

A colored man during the 90's living in south chicago . aspiring to be victorious and successful like the elites of his time were. but his Race was a hindrance to his aspiring dreams. The bigotry was strong enough to kill his believes, including that his faith was labeled fatal to the society. forced to live and accept the discriminative society the nobles have made as a norm and tradition . but his ambitiousness was greater than the tradition of his people. knowing well that his decision is going to be a big plight he will bear alone. A pain that could be more than him to bear but he chooses to, just to change the segregative society he calls a home for the betterment of his kind that will come after him.

Zuleihat · Realistic
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Three weeks later. Hassan's improvement in his education was more than incredible, just within this short time he has learned so well that his trial teacher was amaze by his quick adaption. He was not the only one in the trial class but he was the only new student, others were students who preformed very bad in their grades and needed to go through trial to determine if they would continue their studying or drop from school. But amongst all of them Hassan was the only one  doing extremely great even his mistress was surprised of his brilliant performance for someone who has never been to school.







  The principal's office.

(Knock knock )

" you can come in " he screamed from inside

" Good afternoon sir "

" Good afternoon miss Rebecca, what can I do for you ? "

" sir, the new student Hassan, has been performing extremely great . he doesn't need to complete two months in the trial class I believe he is ready for whatever test he is  given." The principal lowered his glasses and stared at her for a while.

" why did you say so ? " he asked

" his grades are good and he has improved so well I don't know how he did it but I will say his passion to learn is what boosted his brilliant performance."

" bring him to my office let me handle the trial test for him, just to be sure of this appraisal you give " Rebecca nodded and left the office she came back with Hassan after 30 minutes. He wasn't told the reason he was at the principal's office but wasn't scared neither.

" Good afternoon sir " Hassan greeted courteously

" Good afternoon Hassan how are you doing ? "

" I'm very well sir thank you "

" that's good you have really improved in your English ". Hassan didn't give a response this time he only smiled.

" sit down my dear " he did confidently.

" mrs Rebecca informed me of your skilled performance, so I want to put you in trial myself" he nodded again in acceptance.

" okay then " the principal searched through his desk drawer and brought out an examination slip

" this is the last exams from class three students, let's see how good you can try it " Hassan nodded at him and collected the papers. He glanced through it and saw it to be facile. He rounded the answers within minutes and handed the papers over to him.

" you did so well " the principal stuttered in surprise as he commended his effort.

" this is very good Hassan, mrs Rebecca didn't lie about your improvement, we are going to admit you in class four I believe your mother will be so proud of you. How did you learn this fast?"

" passion. I've always have passion for school, when I was been given a chance to come my main aim was to be my best ".The principal at his response.

" you are intelligent Hassan, be good and nice okay ?"

" yes sir "

" please mrs Rebecca take him to his class, let him meet his new mates ". She nodded and did as she was told. When they got to the class the whole students shifted their gaze from what they were doing to him.

" hello students "

" hello mrs Rebecca!" They replied chorused

" you have a new student amidst you, introduce yourself to them " she said to Hassan who wished he could be swallowed by the floor. They were so many white kids and he was the only black there. He remembered his mothers words to always fight his fears and be brave, he breathed out softly and composed himself.

" my name is Hassan Imran, it is nice to be a part of you all " nobody responded, he dropped his face down ashamed.

" please be nice to him he is one of you now " mrs Rebecca instructed the students.


He try not to let the rude behaviors from his mate make him a racist. Although he knows none of his class mates likes him and how their abuse breaks him every time but he won't stereotype and conclude that whites hates blacks not after how kind christopher has been to them. He believes they are a lot of whites like Christopher it's just hard to find.

" hey black monkey!" He buried his face not interested to look.

" we are talking to you " they hit him on his head trying to get an aggression from him.

" do you see any of your kind here ?"

" he choose to be learned person " they belly laugh at him

" why won't you all leave him alone! " micheal yelled from behind

" And what will you do if we do not ?"

" let him be, must you show your bully acts to everyone?"

" how dare you talk back at us Michael ?" Happer went closer to him and held his shirt to his throat tight.

Hassan was quiet all this time he didn't want to intervene or get into a fight that will make him being called a terrorist. But he hear Michael struggling to breath because of how tight Happer held his shirt

" let go of him "

" And if I don't what will you do black boy ?" He winced as he said that, he took Happer's hands off and pushed him back.

" oh you want to fight, that's what you muslims enjoy doing.  You are all terrorists " miss Grace the class teacher, came back and saw the students scattered around,  Happer and his friends encircle Hassan and Michael . she walked into their midst and asked from Happer

" what's going on here ?"

" this terrorist tried to beat me " she turned to Hassan who was only staring at Happer

" why would you want to do that ?"

" I didn't do anything " he replied with a shaky voice

"  you have only spent few months here and you want to start constituting nuisance !! "

" I really didn't do anything, he was the one abusing him ".

" shut up! My students don't lie, you are the liar Hassan " . Hassan stared as he was accused wrongly with his eyes full

" I didn't do anything " he repeated and drop down a tear

" you will get punished for attempting  to fight in class "

" he is telling the truth miss Grace, Happer insulted him and choked me "  she looked at Happer who buried his face on the floor.

" you are just taking his side Michael you are not telling me the truth neither"

" why would we lie to you can't you see how my shirt is squeezed or you just don't want to be believe because you are a racist yourself ". Michael yelled

" don't you ever dare talk to me that way again " she warned with a fierce voice.

" go back to your seats all of you ?"

Hassan was severely pained, he was been abused and still called a liar. His pain form tears in his eyes that he let roll down his cheeks . all he wanted at that time was to hear the bell ring for closure and go home. Whenever his heart is dying of pain his mother is the only that could  bring it back alive .

" stop crying Hassan " he turned his face and saw Michael standing beside him, he dried his face quickly and faked a smile.

" why are you nice to me ?" Hassan asked

" I only choose to be good to people. I don't have a friend here can I be your friend ?" Hassan looked at him again and didn't know what to say.

" you don't want to be my friend ?" Micheal asked

" I do not have any friends too I will be happy if you are my friend "

He smiled micheal who smiled back too.