
Harry Potter: Wanted

Lucas Everglade died a tragic death while on the run. Lucas lived for the adrenaline of running away from the law. He awoke in Azkaban prison as Harry Potter, framed for a crime he didn't commit. *ding* [Criminal system activated.] A large grin spread upon Lucas’s face, ‘running away from wizards as the boy who lived? Sounds fun.’ “Huh is that iron man?” Shield can't catch him The FBI can't see his shadow Wizards curse his name He is Harry Potter ------------------------- The system will mainly be there for Convenience so for stats and new spells he won't be a slave to it. I will try and merge both worlds perfectly but there will be some mistakes I am human. *All credits go to the authors of Marvel and Harry Potter I don't own anything but my OCS*

Booggie · Book&Literature
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87 Chs

The finale battle

-Moody pov -

The war happening in Diagon Alley is something no one expected, I at first didn't know how to react, so I did the only thing I can, fight.

But, what I saw during that last battle was something I never wish to see again, the dark aura radiating off of those figures, what types of dark rituals or curses have they performed. What type of darkness did they commit to have such a horrible aura.

I out of everybody was actually scared, they couldn't see what I could.

And I saw death.

-Harry Pov -

We captured a lot of Aurors, almost too many, we will need to find some way to keep them as prisoners safely. It's not like I'm going to kill them or something.

I just need to stuff them somewhere. The battle is nearly won, we have conquered three-fourths of Diagon Alley, and we have also been sending out newspapers like hot cakes, some of the headings are, 'Aurors brutally attack peaceful protest' 'peaceful protest turns ugly' 'fight for your freedom' 'join us in this quest for freedom' 'ministry plans to kill protesters'

The last headline and paper were sent out on the day Fudge approved the use of lethal spells, it seems like the situation is becoming intense. My spies have even reported that Fudge and others were meeting with the German minister for him to lend aid. This baffles me because Britain doesn't need aid, realistically they can fight us on their own. So I don't know what the German minister is planning, and I don't like it.

That is why I sent some of my spies to Germany, I already have some there, but obviously, they aren't doing their work right. I will have to deal with that issue later though.

The rebellion was getting some rest, and healers were roaming helping anyone that needs them.

With the now free use of lethal spells, we can retaliate with the same firepower and not get a bad reputation for it.

I have a feeling this will be the final battle, this is where I will show my might.

-Elizabeth pov -

The use of lethal spells has now been allowed, which means the war in Diagon Alley will be ending soon, this also means that I will need to make my decision.

I think that the rebellion will win, so I should plan a course of attack during the final battle.

Gellert has been oddly silent, I don't know what he is up to but I'm sure he will be successful.

He always wins.

- Fudge Pov-

People want to take over my country, my land, and my people. I have been working tirelessly trying to change magical Britain for the better, and just when I was getting somewhere, just when I was making real progress. The Queen showed up, acting like she owned everything, and she was the rightful ruler.

HOW DARE SHE! Her family and she decided to leave magical Britain, they decided to abandon it, they were not forced to, it was of their free will.

I realized the second she started to play her little games that she wanted to rule once more, I won't allow it.

Harry and I have met up several times in the past couple of years, we only talked about these issues a couple of times, but I couldn't help but have a weird feeling that he was also planning something.

What a mess.

-Harry pov -

I couldn't help but smile, around me were the eager, brave, and determined members of the rebellion. The news of the new lethal spell issue was spread around like a wildfire.

I could see the fear in the people's eyes at first, but slowly that fear faded into determination. It was a truly unique sight.

I can say for a fact, that I will always remember these people.

My journey has been a long one, and I'm sure it will just get wilder in the future.

I have gone from a thief to a terrorist, to a host of a tournament, to a crime boss, and now the leader of the rebellion.

If someone would have told me that before I would have scoffed, and written them off as Insane.

But it is true, and this is my reality, this is my life, and this is my journey.

And I'm loving every second of it.

"The ambush points are secured," Hermione said next to me in a slightly somber tone

"Good, how are you feeling about this change?" I asked curiously noticing her distress

"I just feel sick, I might take a life today, and these people will probably take one as well, it doesn't sit well with me," she replied her eyes were looking at her feet

Sighing I replied, "Don't aim to take a life, aim to quickly incapacitate your opponents, but remember sometimes taking a life will be necessary in some situations, and if you still don't think you can, then think of a way not to. Life is about choices Hermione, make the ones you want. And don't let anyone try to dictate them for you,"

She didn't respond for a while, we stayed in comfortable silence.

"Thank you," she replied with a slight smile, her voice was soft like a whisper

I just nodded as I watched the rebellion members chat happily, some were sharing stories, and others were helping out where they could.

