
Harry Potter : The Unyielding Shadow

Like every sister, I love my brother no matter what. Even when he's an idiot. Even when he's in the spotlight and I'm forever waiting in the wings. That's life as Lorena Potter. Can't complain, really. At least I don't have a psychopath out for my head.

FantasyFusion · Book&Literature
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52 Chs

Chapter - 15 : The Revelation


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Dudley whimpered as Hagrid tested one of the sausages and, finding it fully cooked, plucked it free.

"Don't take anything he gives you, Dudley!" Uncle Vernon snapped.

Hagrid snorted. "Yer son doesn' need any more fattenin' up, Dursley," he scoffed, and passed the sausage to Harry. I eagerly took the one he handed me and bit into it, whimpering happily. We rarely got hot food unless we snuck it while cooking, and I was hungry enough that the sausage tasted like heaven, even if it was hot enough to singe my fingers a little.

"Sorry," Harry finally said. "But I don't really know who you are." I nodded in agreement.

"Call me Hagrid, everyone does," Hagrid invited. "An like I said, I'm the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. Yeh'll know all abou' Hogwarts."

Harry and I exchanged looks. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what Hogwarts might be, nor why it had enough keys that they required a keeper. Harry shook his head and I shrugged apologetically. "Sorry, no."

Hagrid bristled angrily. "Sorry? It's them that should be sorry!" He rounded on the Dursley's, who cowered back into the corner Harry and I had recently vacated. I smiled slightly at the abject fear on Aunt Petunia's face and Dudley's continued whimpers.

"I knew yeh weren't getting' yer letters, but I didn't know yeh didn't know about Hogwarts. Did yeh never wonder where yer mum and dad learnt it all?" he asked.

I stared at him blankly.

"All what?" Harry asked.

"All what?" Hagrid thundered incredulously. "Yeh mean ter tell me that these kids – these kids – don' know nothin' abou'… abou' nothin'?"

"Hold on!" Harry protested indignantly. "We can read and do math and all that!"

Hagrid waved that away like it was nothing. "I mean about our world. Yer world. My world. Yer parents' world."

"What world?" I demanded, frustrated with the fact that we were making so little progress. I wished Hagrid would just come out and say what he was dancing around instead of asking what we didn't know.

That was apparently the wrong thing to say. Hagrid swelled up with rage and roared, "DURSLEY!"

Uncle Vernon said something very close to "Mimblewimble."

Hagrid looked at us earnestly. "Yeh must know abou' yer mum and dad, I mean, they're famous! Yer famous."

Harry blinked incredulously, and I was right there with him. When Aunt Petunia spoke about her sister, she always talked like Lily Evans had run off with a bum to live some sub-par life. And this man said they were famous?

"Our parents… were famous?" Harry asked blankly.

"Yeh don't know, yeh don't know!" Hagrid seemed bewildered. He just stared at us, finally asking, "Yeh don't know what yeh are?"

Uncle Vernon finally found his voice. "Stop it!" he commanded. "I forbid you to tell them anything!"

Hagrid gave him a look that would have made a brave man cry for his mummy. "Yeh never told 'em what was in tha' letter Dumbledore left all those years ago? I was there, I saw him leave it! An' you've kept it from them all these years?"

I leaned forwards, clenching Harry's arm in a vice-grip. He didn't seem to care, eagerly asking, "Kept what from us?"

"I forbid you!" Uncle Vernon shouted desperately.

"Go boil yer heads," Hagrid scoffed. "Harry, Lorena… yer magic."

Silence, and then I repeated faintly, "M-Magic?"

"A witch and wizard," Hagrid nodded. "An' thumpin' good'uns I'd wager, once yeh've been trained up a bit. Anyway I reckon it's about time yeh read yer letters."

He reached into his coat again and pulled out two parchment envelopes identical to the one I had hidden in my pants. He offered them to us, and we stepped forwards and snatched them up eagerly. I stared at the address.

Miss L Potter, The Floor, Hut-On-The-Rock, The Sea.

I couldn't help but smile at the address for a second before I ripped the envelope open and tugged the parchment free. I held my breath as I finally opened the letter. My eyes widened at the letterhead.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Underneath it was the Headmaster, with a list of titles that I had never seen before. It was the Dumbledore Hagrid had mentioned earlier. The letter itself was signed by a Minerva McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress. It was an invitation to the school. Behind that was a list of equipment. Spell books, robes, cauldrons, and telescopes.

The magic school.

"What does it mean they await my owl?" Harry asked, pointing to the last line.

Hagrid smacked a hand to his forehead. "Gallopin' Gorgons, that reminds me!" From inside his overcoat he plucked an owl. A living, breathing, distinctly annoyed owl. He tugged out a parchment, quill, and ink and scribbled a letter to the headmaster, saying that he'd given us our letters and was going to take us to get our supplies. I looked back down at the list of supplies eagerly.

Hagrid attached the letter to the owl and tossed the bird out into the storm as if it was perfectly normal, then returned to the couch. I reached over and pushed up on Harry's chin, closing his mouth.

"Now where was I?" Hagrid mused.

Uncle Vernon seemed to have finally regained his courage. He stepped forwards, ashen-faced, and managed to grit out angrily, "They're not going!"

"Oh, and I suppose a great Muggle like yeh's gonna stop 'em," Hagrid said, unimpressed.

"Muggle?" I repeated, liking the vaguely insulting tone of the word.

"Wha' we call non-magic folk," Hagrid explained. "It's yer misfortune yeh grew up with some o' the biggest Muggles I've ever seen."

"We swore when we took them in that we'd put a stop to it!" Uncle Vernon bellowed. "We swore! Magic indeed."

I rounded on our aunt and uncle as Harry demanded, "You knew?"

"Knew?" Aunt Petunia shrieked. "Of course we knew! How could you not be, my dratted sister being what she was! She got the same letter and ran off to that- that school! She'd come back over the summer with frog spawn in her pockets, turning rats into tea cups! Our parents were so proud, it was always Lily this and Lily that!" Aunt Petunia heaved a breath, like she'd been bottling that up for years, and continued. "And then she met that Potter at school. They got married and had you and I knew you'd both be just as strange, just as… as abnormal. And then, if you please, she went and got herself blown up, and we got landed with you two!"


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