
Chapter 28

“I was a much smaller target and I was armed,” Dakota protested. “Will you have weapons?”

Grayson shrugged. “I’m sure we’ll be able to handle anything we run into out there. If we stay here, we’ll die anyway.”

“What are you talking about?” Dakota snapped.

“A lot of people died here last night,” Grayson said smugly. “Not as many as in Wichita though, but no one in Dallas died. Who knows how long this cold spell will last?”

“No one knows, Gray.” Dakota didn’t try to keep the irritation out of his tone. “Without access to satellites, we don’t know what the weather is going to do. Just because it hasn’t hit Dallas, doesn’t mean it won’t. Are you willing to risk your life on so much unknown?”

“I just know I’m risking my life more if I stay here.” He turned and walked away.

Dakota watched his retreating back for a few seconds, before going in search of his friends. He found Chip and Warren waiting for him when he returned to their fire.