
Harry Potter: Winchester Chronicles

This is an original fic, as I couldn't find a better novel to translate so I figured why not write one myself. The world still revolves around the Harry Potter series but with original and extra plot added to it to not make things boring. P.S. This is not related to the TV series Supernatural, apart from slight inspiration for a couple of things. --------------------- "Voldermort? Who? Can't you see me fighting a literal Demon?" "Why do I have to kill all these monsters to be a wizard? I don't know it's a family tradition" "What do you mean, 'Why is Harry so buff?' How else is he supposed to fight the noseless demon?" Luke woke up in a body belonging to the youngest member of the last Winchester Family, during a 'exorcism' at that. Discovering that he had transmigrated to the Harry Potter world, dreaming of a magical future, he still couldn't fathom why there were so many inconsistencies in the plot. Not to mention his new family and his father's mysterious and weird actions, but why are there so many monsters and villains hatching a new plot every single day in this children's fiction? ---------- https://www.patreon.com/The_disciple ---------- https://www.royalroad.com/profile/481960 I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

The_disciple · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Daddy's Boy pt.3

"Then what enhancement does Dad's rapier have?" Luke asked, 

"I don't know." Ethan shrugged, "I have seen it in action only a handful of times and from what I can deduce, it absorbs any physical and magic attack thrown on it, but I don't understand the true power the enhancement on his rapier holds."

"I see..." Luke nodded trying to rack his brain through the heat of the moment, 'So it's just a matter of enhancements and using magic to fuel those enhancements no matter the effect it has,'

'If I were to take what happened to Jacob as an example, every time one tries to use the enhancement on these weapons they exhaust their magic onto them akin to using a powerful spell.' 

'So, in theory, it shouldn't be counted on as an extra card up your sleeve, after all, no matter whether you use the weapon or just carry on using your wand, you're still drawing energy from the same source, but it could have it's best use as a surprise attack or just parts where weapons might come in handy than spells.'

"It all looks really cool and seems to be quite handy at certain times but isn't it a bit useless?" He continued after a bit of thinking,

"Just continuing to switch between your wand and your weapon, while in practice looks cool but wouldn't it be really impractical in real life? If Jacob had thrown away his wand in the midst of a real battle without preparing properly for when to draw his sword, he would surely get his ass handed to him."

Ethan chuckled a little as he ruffled Luke's hair, "Jacob was mostly trying to show off with the wand, and Dad wanting to protect his ego, pulled out his weapon. If he hadn't done so, let alone a step, we would be picking his splattered bits for years to come."

'You seem too happy imagining that, Ethan!'

"Ahem! As I was trying to say... Against, Dad, he doesn't seem that impressive but against other wizards or even monsters, he would fare a lot better." Ethan continued with his explanation wiping the smile off of his face, "Don't try to figure these things on your own, after all, that's what the training is for, so you'd have to learn these things whether you want it or not."

"We get basic training on both the physical and magical means, but in the end, we chose to primarily focus on one of two things and take it to a higher degree, and as for the latter we choose to use it more as a surprise or even as a way to have better advantages during battles or any other occasion for the matter"

"It might be a bit difficult to understand everything now, but once you go through the training you'll figure it out by yourself."

"Ah! So Jacob chose physical and you chose magical, so what did Dad choose?" Luke asked nodding taking the mental note that trying to perform these sorts of magic on his own could end in disaster as Ethan was serious emphasizing the point of training.

"He's a magical type like me... but his physical prowess is not to be underestimated." Ethan said, "Especially the att-"

Before Ethan could finish his sentence, a spell came over landing right beneath his feet.

"Don't waste my time and come here!" Michael yelled,

"We'll continue our conversation later..." Ethan with his lips twitching took out his wand and walked over towards Michael whereas Jacob who still looked too exhausted to even move dragged himself and his heavy sword with great difficulty and crashed right next to him.

"You look like shit!" Luke said as Jacob just gave him a stink eye.

Luke chuckled turning over towards the battle as he couldn't wait to see what new and exciting things he was going to see, 'Maybe being in the family wasn't as bad after all.'

Michael stood out with his wand like previously as Ethan nodded at him, and began firing a barrage of spells one after another but the interesting part about the spell was that although it didn't seem to be too powerful, as it just shot multiple rounds of red laser-beam like attack, Ethan didn't let out a single incantation for the spell. 

Like firing a gun, the spell seemed never-ending. Michael as usual was unfazed just putting up a shield and staring ahead.

Ethan on the other end was chanting a long stream of words something Luke was not familiar with but he could tell it was the same language as the one he had heard during the exorcism.

Smirking Ethan raised his wand finishing the strange chant and proceeded with a spell, "Crucio!"

Unlike what Luke expected, Michael tightened up his body in pain as the shield began disappearing on itself.

"Show off!" Jacob said pulling himself up,

"What happened?" Luke asked curiously as he had never heard or read about a spell just breaking on its own.

"What do I look like to you?" Jacob scoffed but under Luke's shining gaze gave up, "He used a spell to decode the magic that Dad was using and broke it."

"Wait what?" 

"Don't ask me to explain it to you." Jacob shrugged, "If I could, I wouldn't have chosen to advance in physical magic."

Luke stared at him dumbfoundedly for a second then with a gaze of pity.

"Hey! Stop looking at me like that! I said stop it!" 

Ignoring Jacob's cries, Luke looked away from him, 'A way to break the magic and an unforgivable spell in one day, I forgive you for waking me up so rudely,'

'But looking at it this way, both the Winchester's magic seems extremely useful, whether it be advancing in physical or magical!'

'But a spell such as that, wouldn't that be going too far? Maybe not this family is already a bit nutty anyway so common sense wouldn't apply to them!'

Michael still in pain squirmed nearly to the ground, but somehow still fighting back against the magic with willpower alone he took out his rapier from his robe once again and with a swing of his sword, the magic-like magnet started attracting itself to the rapier taking away the curse directed at him.

But as if Ethan had expected the move, he immediately stopped the spell and cast another one within a split second, "Confringo!"

A cloud of dust followed after the explosion of the spell as Luke and Jacob covered their faces. As the dust settled, Luke could still see Ethan in his original position but his father on the other hand was a couple of feet away from the explosion.

"Isn't it too shameful for you to use your weapon?" Ethan snickered, "I thought you were just going to block!"

"Using such a vicious curse on your father, I don't know if you have the right to call me shameless," Michael snorted, putting away his rapier as with a wave of his wand the dust around them settled in an instant, "But a win is a win."

Luke and Jacob ran over to Ethan celebrating his win, with Luke yelling at him, "You better teach me how to do that!"

Ethan smiled a little at his brothers, but he still couldn't feel satisfied with his victory, 'He still looks fine after all that... would I be able to fare the same against him when he isn't sitting around but fighting back as well,'