
Harry Potter : Wizard SI

"This is the story of a socially awkward medic's life after his reincarnation in the Harry Potter universe. " --------- This fanfic explores all aspects of J.K. Rowling's books, including magic, society, history, and even politics. ---------- As for romance, I didn't plan for it; I will wait for the characters to age and build upon it. The main character is only attracted to the female gender. ------ P.S: The first 6 chapters completely explain the mechanics of Magic. I kept it simple and precise. Please review, comment, and give power stones to the fic."

KK9494 · Book&Literature
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31 Chs

Chapter 26 : Hallow Eve-3

Author's note: This is a chapter to see how Arjun looks to the Observers with his actions and thoughts, influenced by his circumstances. Please comment if it is good. If it is not, I am ready to go for another path for this fanfic.

I just wonder if it is as impactful as I want it.

----------Slytherin Common room--------------

-------------Tracey's pov------

As we settled into the common room after the chaos caused by the trolls, I found myself gravitating towards my usual group of friends: Daphne, Morti, Blaise, and Catherine. The silence was suffocating, hanging heavy in the air like a thick fog. It was clear that the events of the evening had left everyone rattled.

Seeking to break the tension, I decided to broach a familiar topic—one that never failed to elicit a reaction: Arjun Prasad.

With a playful smirk, I directed my teasing towards Daphne, knowing she would have something to say in response.

"Well, My Queen, Arjun seems to be ready for your service," I quipped, gesturing towards Daphne with a mischievous glint in my eye. "It's a pity the trolls disturbed you."

A small smile flickered across everyone's faces at my joke, but Daphne quickly deflected the topic with her characteristic sharpness. "Do you think that arrogant guy will even have any thoughts of service?" she retorted, her tone tinged with sarcasm. "Help maybe, but him serving others? No way. He's the kind that demands service."

Her words while a bit harsh, have some truth in them.

Arjun's confidence and self-assured demeanour often bordered on arrogance, fuelled by his exceptional talents and near-perfect facade. Despite his outward charm, there was a sense of aloofness about him—a barrier that seemed impenetrable to all.

I couldn't help but recall the incident where Arjun had teased Daphne, despite knowing full well how it would irritate her. It was as if he relished the challenge, waiting for Daphne to fight or even request him to stop teasing.

Requests worked for me, considering he didn't tease me after I begged him. But when threats are given, the boy becomes bull-headed.

Not that I hold it against him, considering Daphne would rather give threats or make trade than request something.

Even Draco, with all the influence of his father and his inherent arrogance, seemed to hold Arjun in genuine respect—a respect earned through merit. A life-saving grace. Seriously, a Cerberus. I can't see any story topping that in years.

As we sat together in the common room, Catherine's voice broke through the silent atmosphere, her words laced with admiration and intrigue. "Arjun Prasad," she mused, her eyes sparkling with fascination as she spoke, "draped in mystery, exotic looks, rich and immeasurable talent. Always surrounded by people seeking to get close to him, but except for spoiled Prince Malfoy, nobody came close. No wonder he has that nickname. I would say, he is only a Quidditch position away from being the dream boy of our year."

Her words drew nods of agreement from our small group. Arjun's allure was undeniable. Yet, despite his popularity, he remained aloof, keeping his distance from those who sought to poke the mysteries that surrounded him.

Wandless magic, wealth, Talent, his acceptance of everyone, his maturity. Dear Merlin, the boy is walking Witcher weakly red flag.

Before our conversation could go further into familiar gossip about Arjun, we were abruptly interrupted by the loud voices of Terrence's group.

Ignis Burke's callous remarks about a fellow student echoed through the room, causing my fists to instinctively clench in anger, "She didn't come out."

George Terrence, the self-proclaimed leader of the group, sneered callously, "Huhh, so dumb not coming out fearing that we will speak some facts. Though, why is she in there in the first place?"

The younger student, Marcen Bulstode, chimed in eagerly, adding fuel to the fire with his spiteful commentary. "That's the highlight of the incident," he exclaimed with disdain, "it was the blood traitor Weasley that put her in her place. Stupid Mudblood, hopefully, she is dead from the troll. Her kind is such a blight on our society, trying to steal our magic."

The venom in their words cut through the air like a knife, each syllable dripping with hatred and bigotry. The darkest members of our society.

The Malfoys, famed for their staunch allegiance to the dark faction, were among the foremost proponents of pureblood supremacy. Their disdain and resentment towards Muggles and Muggleborns ran deep, fueled by their common history marred by conflict and betrayal.

 I couldn't help but recall the tale of the Malfoy family curse, a grim reminder of the need for a Statue.

