
Chapter 18

Dakota was aware that Chip was close by his side and hadn’t been more than an arm’s length away since they met Warren, Vincent, and Lucy. He himself couldn’t ignore the sidelong glances from Warren or the way his eyes roamed over his chest while talking.

Dakota grinned. Was Chip jealous? He pushed the thoughts of any rivalry—perceived or otherwise—out of his mind.

The wind continued to grow stronger, picking up dust, which stung their skin. The inhabitants of the outpost scrambled to secure their shelters and jumped down into the basement.

“Damn!” Warren raised his voice. “We haven’t had anything like this for months. What’s going on?”

“Mother Nature is reacting to the Harvesting! She’s trying to get back to normal,” Dakota replied. “Dallas was told to expect this.”

“If this keeps up, we may have to rebuild!”