with Austin Young and his stroking very ego . secretary Denise decides to quite her job. can Austin accept the fact that Denise no longer wants to work for him or will he get the wrong ideas ? please read my first novel . it's my first time writing I hope you like the story. I will try to update daily

Pednekar · Urban
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At the Mansion .

Mr Young and Mrs Young are at home. Mrs Young is doing a facial pack from France, it is very expensive. If she does it consistently then it will turn her skin back to her 20's . Mr Young laugh and says it's nonsense. Mrs Young takes the mask off and wounders why it is nonsense.

MrYoung laughs and says that would be 40 years from your age ! that would be too greedy. She says if she was greedy then she would not married someone like him. A lot of men wanted to marry me !!!!.


Austin and Nathan still talk about the proposal but Austin says he does not want to talk about proposal to him anymore. He forbids Nathan to even say the word "proposal" to him , so , Nathan has fun calling him pro....fessional who like pro...baseball until Austin threatens to fire him.

At night Austin and Denise goes out of dinner date as they eat their dinner smiling and having small talks as they finish their dinner they meet her blind date guy who ask her how she is and would they meet for another date so could catch up . Denise was about to say something when Austin grabs her wrist and kiss her forehead in front of that blind date guy and says I am her boyfriend so just leave as drags Denise towards his car.

In the car Denise ask why did you say him you are my boyfriend. I was going to say him that. Austin says just leave it and don't be angry ok as he grabs her hand . They reach her building and walks out of his car. Denise says his by but Austin follow her to her apartment As they walk Denise ask him were you jealous before No i was not jealous I was telling him that you are my women As he steps forward and kiss her hands . Denise blush .

Denise push Austin and grabs her door nob and tells Austin to drive home safely and call me when you get there all right ? Austin stands there and doesn't move Denise ask is there something else? I tell you this now. I am feeling quite unease and insecure .

Denise ask don't understand what are you speaking. Austin says you know that I don't want to rush or something. He grabs her and hugs but today I don't plan on backing down no matter what. Denise uh...

Austin open the door and slams it's. Denise says wait. This is too sudden I haven't cleaned my apartment. Austin seriously is cleaning more important right now? Denise shouts No but just kyaaa Austin says Shhh, your neighbours will hear you.

3 chapter

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