

Aiden watched Haru go, his eyes on the boy's slender back. He didn't miss the fact that Haru had finally built some muscles either, since he had last seen the boy naked, which was six months ago.

Had it really been six months ago that he had seen Haru nude? Ah, yes, that's right. It had been when he had happened to walk in on the boy after a bath. And there was Haru, completely naked.

Now that he thought about it, Haru did indeed look like a shrine maiden, especially with his dark hair wet and clinging on to his face and his pale skin glistening pink from the hot bath. Of course, the alluring image had triggered some alarming sexual desire on Aiden's part, which had caused him countless nights of sleeplessness and numerous wet dreams.

Yes, Haru's body looked more toned now, firmer, like he had finally grown into a fine young man. He wasn't so boyish like he had used to be. Well, he was eighteen now, and would be turning nineteen in another three months, so of course his body would mature into an adult, which both pleased and scared Aiden shitless.

It pleased Aiden because Haru was so delicious to look at, but at the same time it scared him shitless due to the unwelcome desire that seemed to be mounting daily. So much so that he knew it'd drive him insane one day if he lost control.

Suddenly, the sight of Haru naked came into his mind once again, and Aiden felt his body heating up in the most unwelcome way.

Shit! He was fucking turned on by Haru with nothing on but a piece of towel wrapped around his waist. Then there was the wet black hair clinging to his face and the droplets of water beading on his pale skin. To say the boy was beautiful was an understatement.

Aiden sighed, knowing he was in deep shit.

Noah said from across the room, "What's wrong? You sound like you're missing out on something fun."

Aiden flicked his eyes to his brother. "Shut it, Noah."

Reo chuckled. "That was a sight to see, wasn't it? That's the shrine maiden charm for you."

Aiden glared at Reo. "You two are enjoying this, aren't you?"

Noah relaxed back against his chair and grinned. "It was entertaining seeing you lose your cool."

Reo nodded. "Choking on your own drink just because your beloved was walking around half-naked."

Aiden raked his fingers through his messy hair as he said, "I think it's because he has other things on this mind, that's why he's absentminded."

"Whatever it is that's on his mind, it bothered him that much for him to walk around the apartment naked? Honestly, if he continues to be that absentminded outside this apartment, he'll get attacked by creepy old men for sure," Reo said. "He's so clueless."

Noah asked, "Do you know what's bothering him?"

Aiden wasn't going to spill the beans. After all, he knew Haru didn't want the other brothers to know about his unrequited love. He said, "Personal stuff."

Reo said, "Boys at that age, it must be love."

Aiden raised his eyes at the stepbrother. "How do you know that?"

Reo shrugged his broad shoulders. "Weren't we sickly in love with some hot chicks around his age, too?"

Noah nodded. "Yep. Every one of us. Even you, Aiden."

Aiden had to disagree with that one. He didn't remember ever being sickly in love with any hot chicks when he had been eighteen or nineteen. Nope. Zero. Nada. Although he had always gone out and dated one girl or another. He accepted that he had always had strings of girlfriends attached to him since high school, even after the deaths of their parents. Well, even more so after their deaths because it had helped him forget about his painful life.

The sex. That's right, the sex especially had helped him forget about his difficult, excruciatingly lonely circumstances because of the loss of their parents. After all, he had loved them dearly since they were a pair of strong pillars in his life. Of course, the girls were just there to relieve his loneliness. As for love? Had he ever loved any of them? No. He didn't think so.

Aiden said, "I'm going to shower and then sleep."

Noah raised a brow. "Oi. Oi. You haven't answered my question yet."

Aiden chuckled. "I'm not at liberty to answer, Noah. If you want to know, ask Haru yourself."

Reo nodded his head. "Ah, that means you do know what's bothering that rascal, but you refuse to tell us."

Noah chuckled in amusement. "I see. You're keeping Haru to yourself, again. How cunning, Aiden."

Reo grinned. "I'm guessing he's confided in you about his love, am I right? Come on, tell us."

Aiden ignored his brother and stepbrother as he turned on his heel. "I said I'm not at liberty to tell you two anything. If you want to know, ask Haru yourself. And by the way, don't stay up too late."

"Got it," Noah said.

"Good night, Aiden," Reo said.

"Night," Aiden replied as he left the room.