
Harry Potter : Wizard SI

"This is the story of a socially awkward medic's life after his reincarnation in the Harry Potter universe. " --------- This fanfic explores all aspects of J.K. Rowling's books, including magic, society, history, and even politics. ---------- As for romance, I didn't plan for it; I will wait for the characters to age and build upon it. The main character is only attracted to the female gender. ------ P.S: The first 6 chapters completely explain the mechanics of Magic. I kept it simple and precise. Please review, comment, and give power stones to the fic."

KK9494 · Book&Literature
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31 Chs

Chapter 6 : Partner to my magic

=========Diagon Alley============


As we stepped into Diagon Alley, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder wash over me. The bustling streets were filled with strangely dressed individuals, their hats pointing in every direction imaginable.

Shop signs advertised a variety of goods, from potions to spell books, and everything in between. It was like stepping into a whole new world, hidden right in the heart of London.

"You got to kidding me. Is all this in London?", My dad voiced his disbelief at the existence of such a hidden district within the city, and I couldn't blame him.

The concept of a magical alley hidden from the sight of ordinary people was indeed hard to grasp. But there we were, among the chaos of Diagon Alley.

As we made our way through the crowded streets, I couldn't help but be drawn to the sights and sounds around me. My eyes widened in amazement as I spotted a towering chocolate fountain, far grander than anything I had ever seen in the muggle world. And then there was the rainbow rising from a toilet, a sight that left me utterly baffled.


And it is giving some awful farts. 



"Keep going. Any more time near here will have me abandoning you to buy your supplies, Professor McGonagall urged us to keep moving, reminding us that we had supplies to buy. I tore my gaze away from the board of Honeydukes changing to Zonkos and followed her lead.





Everywhere I looked, there was magic in the air. Spells were being cast, enchanted objects were on display, and I felt like a kid in a candy store, quite literally in some cases.



As we stepped into Madam Malkin's shop, I couldn't help but be impressed by the array of robes on display.

It was clear that this was no ordinary clothing store; Madam Malkin's was the premier destination for wizards and witches in the wizarding society.

Quite literally, it was written in bold living words in the air. As luck would have it, my family's wealth meant that I wouldn't have to settle for anything less than the best.

As the witch and her assistants showed us the various options, my parents wasted no time in voicing their opinions. My mother carefully examined each robe, while my father, to the surprise of Professor McGonagall, enthusiastically joined in, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"This one is rough. Rejected," my father declared, dismissing a robe with a wave of his hand.

My mother nodded in agreement before pointing to another robe. "This one looks nice," she said, her eyes lighting up as she admired the glossy look.

But my father wasn't convinced. He pulled out an image of a similar attire, his keen eye for detail picking up on the subtle differences. "It is average at best. Look at this," he insisted, showing us the image. And upon closer inspection, I could see that he was right; the robe in the image did indeed look sleeker and more refined.

My mother nodded in understanding. "Hmm, you're right. Please make ones with this design, and include multiple sweaters and formal shirts and pants with this material- Acromantula silk," she instructed Madam Malkin.

The witch's eyes widened in excitement at the mention of Acromantula silk, a material known for its rarity and luxury, even in the canon. My mother, unaware of the costliness of her request, also ordered an additional set of casual and night dresses, much to Madam Malkin's delight.

As the bill was tallied up at the end of our visit, my father couldn't help but comment on the expense. "If I hadn't worked all my life, I wouldn't be able to afford such extravagance. Remember, Arjun, only through hard work can you provide the same for your children in the future."

He has a knack for giving this advice, reminding me of the sacrifices he had made to provide for our family at the right moments.

From working as a newspaper boy at a young age to supporting his grandparents and brother, he had always put family first.

And now, as we left Madam Malkin's shop, I couldn't help but feel Daddy's words were starting to make sense to me, especially since my rebirth.

Maybe, such words of wisdom can only understood after a certain level of mental maturity is attained.

====== Ollivanders: ======

Ollivanders was the sole wand shop in Diagon Alley, peeling golden letters over the door read "Ollivanders: makers of fine wands since 383 B.C.".

"It is managed by Garrick Ollivanders, the current owner of this illustrious shop and Britain's best wand maker, his creations being reputed for their exceptional quality all over the world."

It was a small, empty construct of the medieval style. Thousands of narrow boxes containing wands were piled right up to the ceiling of the tiny shop, and the whole place had a thin layer of dust about it. 



As the doors opened, Ollivander leapt before me, if I am honest, he managed to surprise me while my mother and Minerva directly scolded him for his antics by muttering, "Idiot."

"Welcome to Ollivanders! Makers of fine wands since times immemorial" 

"Hello, mister Ollivanders.", I greeted him cordially; my excitement had seeped a little into my voice at finally getting my wand. It is the iconic moment in the Harry Potter world.

Mr. Ollivander was dressed in formal wizarding clothes which reminded me of items from the Victorian era. His silvery eyes, wide open contrasted with the gloom of the shop, shining with almost fanatical interest. Though his pale, weary face and white hair betrayed his age, he compensated for it with the sort of professional fervour I could not help but admire.

Let me tell you, It was irritating when the wand maker started measuring everything from full height, the size of my hands, head and even the length of my nose. Mumbling incoherently the whole time, before eventually rushing to the back of his shop.

