
Harry Potter the weasley empire

Thomas Michael Weasley begins his journey to make the Weasley family the best in the wizarding world.

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callejón diagon

one morning in the burrow

Arthur: Kids, today we're going to Diagon Alley to buy Percy's materials, since he'll soon be entering Hogwarts.

molly: we should always be together, in this season diagon alley is very crowded and they can get lost. it is understood? to which everyone nodded, including arthur who, after seeing what he did, blushed and lowered his head and with that we all laughed.

the whole family except bill and charlie who are working abroad so they cannot be present, crossing the floo they reached diagon alley

molly: ok, kids first percy ginny and i will go where malkin send me to buy the robes, george, fred, ron and thomas will go with their father for the books and we will meet in olivandeers in 1 hour.

arthur: listen to your mother let's go I want to visit the store of muggle things before I go..

he says with a smile, the Weasley family split up and go on their adventure down diagon alley

thomas who was appreciating the shops and different articles after all it is the first time that he comes to diagon alley, since he has always sent his elves to sell and buy everything.

thomas saw out of the corner of his eye a middle-aged lady who was scolding a little boy who looked a bit clumsy and said "neville, whenever you have something in your hands you drop it, you can't be like that, remember that you have the last name longbottom"

neville: yes grandma i understand said the little boy with inflated cheeks and head bowed in shame

POV thomas

neville? How curious, who would have thought that I would find him here, if I remember correctly, Neville has a very good magical talent if it were not for the fact that he carries his father's wand and that his aptitude does not change until the 5th book, his performance would have been very good, maybe Maybe it's a good idea to cultivate him as a right hand.

I will try to work on his parents of course I don't have the knowledge or the time right now, since I am too busy hiding everything from my parents as well as the investments in the muggle world through gringotts

in addition to the different missions of the elite elves copying the books of the beauxbatons school libraries, castelobruxo, koldostoretz mahoutokoro,uagaduo,durmstrang,ilvermorny and finishing the hogwarts books.

after all these missions must be carried out with the utmost discretion fortunately the wizards do not seem to have common sense, despising others and belittling the house elves as mere cleaner cooks and objects of torture they do not place protections against them almost anywhere if even azakaban has protections against elves. End POV thomas