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After his master died in the hands of the Azure lightning sect, Frank escaped to another another Continent to start his rise in power to avenge his masters death with the sect and all participants. using the fallen black lightning manual they killed him for ,Frank sets to rise in the martial arts world but distrustful towards man he grooms Demon beasts as his aides and companion in the journey taking the cultivation world a storm with his wits and battle power. . . stay as he journeys the martial world to find it's mysteries while fighting adversity with little plot armour. . I'm new to writing so do forgive me if I suck too much. Also English isn't my base language so I will fuck up a lot of spellings and stuff ,I apologize in advance book should get better as I progress ,so there is little development in the first chapters of it . Feel free to criticize, curse and advise me . I welcome all thank you should you read my book .I'm so bored over here just so you know I'm improvising the whole thing ryt now so ignore the plot holes *if u looking for some smut chapters I'm working towards it won't be much though*

broken_pen_ · Eastern
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chapter 14, Fighting bandits

Frank jumped into the trees and ran away, with the bandits hot on his tail he used superior techniques and Qi quality to put on some distance. Running out of sight Frank hid himself on a leafy branch and waited for an assassination. Seconds later the 5 bandits arrived near the tree Frank was hiding on.

Frank waited for the perfect moment and jumped out of hiding. he attacked the injured bandit ,with one claw ripping out his throat.

Frank took the space ring and attacked again. He threw a punch the bandit blocked with a battle art but slid back from impact. The other three attacked ,Frank dodged two attacks and parried the last.

Parrying the sword strike and directing it up with his left hand ,Frank took the chance and punched through the man's chest. Then he used electric dance to escape from behind moving aside ,the sword Pierced through the corpse.

Frank moved past his attacker and left a claw swipe on his waist.

he attacked the two left adding Grey lightning to his legs he moved to his opponents back but the other blocked for him. Frank kicked the second man with his electric dance knocking him back.

He fought the 3 for a few more minutes of dodging and blocking and feeling familiar with fighting again. Frank stopped holding back and used Gray lightning instead of normal. With the sudden powerboost he punched against a bandit who used his sword art but got sent flying from the extra power.

Frank followed after and caught up with the flying bandit, he punched his chest going through and pinned him on the ground for good.

he ran back to the the other two getting welcomed with two attacks.

he slid under the attacks and hit the two's legs knocking them down .

He stopped sliding and with a twist he did a butterfly kick landing it on

a bandits shoulder planting him down. Frank rolled away immediately after avoiding the last bandits attack. He got up and made a ball of lightning on hand and threw it at the bandit who was just rising to his feet it was too fast to dodge and Booom ..

The lightning tore up his arms and part of chest. Well this will be good on low level enemies I'll need to work on it later, Frank thought out loud. Before running to the last bandit standing while making another lightning ball. He changed direction in the last minute and threw it at the bandit .

Then jumped in to kill the severely injured one with a his clawed tearing his neck apart. He quickly turned turned to the last man he came out a little fried but most well. Finding himself alone the bandit threw most his remaining Qi into running away. Frank gave chase throwing lightning balls at the bandit.

The bandit knowing the forest better was able to out maneuver Frank.

Not closing the distance Frank grew frustrated and used black lightning to move around the caught up in seconds and with a blow to the back of the head he killed the last one taking his space ring and sword.

He moved back to the corpses to collect his spoils before the smell of blood attracted the beasts. Reaching his carriage Frank got inside and looked at his injuries. the several bones flesh wounds with shaken organs. His legs where numb from using black lightning on them being the most injured.

He ate a peak high grade healing pill and started healing his organs and legs then the rest of his body. Seems my body is too weak to use black lightning for now. Frank recovered his Qi before getting back to driving the carriage again after changing his clothes and wearing the hat again.

He drove the carriage again still heading toward buffel city. With the good bait Frank ran into more bandits and sometimes fought demon beasts that ended up attacking him at night .After two days of travel evening Frank was close to exiting the forest he was stopped by 10 , bandits blocking the road .

Who ever is inside that carriage come out and surrender your spatial ring. Hey are you guys part of the iron hide bandits, I'm really looking to meet your leader ,I said to them. Yeah we're iron hide bandits but you are not worth our bosses time now get who ever is in the carriage out of die .

Finally I can get this stupid mission done with ,I said. They had a nice line up one middle stage, 3 early stage and 6 initial stage Qi absorbing cultivators .I took off the coachman clothes and ran to attack the strongest one. Using electric dance I covered the distance in a second but they had their swords drawn by then.

I threw a punch at a early stage bandit he attacked with a sword art and blocked my attack but was sent sliding back. I jumped away from and started consensing a lightning ball on my hand. The bandits moved surrounding me and began their attack.

I dodged a sword attack and threw the lightning ball at one of the initial stage bandits .He raised his sword to block but the ball exploded near his face blasting him away and killing him. I used white claws on both my hands and attacked another initial stage ripping his neck apart.

Turning around I saw a flaming axe coming from my left .I ducked down but the leader was there with a sword art .I raised by gauntlets to block and the impact sent me rolling in the dirt. I quickly rose up and made two lightning balls in my hands .

I threw one on the ground exploding it with dust rising. Used the dust cover and attacked a one early stage punching through his chest and threw the ball to kill another initial stage. The dust settled and the bandits attacked with furry.i dodged several attacks dancing around them but the leaders sword cut my shoulder .

I grit my teeth and threw a lightning ball at the leader. he dodged it and it hit a tree blowing it a hole through its trunk. I used lightning claws again attacking the leader with a fury of blows. He blocked with his sword and when he counter attacked i blocked the attack let the impact send me flying.

I made a lightning ball in mid air and hit the ground again. When the dust rose they all escaping the dust. I moved in it and attacked the slower initial stage man with a stab through the back. Then condensed two more with gray lightning this time .

Dust settled and the bandits ran towards me with battle arts charged.

I threw a the lightning balls at a early stage bandit. He blocked the first one and it exploded with the lightning going through his body.

He got numb and couldn't dodge the second one that hit his chest and blasted through killing him instantly.