Generations ago, a Muggleborn court wizard, acting under the command of a Muggle French king, had cast a curse upon the Malfoys, condemning them to a single heir lineage. The once prosperous and influential family was reduced to a mere shadow of its former self, clinging desperately to the hope of preserving their dwindling bloodline. Special rituals were rumoured to have been performed, all in a futile attempt to stave off the curse's devastating effects. As far as I know, Lucius Malfoy lost a brother and a daughter, both second-born stillbirths, due to its effects.

The Terrence family, on the other hand, represented a different breed of bigotry altogether. Pure racism at its peak, they equated Muggle-borns to nothing more than animals, to be used and discarded at their whim.

Alongside families like the Lestranges, Rowles, and Fawleys, they were among the most fervent supporters of the Dark Lord, their loyalty fueled by a toxic combination of fear and hatred.

And then there were the Blacks, a family with a dark history of their own. Obsessed with blood purity to the point of fanaticism, they looked down upon anyone who did not share their lineage. Theirs was a twisted legacy, one that surpassed even the darkest chapters in our history books.

But the next events dispelled the chain of unsettling thoughts at a rapid pace.


Marcen Bulstrode was sent flying by a powerful Depulso spell.

 With hearts racing and wands at the ready, we all turned towards the source of the spell, only to find Arjun standing there calmly amidst the chaos.




I could feel the collective anxiety of my peers as they watched Arjun approach the fallen Marcen, his words cutting through the silence like a knife. "Seriously, idiot," he said, his voice tinged with exasperation. "If you had just stayed out of my sight, I could have avoided this situation until I was ready. But seeing and hearing your words made me think, 'fuck it.'"

The scene before me is a drama.

Arjun stood before the fallen Marcen, his demeanour calm and collected despite the chaos erupting around him. 

"Prasad, are you making an enemy out of us for the sake of defending a Mudblood?" Ignis's voice boomed, echoing through the common room. 

Arjun's response was swift and cutting, his words laced with an icy edge. "So, a Muggleborn is an enemy to you guys. No matter who."

The disdain in Marcen's voice was easy to notice as he spat out his words, his disoriented state doing little to mask his contempt. "Mudbloods are the mud that sticks to my boot."

But Arjun's response was nothing short of chilling. With a single raised eyebrow, he delivered a message more powerful than any spell. "Then taste it."


In one fluid motion, Arjun extended his leg and delivered a devastating sidekick to Marcen, sending him crashing to the ground with a sickening thud.


The sight of Marcen's head slamming into the ground sent shivers down my spine, a stark reminder of the brutality that lay beneath Arjun's calm exterior.

But before I could fully comprehend what had just transpired, Ignis unleashed a spell of his own, his wand movements swift and practised. "Incendio," he shouted, sending a burst of flames hurtling towards Arjun with deadly intent.


The air in the common room seemed to freeze as Arjun's words reverberated through the space, sending shockwaves through our stunned silence. "I am a Muggleborn," he said, his voice calm and unwavering despite the bombshell he had just dropped.

Before we could fully process the weight of his confession, Arjun took swift action, his movements defying logic and expectation. With a fluid motion, he withdrew his hand from his pocket and held it out towards the approaching flames, uttering a single word. "Glacius."




In an instant, a mass of ice materialized before him, forming a barrier that shielded him from the flames. The sizzling sound of evaporating vapour filled the air as the flames clashed against the ice, their deadly advance halted in mid-air.


As the shock began to sink in, a wave of gasps swept through the room. Wandless casting was a skill reserved for only the most talented and experienced wizards, achieved through years of rigorous training and discipline.

 The fact that Arjun had mastered it before even setting foot in Hogwarts was unbelievable.

I glanced around the room, taking in the stunned expressions of my fellow Slytherins. For those of us raised in pureblood families, the idea of a Muggleborn possessing such a level of magical prowess was almost inconceivable.

After all, they simply didn't have the advantages we possess- wealth, knowledge, and exposure to magic since birth.

But as I looked at Arjun, standing tall with an open palm, I couldn't deny the undeniable truth before me.

The common room buzzed with murmurs as Arjun calmly recounted his introduction to the world of magic. "The first magical person I met was Professor McGonagall a few months back," he said, his voice echoing in the room, probably a Sonorous.


As Ignis ran from behind Arjun with his wand, Arjun uttered, "Accio." The summoning spell took hold, but its effect was incomplete, dragging Ignis only a few feet before faltering and causing him to stumble unsteadily.


"It seems I am not yet skilled enough in wandless magic," Arjun remarked, his expression thoughtful as he assessed the experiment he held in this situation.

Say what you can about him, he does have a style unique to him.

Without missing a beat, he withdrew his wand and pointed it at Ignis once more. "Accio," he repeated, this time with success as Ignis was pulled towards him.


But Ignis wasn't about to back down. In midair, he launched a series of spells on Arjun.

