
Harry Potter In Marvel

When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.

Lotus_Lover · Book&Literature
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78 Chs

Unexpected Abilities

"I don't know if you can come." Harry said in an apologetic voice. Padfoot let out a disappointed whine. "Yeah, sorry bud." Harry said before he looked at the mirror. He willed the suit off of himself, it responded to his desire and separated from him and as now standing next to him. "Hmm," Harry willed himself to look unimpressed. "can you understand me?" Harry asked, the suit nodded. "Great, you respond to my thoughts?" It nodded once more. "And you are powered by magic?" Harry asked, earning another nod. "Hmm, you let me fly, is that all you can do?" Harry asked.

The suit shook its head or hood since it didn't really have a head, before it closed its right fist, three blade popped out of his right hand, the middle blade was slightly longer than the other two. The suit closed its left hand and allowed identical blades to pop out of the hand, then three blades popped came out of the side of his right forearm before another three popped put of his left forearm.

"Huh...neat." Harry commented with Padfoot barking in agreement. The suit retracted the blades, it then raised it's right hand and touched its chest, it pulled and a sword came out of the chest. The sword disappeared a second later as the suit did the same thing again, except that this time it brought out a small knife. "You can create weapons?" Harry blinked, the suit nodded in response. "I am not trying to sound unimpressed or anything but is there anything else you can do?" The suit nodded.

"Woof." Padfoot barked as he nudged Harry's leg.

"What he said," Harry said as he gestured to Padfoot. "what can you do?." Harry said to the suit. The suit took the knife and stabbed itself but the knife broke instead of piercing through. "Hmm, stay still." Harry said as he aimed his wand at the suit's chest, Harry shot a cutting curse at the center of the suit's chest only for nothing to happen. "Wow, wait...you don't feel pain, do you?" Harry asked, the suit shook its hood in the negative and Harry relaxed. "Great, I'm sorry I keep asking but is that all there is you can do?" The suit shook its hood to say no. "What then?"

The suit raised its hand and tapped Harry's head, suddenly all the knowledge of the suit's capabilities flooded into Harry's mind. Harry stumbled back slightly before he shook his head to clear it. Padfoot gave him a concerned look but Harry waved him off and looked at the suit.

"You know...we could have saved a lot of time if we did that earlier." Harry commented. Harry would have said more if not for the fact that the doorbell rang, Padfoot barked just as the suit disappeared and returned to being a tattoo on Harry's chest. Padfoot barked once again after smelling the air and recognizing the scent of the visitor. "Come in Nat." Harry said as he waved his wand to open the door.

The door opened to reveal Natasha who walked in while wearing trainers, jeans, a shirt and a jacket. Her clothes were more centered around being comfortable than making her look good, didn't change the fact that she still looked good. In her right hand was a pizza box.

"Hey," She said with a small smile. "you haven't started lunch yet?" She asked as she closed the door.

"Not yet." Harry shook his head. "You look hungry." Harry noted.

"I'm still tired from dealing with Stark and...what's up with the mirror?" She asked as she walked over and placed the box on the table.

"Huh?" Harry blinked before he looked back and saw that he hadn't got rid of the mirror yet. "Oh that." Harry said as he waved his wand and got rid of it.

"What were you doing with a full length mirror? Admiring yourself?" Natasha asked in a jokey tone as she sat down and opened the box.

"Oh yeah, I was naked a few seconds ago." Harry replied as he sat down next to her and took a slice.

"Really?" Natasha asked, looking very amused. "How naked?" She asked as she took her own slice.

"Tarzan without the loincloth." Harry said before taking a bite.

"Oh, and I missed it?" She said with a mock pout.

"Yeah, I was practicing my lap dancing before you came." Harry said after swallowing.

"Hoping for a raise at the strip club?" Natasha said as she began eating.

"Yeah, no longer will the other strippers steal all the good customers." Harry joked.

"Can I ask you kind of a weird question?"

"Go on."

"Do the carpets match the drapes?"

"Do yours?"

"You first." Natasha insisted.

"No, you."

"Why me?"

"It's my apartment."

"It's my pizza."

"Not anymore." Harry said as he picked up the pizza box.

"Hey!" Natasha protested as she tried to grab it but he quickly got off the sofa and out of reach.

"My pizza," Harry grinned before he saw Padfoot look at him. "our pizza." Harry amended with Padfoot nodding in agreement.

"You had better give me the pizza back before I hurt you." She said in a half serious voice. Harry rolled his eyes before he returned to his seat and placed the pizza back on the table, he took one slice out and tossed it to Padfoot who caught it in his mouth. "Man-child." Natasha said under her breath.

"I heard that," Harry replied. "now if we have moved on from carpets and drapes..."

"For now." Natasha shrugged. "Maybe one day I can find out." She said in a very suggestive voice, she was about to say more but was cut off by Harry shoving a pizza into her mouth. She pouted, which didn't really have the same effect as usual since she had a pizza in her mouth.


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