He came back with a narrow wand box, which he quickly opened presenting it to me.

I was expecting to pull a Harry, but I do not have a soul on my forehead to mess with a wand matching.

"Black Walnut, twelve and a half inches, Phoenix feather, Rigid," informed the wandmaker, Mr. Ollivander, as he presented the wand to me.

With trembling fingers, I reached out and grasped the wand.




Instantly, I felt a connection, a resonance between my magic and the wand. It was as if they were meant to be together.


With a flick of my wrist, I cast Lumos Solem, and to my amazement, the tip of the wand brightened like the sun, illuminating the dim interior of Ollivanders' shop. It was a moment of pure magic, a confirmation that this wand was indeed meant for me.

But my thoughts quickly turned practical. Wands weren't just mystical artefacts; they were tools, and instruments that enhanced and focused magical ability. Curious about the magical efficiency of this new tool, I turned to my AI for analysis.

"[AI,] how many units are consumed for Lumos Solem?" I inquired internally.


Current attempt of Lumos Solem: 

Consumed Reserves: 3 units, can be trained to 2 units. 

Nature of light: Like the sun 

Mastery: 55/100 (increase in 3)

Current reserves: 24 units 

Consumption: Lumos Solem: 3 units, Wand bond formation: 3 units]

The AI's report was enlightening.

It seemed that this wand not only amplified my magical abilities but also reduced the magical reserves required for spells.

Based on this, I realized the significance of wands in the wizarding world. They weren't just accessories; they were catalysts for mastering magic. With this wand in hand, I felt a newfound confidence. No longer constrained by wasted reserves, I could cast spells with greater efficiency and precision.

Perhaps calling them, 'Partner to my magic' be better.

"Can you talk about it?"

Even as I was questioning Ollivander, I could not remove my gaze from my wand. It is like an extra limb. My magical limb.


"Black Walnut," he started, his voice carrying a weight of wand wisdom accumulated over centuries. "Less common than the standard walnut wand, that of black walnut seeks a wielder of good instincts and powerful insight. It is a handsome wood, but not the easiest to master. However, in the hands of a sincere, self-aware owner, it becomes one of the most loyal and impressive wands of all, with a particular flair in all kinds of charm work."

I understood the reason easily. I am Self-aware of all my flaws because I tend to introspect. Perhaps, an effect due to my father's constant lectures based on his wisdom. But the reason I can listen to him is because he follows that wisdom with extreme dedication, a true role model he was. 

Another point of self-awareness, I seem to admire my father a lot.

"Pheonix feather, Rare but the greatest range of magic with no prejudice. It requires exceptional wizards for bonding."

It must be my trained intent from the wandless magic. While it was primitive, it can also be said to be natural. With a developed intent comes the ease of connecting with one's magic.

I couldn't help but draw parallels between myself with the other phoenix feather users, Harry Potter and Tom Riddle, who possessed an intense need [intent] for magic. 

The years of trying for wandless magic seem to have given me a neutral magic core. Another thing to research.

"The wand length is mostly the most comfortable length according to you calculated with arithmancy you're your measurements."

"Rigid-Basically it means you and your wand are unwilling to change due to outside circumstances."

Ok. Wand flexibility is about my personality. I do not like to be told to do anything- I am rigid.

"Reminds me of myself," I acknowledged openly, reflecting on past experiences. "When forced to study by my parents, I cannot even read a single page. But at the same time, I managed to complete the entire chapter when I wanted to study by my own will. Too much difference in efficiency."

I inquired about the price, and the elder wizard answered solemnly.

" Seven galleons, my boy. The price of each wand in this store." Said the old man, happy to have matched yet another tricky pair.

I paid him and walked out of the store to my waiting family and professor.



Now I understand when McGonagall said it was a private moment and rigidly barred the rest of my family. 

It was much more intimate than anything I ever knew of.


AI Note: Hypothesis 42

[Wand: Contrary to common belief perpetuated in fanfiction, a wand is not merely a crutch for wizards. Nor is it simply a tool, as widely accepted in wizarding society, though this perception prevails among the majority.

A wand catalyzes the reaction known as magic. While some argue that the prevalence of wand magic over wandless magic indicates laziness among wizardkind, it is more accurate to characterize wand magic as a form of smart work, as opposed to the challenging labour of wandless magic.

However, it is essential to recognize the advantages of wandless magic:

-Wandless magic excels in training intent, thereby enhancing one's connection to magic. This connection is crucial for mastering various magical subjects, including charms, transfiguration, potions, and even talents such as divination and rituals.

-Additionally, wandless magic can lead to a slightly higher rate of magical growth, attributed to the body's increased adaptation to direct exposure to magic usage. It is hypothesized that the two units of magical energy consumed during wandless magic affect the body.


Nevertheless, wandless magic tends to result in a slower spell mastery rate and poses challenges in imbuing spells with complex intent.

Therefore, the ideal approach involves mastering spell casting with a wand and subsequently familiarizing oneself with wandless casting. This dual proficiency facilitates a stronger connection to magic. Notably, magical battles between powerhouses often involve both forms of casting, as evidenced by the Battle of the Department of Mysteries between Voldemort and Dumbledore.]