"Take this, you asshole. Diffindo, Stupefy, Experllimus."

A slash, point and circle. A standard spell chain.

But, each one met with calm evasion or block from the spell Arjun screamed out, "Avifors."




 Arjun kept dodging spells effortlessly while the summoned crows kept defending the wide-range spells like Diffindo.

It felt funny to see Arjun's wand hand resuming Accio towards Ignis while he kept using Glacius with his wandless hand to block the spells he couldn't dodge.





There was a reason that Wandless casting held as a sign of a great wizard. With that skill, the wizard is like facing an unrelenting storm of spells and defence. Capable of taking multiple opponents in battle.

So, among the flying birds, Ignis arrived in front of Arjun due to the Accio spell. Then, in a swift and decisive move, Arjun leapt into the air and gave a well-aimed kick, Ignis was sent crashing to the ground, landing beside Marcen in a heap.

"Fuck, That was cool."

The room erupted into whispers as Arjun spoke, his words carrying a weight that seemed to settle over us all. "It seems I still need a wand to overcome the magic fields of the wizards. Well, Accio works with wands. Thanks for helping with my research." he remarked, his gaze sweeping across the downed duo. "Still, looking at your positions, I am grateful for my decision to put years of training into Karate."

I listened intently as Arjun turned towards Draco; his expression thoughtful. "All this division, at least from the rightful side of wizards, comes from a history which the Muggleborns are ignorant about," he explained. "And also, I can say with some regret, that they disregard the culture and traditions of the magical society they joined. Trying to change the magical country to suit them, the immigrants."

He then put a foot down on Ignis, "But plain stupidity doesn't quite agree with my brain, especially if I am the one being looked down upon."

Terrence, unable to contain his scepticism, let out a loud laugh. "Do you take us for fools?" he scoffed.

Arjun's response was unapologetically arrogant. "I take you for a fool," he retorted, his tone dripping with disdain, "not wanting to believe the truth I said because it collapses your dumb brain."

Infuriated by Arjun's words, Terrence wasted no time in launching an attack. Unlike Ignis or Marcen,

Terrence was a Newt student, and his proficiency in magic was evident in the speed and variety of his spells. Especially the usage, the Incendio in his hands came as multiple fireballs.





Arjun, however, was quick on his feet, using his wand to conjure a continuous stream of Avifors spells, creating a flock of birds as a defensive barrier. It was a smart tactic, utilizing widespread mobile obstacles to block Terrence's attacks.




The tension in the room escalated as Terrence unleashed a barrage of spells, each one more powerful than the last. "Bombarda!" he shouted, sending explosive blasts echoing through the common room, destroying most of the summoned birds.


My heart raced from the strong explosion, feeling a surge of fear mingled with adrenaline. Terrence was not holding back, his determination evident in the ferocity of his attacks. With each spell he cast, my hearing started failing.

But Terrence didn't stop there. He delved into darker magic, his incantations growing more sinister with each passing moment. "Confringo!" he bellowed, unleashing a burst of fiery destruction that scorched the air with its intensity.


As Terrence cast the Confringo spell, Arjun rolled to the side, his Avifors spell still active to block the approaching spells.

With his wandless hand extended, he conjured a thick cloud of smoke, obscuring the entire room in a haze of smoke.


The room crackled with magic as Arjun's Sonorous voice pierced through the chaos. "Even though I have more reserves than an average second-year, I have no intention of prolonging this duel against an older and experienced wizard."


Explosions reverberated as Terrence attempted to pinpoint Arjun's location. Most of his spells detonated harmlessly in the air, thwarted by the Avifors still being conjured by Arjun. A clever tactic to use the smoke+ Crows in the dark dungeons.


"Strike experienced out, you are just older than me. The proper spell in this situation is Ventus," Arjun's quip about Terrence's experience drew a chuckle from me.

Terrence, to his credit, put aside his pride and started casting Ventus without hesitation. It was a smart move, indicative of his tactical prowess in battle.


As the smoke cleared, I witnessed Arjun standing behind Terrence, flames licking at his robes. With a swift motion, Arjun grabbed Terrence over his shoulder and slammed into the ground.


"There is a reason, I was using Sonorus from the start." quibbled Arjun, He then continued his battle rhythm by kicking away Terrence's wand.


Breathing heavily, Arjun chuckled. "You see, even with the advantages you have, I still won. While Draco's Pureblood theory emphasizes wealth, history, and family magic, yours—" He paused, delivering a sharp kick to Terrence. "—according to your Pureblood theory, I am beneath you simply because you want it to."

Turning to address the Slytherins, Arjun declared, "I say no to them both. Pureblood or not, it means nothing in the face of me. Don't irritate me by imposing your views on me or in my vicinity. If you want to do so, make sure that you find a way that gives perfect clarity to me - You are definitively not including me in your views."

