
Chapter twenty one


Me and dean are swept through the hall down too the living room where the party is now in full swing and going off in the only way a Terri party does I swear this girl could throw a party in a cemetery and the whole of the town would come. She drags us to the bar and places a drink in our hands then cuddles me again. "I've missed you so much Ava" she shouts over the music.

"I've missed you too" I squeeze her back. She quickly pulls up and looks at dean and I send him an apologetic look as he looks a little confused.

"Soooo dean is it?" She says looking him up and down.

"That would be me" he laughs taking a drink.

" he's hot" she wiggles her eyebrows at me "you're hot" she laughs back at him. He look embarrassed but thanks her taking a huge gulp of his drink.

"AND YOU'RE TAKEN" kess's voice booms out of nowhere and Terri starts to laugh.

"Oh calm down you brut I can appreciate another mans beauty and still know I'm fucking the hottest biker around" Terri teases and did I just see erm yes I just seen kess blush it makes me laugh hard. I swear Terri is something else. I look to the left of kess at the eyes burning into me and there he stands. The man I can't leave in my past. The man I've tried so hard not to even acknowledge since I got here the man I wanted to try to avoid at all costs. We lock eyes and I offer a smile he goes to say something when little miss blondie comes and grabs his hand. "Sniper you left me, where did you go" she squeals like a spoilt child. I roll my eyes and turn back to dean and kess now in full conversation and I step in closer to dean. Was it for childish jealous reasons yes but seeing Malibu barbie hanging from Jordan's arm pissed me off. I know I have no right too be I left but fuck! ...her ?what was he thinking. I join the conversation at dean telling kess how he had realised we would be friends the second I spilt coffee on him and I know kess is trying to get information about who he is and how we are "involved" I don't give Jordan a second look as I try to defend myself for the whole coffee situation. We talk for a good hour and Terri catches me up on everything I've missed out on and I do the same. I thought this would have been awkward but being back around her feels like home.

"It's nice to know, she's not some kind of loner I started feeling sorry for her" dean laughs nudging me. I Spill my drink a little as I push him back "oi I told you I had friends" I scoff.

Terri and kess excuse them selfs as someone tells them there is someone at the door and it's cute to see them so coupled up. I look around and notice for the 1st time Jordan is no longer stood near us. Infact I can't see him anywhere. I lead dean to the sofa. "Your friend is a little scary" he says.

I laugh "join the list of people that think so, she harmless really".

"So this is what you where running from" he asks looking around the room.

"Part of it I guess yeah" I shrug.

"What's happening with the biker guy" he teases

"Who kess that's Terris man" I brush over it knowing he means Jordan.

" noooo the one who wanted to rip my head off the second he seen I was with you" he laughs.

"He's just an old friend, he's just protective I guess after everything"

He nods not making me say anymore on the subject.

"You want another drink, or do you want to go" I ask.

"I haven't been to a party in years Ava and these are some seriously hot friends Terri has got" he jokes.

"Another drink it is then" I laugh "and then when I get back I'll introduce you to a few"

He wiggles his eyebrows and smacks my arse as I get up "such a good friend" he shouts.

I walk to the bar and see a guy sat there who has been staring at me most the night he is wearing a cut but not exactly like the others.

I grab two beers.

"Hey I'm Sam" he says

"Hey Sam, why you sat all alone" I ask

"I erm, I'm not I'm just sat" as he looks around "alone" he laughs and I laugh.

"Well you are more than welcome to join us" I smile.

I see his eyes move to behind me and he gets up and walks away.

"What the....." I don't even get my sentence out.

"So you planning on talking to everyone but me tonight" his voice sends shivers down my spine. Only the ones I get when I'm with him and I instantly know who it is. "Jordan i ...." I turn to face him.

"Save it" I see the hurt on his face as he says it but it quickly changes to anger and it pisses me off.

"You where fucking busy with. Oh I'm sorry I didn't get her name" I glare at him.

"Me either" he laughs.

"Typical" I shake my head handing him a beer.

"How have you been" I ask

"Small talk?! Really Ava?!" He snaps

I shrug "well then what? What do you want from me?"

He just stands glaring.

"I'm not about to get into this with you not here" I push past him and he grabs my arm pulling me back.

"Like fuck you are going back to him" he shouts.

"Back to who? Jordan back to my friend who is, oh shit" I look at dean then at Jordan and I can't help but laugh "she works fast"

He spins round and is met with deans tongue down barbies throat.

"Well shit he's got a thing for what's mine don't he" he jokes.

"You can let go of my arm now" I pull it from his grip. "And I'm not yours" I scoff and walk towards dean. I clear my throat getting both of their attention handing dean his drink with a smirk on my face. He widens his eyes looking behind me and I feel his front on my back before I have chance to turn. He bends a little " I want to talk, please". I look at dean and he mouths "go, I'm good" I shake my head mouthing "traitor" he laughs and go right back to where he left off. I turn too jordan and then go to walk towards the back door, knowing he is a step behind me. I sit on the porch swing and he sits down. "Sooo" I ask.

"So what ? I haven't seen you for months you show up with some man, what did you want me to say"He asks.

"It's not your place to say a thing, plus he's a friend, he helped me out, and without a second thought came all the way here to check Terri was ok plus didn't leave after I told him everything, after he knew what he was about to walk into, so don't say a word about him" I snap

He holds up his hands "ok I'm sorry, but when I seen him with you Ava I didn't like it"

"I didn't expect you to be here, fuck I didn't expect Terri to be here I just panicked" I admit

"So what was your plan come back see Kyle had done something then what Ava go after him your fucking self are you stupid" his voice so full of frustration.

" I said I wasn't thinking" I scream back.

Jordan's phone rings he pulls it out of his pocket and answers it. "Pres"

"Ok see you soon" and he ends it looking at me.

"They couldn't find Kyle they are on there way back now"

I nod "I should be going anyway it's a long drive back"

"Not a chance Ava not till we find him I'm not letting you out of my sight"

I know better than to argue and I also know there will be no dragging dean away from his conquest.

"Ok" i agree

He looks at me and fakes a heart attack "no fight" he jokes. I slap his arm.

"Don't make me change my mind" I smile.

"Ohh sweetheart you don't have a choice" he wraps his arm around me and it feels so familiar and safe I just stay there.

"I've missed you" he whispers

"I've missed you too" I say as I wrap my arms around him.

The door flys open making us both jump.

"Brother... oh shit my bad" kess laughs.

"What is it kess" Jordan leaves go of me and turns to him.

"Pres just rang he wants us back at the clubhouse tonight ready for church in the morning, he said to make sure we bring EVERYONE" the emphasis on the last word isn't lost on me.

"No" I say.

"I left so you where no longer involved, I didn't want to make trouble for you or your club. I'm not going, I'll stay here then I am leaving in the morning. Plus dean, he can't be in your club house he a dr for Christ sake. We are leaving after this party end of story" I stand showing I mean what I say and kess just laughs I look at Jordan who is also laughing.

"Finished?" He raises his eyebrows.

I cross my arms "I mean it"

"Tell Terri to wrap the party up and we will all head back to the clubhouse in an hour" Jordan says and kess nods looking at me "nice speech though love" he laughs as he walks back in.

I slump in the seat "I hate you both" I scowl.

"Aww you are so cute when you are mad" he jokes and I sulk drinking my beer secretly realising how much I've missed them all.