
Chapter 21

Warren, Dakota, and Chip waited until the people had dispersed before approaching the leader. As they approached, Dakota noticed the years dropping away from him. He first thought him to be in his seventies, but now he saw the muscular body of a man in his thirties. His ruggedly handsome face looked weather-beaten and permanently tanned from years of being outdoors. Up close he appeared to be forty-something.

“Warren,” he said with a worried expression as the trio approached. “I didn’t expect to see you back here again so soon. Is something wrong in Norman?”

“No, Colonel Welch.” Warren introduced Dakota and Chip. They shook hands. The colonel’s eyebrows flew up when Warren mentioned Dallas.

“Thank God there are people in Texas,” he said, clasping Dakota’s hand a second time.

Something else flashed behind his dark eyes, Dakota noted. What was it? Disbelief? Concern? Fear?

Repeating his story again, Dakota told him the reasons for making such a perilous journey.