I slowly disappeared away from anyone's sight, I wanted to set up some stuff while I can.

Wards are useful, especially when you make a ward circuit out of them, a ward circuit is a bunch of wards that compliment each other perfectly allowing for a stronger and wider range of protection.

I began to set up ward points that were in perfect areas, they connected to some of my already existing shops, and they also ran throughout knockturn alley and my shops there as well.

Once I activate them, a dome like protection system will be formed, it would perfectly fit the territory we already have claimed. Once finished with my territory, I turned invisible and did similar acts across the remaining territory of the Aurors.

It was a perfect protection or prison depending on the side you are on, and the way you look at the situation.

I got back to the camp we have set up, it was about to be a long night.

"Kiting units are you ready?" I asked in a commanding tone

""YES GENERAL!"" they yelled in unison

General? That's new.

They headed out shortly after, their job was to kite groups of Aurors into the ambushes we set up.

I already enchanted everyone's clothes, and cast support spells on them, they will be fighting at their peak performance.

Let the battle commence.

-Narrator pov -

The kiting teams left for their destinations, they had four teams for this purpose, and each team had to lead enemies to certain ambush points.

The teams approached the Aurors locations, but they didn't make it far as the Aurors and hit wizards also set up traps.

"BOMBARDA!" A voice called out followed closely by an explosion right where one kiting team was

"Protego!" one member of the kiting team called out as he laid on the ground bleeding profusely

Similar situations were happening everywhere, and some of the ambushes were more successful than the others.

One kiting team managed to make it to the rebellions ambush point, spells flew madly the Aurors had no chance to react.

They were dead before they hit the ground.

Signals were being sent to the main base. Harry saw what was happening, he turned to his troops and announced, "it is our time! Let us strike hard and fast!"


It was like a chain broke, the rebellion troops rushed out in a storm. The Aurors saw them approaching and responded in kind.

Buildings turned into barriers, rubble was transfigured into spikes, and both sides' troops were dropping rapidly.

Harry was teleporting anyone that was gravely injured back to camp to be healed. It was a tense situation.

Harry began to notice how on the Auror side more troops began to flow in, they were getting back up. He recognized some people as former dueling champions and German Aurors.

'What are they doing here!' Harry thought furiously

Deciding it was time for him to act, Harry activated all of the wards, instantly a dome appeared around Diagon Alley, no one could leave and no one could enter.

A certain Queen was now sitting in her throne room with a furious expression, her plan of aiding the rebellion with last-minute troops just backfired on her, seeing as no one could get there.

*BOOM* a loud explosion shook Diagon Alley

Harry had joined the battle with a bang. He sped around knocking out any enemy he saw. He didn't want to kill them if he didn't have to.

He was using a flurry of spells, each time he cast magic ten plus enemies would fall, he was also fighting up close and personal, his speed and strength were far above the abilities of humans. They couldn't even see his shadow.

Moody, was demolishing a group of rebellion troops when he felt a breeze. He couldn't react, his fake eye was torn from his skull, his fake leg was destroyed, and then his vision went black.

Harry saw that even though he was taking out several enemy troops at an insane speed, his own troops were still getting beaten.

Making up his mind, he started to float then he soared to the sky, he was flying. It was a technique he made a year ago. He remembered Voldemort doing something similar in the books, and now he perfected the move.

He raised his hands and pointed his palms downward, small glowing dots began to shoot out, in a matter of seconds the whole sky was blanketed in small glowing dots.

He brought his hand up and then swiped downward.

The dots descended, each enemy they touched, that person would collapse, on the other hand, the rebellion troops seemed unaffected. It was because Harry put enchantments on his ally's clothes to make sure he doesn't target any allies.

The effect of Harry's spell allowed the rebellion to take charge of the flow of battle, it was their win now.

They attacked with a newfound ferocity, and Harry's undead army demolished the enemy wizards. It was a one-sided slaughter.

Hermione danced around the battlefield with grace as she wiped out enemies in bulk, she was casting spells in rapid succession.

Soon shouts of victory could be heard.

""VICTORY!"" the rebels yelled in triumph while chasing down the last conscious enemy troops




They chanted until their voices ran hoarse, the battle of Diagon Alley was finished, and the winners were the rebels.

History was made.


A/N: I know some people are confused on why harry didn't just end it like this originally, he could have at any point, but then the whole point of the rebellion would have been lost.

The world needs to see that although he is stronger than anyone, the rebels also did a lot. It will be a confidence booster to the common folk, and an overall good plan.

Now, I don't like writing pointless deaths, so not a lot of people died in this war, there is just now a fuck ton of prisoners. They will be used.

Harry is just super op in the wizarding world and marvel one, so I wouldn't expect any crazy nail biting figts for now.

Any questions? I'm happy to answer.