
Harry Styles Imagines I One shots l

Adore_u_direction · Fantasy
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6 Chs

2. Your not the only person

So, it was another day of you being at home. It was around 10 a.m but you were still in bed thinking of what to do for the rest of the day, You were getting really bored, "What to do?" you thought to yourself. Well in situations like these there's only one thing you know you can do the best and that is.."Texting your best friend harryyy!" You smiled widely at the thought.

Speaking of Harry, he's your best friend and to be honest you did have feelings for him since the time you first meet him at a party, Clichè right?

Anyways you got your phone out and texted him.

Y/N: Hi loser

Harry: Hey

You doubted a bit cause normally he would text back things like "Hey dummy" or even "Hey love"

Y/N: What happened is everything alright?

Harry saw your text but didn't replied to it and he was online too, so you got curious and thought of texting him again.

Y/N: Hey remember me? I said what happened?? Is everything alright?

Harry saw your text again but didn't replied back and again he was ONLINE. I mean you started to get annoyed now what's wrong with him? I mean this isn't the first time, since past some days he's acting like this. So you thought to bring it up now.

Y/N: Why aren't you replying to my texts?

Harry: Cauz I don't have time for you! "SIMPLE"..And speaking of your fucking question..I don't have to tell you everything that's going on in my life. Your not the only person

Not the only person? Really? you didn't feel like replying to him anymore. You became completely numb, you didn't even realised you were crying until a tear rolled down your cheeks.

*Later that day*

It was around 8 p.m and you couldn't stop crying. It hurted so bad hearing those words from him. You didn't even felt like leaving your room after that.

So you were still in your PJ's sitting in your bed. Your hair was a mess, your room was a mess but you didn't felt like cleaning anything to be honest.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by a knock at the door.

"Who must be there at this time?" You thought to yourself getting out of your bed going straight towards the door not caring about your look cause you know there's nothing you can actually do about it so...

You opened the door revealing your "best friend" harry. His eyes were red and fluffy 'Was he crying?' you thought to yourself but before you could say anything he collided.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry for saying those things and acting like a dick, I'm so sorry it's just that" he took a deep breath in & said "I started to have feelings for you, I love you Y/N to the moon and back, but at the same time I know that you don't feel the same so I thought that maybe if I be a bit distant from you, maybe that will help" he sniffed, "but it's just falling opposite Y/N I'm so sorry I know I messed it all and I understand if you don't want to" he was about to say something but you just stopped him by clashing your lips onto his. Tears forming of your own, all the thoughts and doubts you had were cleared by just those three words.

You both pull away almost breathless "I love you too Harry I really do, I too have feelings for you since the day I saw you at that party" you said, & then almost chuckling  you continued "and I couldn't afford seeing someone else as your Only person" you said air quoting "Only person", he smiled saying "Your my only person, Headache" chuckling at the end "Thanks loser", you said smiling.

"Now will you let me in or..." he was about to say something but I dragged him in before he could.

"What were you doing btw?" He said entering my bedroom which was a complete mess. "Uh waiting for the cleaner to come and clean my room" I said. "And when will he probably be here?" He asked curiously, "Well he's right in front of me";)


Hey guys!

So this is my second Imagine

I tried my best but really curious to know ur comments on it. Your povs really matter to me:-)

& One important thing: Please

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