He then said in a questioning tone," Perhaps, a new term for me- First generation wizard, a muggle-born who accepted wizarding society. Signifying that Wizarding society accepts me in return. Use a bit of your cunning people, I am one good wizard."

Draco's voice cut through the tension, breaking the silence that had settled since the altercation began. "So, you believe all muggle-borns are my equal."

Arjun's response was measured. "I don't know about that. I am no saint. No matter how much my dad wants me to be, I am not one. Just an ambitious wizard with the talent to back it up. My claim is that I am an exception to your views and rules."

He lifts one finger.

"Wealth, my father earned enough to compare to some of you guys," Arjun continued. "I respect that man the most in my life, so no offence, but if any word against him in the future, I will put all my talent, time, and drive to ruin anyone that dares."

Terrence's retort was swift. "Bullshit. You can never surpass our history or power."

Arjun simply snapped his fingers, summoning a House Elf dressed in the customary white robes. With a potion and a new set of robes in hand, the elf swiftly attended to Arjun's injuries.

As the charred remains were removed, Arjun stood before us, his muscular body for an 11-year-old, displaying various burns and bruises. His tone remained calm as he addressed Terrence. "Your ancestors are great, but you are the problem. For a Newt student, your bonebreaker just gave me broken ribs. If it was anyone else, there would be a smashed ribcage."

Terrence spat out a few drops of blood and retorted, "I am a Potioneer. I only took potions in 6th and 7th year, you idiot."

Arjun huffed and drank the potion, healing all his injuries. "Here I was thinking I am better than a Newt student, but he is a non-combatant. So much for that. But still, even if it's the best of you, it is only a matter of time for me to surpass them."

He then cast a spell that caused the robes to dress themselves on him, returning him to his normal appearance while leaving a lasting memory.

I could tell at least one crush from the lower years had formed today.

Archer, seemingly unperturbed by the commotion in the upper years from his arrogant comment, casually cast a flame in his stretched-out hand. "No offence, Seniors," he said. "I managed to learn wandless casting on my own. I had my first accidental magic on my 6th birthday. Since then, I explored it rigorously and succeeded, like your ancestors, with my effort."

He looked proud at that admission. And that shut up the dark faction. It is known to everyone that the founders of our houses explored magic on their own. A matter of pride for us and he used it.

Even a passing similarity is enough to stop the people. Oh, Merlin, this guy is not even thinking straight.

Seating himself on the pile of Marcena and Ignis, Arjun accepted a glass of juice from the House Elf.


 Sipping it, he continued, "I succeeded in doing magic on my own. I am different. I know it perfectly. Knowledge and mindset beyond my age. You know, I could have become a Muggle healer by the age of 6, but I thought it was a bit freaky and stopped myself. After joining the magical side a few months back, I am just that freaky enough to go through years' worth of Potions courses and Healing theory. I am sure that by the end of the year, I can sit for the OWL exam for both."

He drained the glass and added, "I am held back in other subjects by magic reserves, a consequence of my being a first-generation wizard. But after enough hard work, I am sure I can progress the same. So, my seniors, please avoid any Gryffindor antics. My antics are enough for the day."

Whispers started up, fuelled by his boasting. Smart to do so. Considering his new heritage, the more pluses and achievements for him, the better.

Draco walked forward and stood in front of Arjun, his tone unusually serious compared to his usual spoiled nature. "Why do all this? I am sure nobody will even suspect a thing if you continue to hide it. As long as you were perceived as a half-blood, you would have the support and friendship of everyone here. You could be the next rising star like Professor Snape. If your apparent talent is anything like you say, you could reach their level. Like HIM and Dumbledore."

Arjun replied bluntly, "A minor reason being you."

Draco was taken aback by Arjun's response as he continued, "You see, considering your nature and family upbringing and values, if one day in the future you come to know of it, it would escalate to the level of a blood feud by perceiving my hiding of history as a betrayal. After you declared friendship, I understood that if I want to form any kind of lasting relationship, this was better addressed now."

That won a point for him. Betrayal mostly dealt with blood and death from most of our families.

Standing up, Arjun added, "Besides, hiding it would have become a weakness exploitable. Also, it would be meaningless considering all of the Hogwarts staff know it and your parents will most likely investigate me in time. I even had made plans for such a route involving the creation of a fake background. But I tore it up, thinking it is too much of a pain in the ass."

He walked out of the dorms, saying, "I am not the next Potioneer Snape. Not the next Voldemort. Not the next Dumbledore. I am ARJUN PRASAD. A singular existence, with ambition and capability to fulfil it. So remember guys, for a Slytherin, I am a good resource to have a connection with. Just ignore some things you don't like regarding me. What is all that compared to profit and power?"