
chapter eight

In the wake of the crushing defeat, Marcus Xavier's resolve hardened. His pride, wounded and battered, refused to accept defeat at the hands of a rising company. He couldn't bear the thought of being overshadowed by a competitor he deemed less worthy , He has been handling different multi billion dollar companies and this is the first time he had ever lost to a competitor.

Alexander Mark walked into Marcus's office and hurriedly said " Boss I have found out that the company which bought KxT is 'Li-Rose ' a perfume company which recently rose to fame within just two years and it turns out that the founded recently move back to the country about six months ago , but it seems like the vice President of the company is quite active over the years while managing Li-Rose " Alexander Mark handed Marcus Xavier the tablet containing the information of Li-Rose

As Marcus Xavier viewed every detail on information on Li-Rose Marcus got curious about the Brains behind Li-Rose " Alex contact Li-Rose and info them that I want to meet with their CEO and discuss about KxT because I still want that company , info them that I will like to have a collaboration with them "

" Boss But Li-Rose .." Alexander Mark tried to object to Marcus Xavier's rush decision but Marcus cuts him off

" Just contact them and also inform the team that were in charge of the proposal of KxT and call them all for a meeting now "

Marcus Xavier was in range of anger

Seeing Marcus's reaction , Alexander Mark quietly nods and leaves the office

After He called for an emergency meeting with his team, his voice laced with Anger and frustration. As they gathered in the conference room, Marcus's gaze swept over the faces of his loyal employees ,each one reflecting a mix of fear and concerns that they might lose their jobs because of what happened today

"We can't let this issue define us," Murcus declared, his voice steady. "X-Zade company is not just all about construction and still you all lost to a rising perfume company, guess I will give you all one last chance "

His team listened, their spirits buoyed by Marcus's unwavering resolve. They knew him as a CEO who never backed down from a challenge, and they were ready to rally behind him once more as they listen to what he was about to say .

" I want 'Li-Rose' and I want it with a month or you all are fired "


Meanwhile, Liana sat in her office, contemplating the triumph she had achieved. The victory was sweet, a testament to her unwavering dedication and strategic acumen. But she knew that the battle was far from over.

Her phone chimed, and she picked it up to see a message from Natasha Sharp

"Miss Eros , The CEO of X-Zade constructions , Marcus Xavier wants to meet with you personally. Should I schedule a meeting?"

Liana was Shocked as she read the message ' Why will he want to meet me personally ' her raced as her body went cold for a second

" Lady Boss I brought some files you might want to check on them .." Daniel Jackson who just walked into Liana's office was surprise to see Liana's pale face as she gazed at her phone

he hurriedly dropped the files on the desk went next to her " Lia, what's wrong " but as he saw Natasha's massage he was caught off guard

" Daniel " She looked at him seeking for an answer as she hesitated, the request catching her off guard. She knew that facing Marcus Xavier would be a confrontation with the ghosts of her past, a moment of reckoning for both of them.

" I Know the answer is no so just say it " Daniel assured her

After careful consideration, Liana replied, "No, Miss Sharp , Tell him I'm not interested in a meeting."

Natasha acknowledged the message, her loyalty unwavering. She knew better than to press further, respecting Liana' s decision.

" I think you should take a day off , Lia you have work so hard today you need some rest " Daniel suggested

But Liana looked at him a smile and said " oh please I'm fine and besides I have to check the files you just brought in , so I think you should let me be OK "

After looking at Liana for a while Daniel decided to let her be for now " alright Lady Boss suit yourself , I will head back to work " saying this Daniel Jackson left the office


Back at Marcus Xavier's office, he paced the floor, the weight of his determination pressing down on him. He couldn't accept defeat, not without a fight. He needed answers, he needed to understand how Li-Rose had outmaneuvered him.

When Natasha infromed X-Zade about Liana's refusal, Marcus's jaw tightened. He had expected as much, but it still stung .