
Harry Potter : The Unfinished Battle

The war drags on after Voldemort's defeat and the Order of the Phoenix is fighting a losing battle. When Harry is hit by yet another killing curse, he wakes up years in the past and in an alternate reality. As an unknown child in a foreign world, Harry has a chance to change the outcome of the war - while dealing with new magical talents, pureblood politics and Black family drama.

Shin_kinshi · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Chapter - 12 : Secrets and Surprises part - 3


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The two witches fell silent and Harry tiptoed the rest of the way up the stairs to his bedroom. It seemed they believed his story, which was all he needed to know. Typical purebloods, though, worrying about blood status and family lines. To be fair, he supposed he might be worried too if he didn't know that Sirius hated all that.

Harry frowned as he caught himself yet again thinking everyone was the same as in his old world. He didn't know this Sirius and he had to remember that when he tried to explain everything to the man. Harry wasn't even sure what to say. 'Hello Sirius, I'm pretending to be your son, but really I'm a twenty-one-year-old Harry Potter from an alternate universe who was sent here by a crazy house elf,' while true, sounded utterly insane.

In the end he decided to go to St Mungo's and just wing it. A part of Harry was terrified of meeting the man, but he wanted Sirius to know what was going on. He wanted someone on his side.

It took almost half an hour of Mr Weasley arguing with the Mediwitch at reception before they was told which room Sirius was in. Apparently St Mungo's had been inundated with people all morning, all hoping to catch sight of the infamous Sirius Black. As a result the healers were being even stricter than usual about privacy and it was only once Mr Weasley had explained the whole situation that the Mediwitch finally relented.

"Oh very well, then," the Mediwitch said. "He's in room twelve on the Merlin and Morgana ward."

Harry tried to keep calm as he followed Mr Weasley along a maze of corridors. They followed the signs but still got lost and had to double back twice before they reached the door to room twelve. Auror Williamson was standing guard in front of it, no doubt in order to keep so-called well-wishers away.

"Hello there, Arthur," the Auror said cheerfully. "And young Orion! Great to see you again. I have to admit I had my doubts about your story, but you were absolutely spot on – Pettigrew was a Death Eater all along and hiding right under Headmaster Dumbledore's nose! Director Bones says I might even get a promotion out of all this!"

Harry smiled distractedly. "Good to see you again too, sir. Can I…?" He gestured to the door.

"Oh of course," Williamson said. "Just give me a sec and I'll check with Black to see if it's all right by him." The wizard disappeared into the room for a moment, before stepping back out into the hall with a smile. "Go ahead, lad. And good luck."

Mr Weasley gave him an encouraging nudge forwards. "I'll wait here for you. Take as long as you need."

Harry wiped his damp palms on his robes and took several deep breaths before slowly moving forwards into the hospital room. His breath hitched at the sight of his Godfather sitting up in a hospital bed and looking healthier than Harry had dared to expect. He was close to emaciated and deathly pale, with dark circles under his eyes, but his hair was neat and clean and his face was younger than Harry had ever seen it outside of photographs. Fewer years in Azkaban and the care of healers had clearly made a huge difference.

They stared at each other in silence for a long moment, before Sirius wet his dry lips and finally spoke. "Is it true?" he asked, his voice hoarse. "Are you really my son?"

The mix of disbelief and desperate hope in Sirius' eyes made Harry regret the lies he'd told. "No, no I'm not," Harry said, guilt flooding him at the sight of Sirius' disappointment. "I am the one who got you freed, though," he hurried to add, moving farther into the room.

"I don't understand. Who exactly are you then?"

"It's a long story." Harry shot a nervous look towards the door, not wanting to risk being overheard. "Would you mind if I cast a privacy ward?

Sirius tilted his head, a glimmer of interest returning to his expression. "Not at all. Go ahead." He didn't ask how a ten year old knew such a spell, but watched carefully as Harry chanted the incantation and waved his wand anti-clockwise.

Harry was pleased when the spell worked first try. Once he was certain no one could listen in, he walked the last few steps to Sirius' bedside and sat down on the nearby chair. "Right. Um. Well, you see… my name's not Orion Aubrey. That's just one I made up. My real name is Harry James Potter."

"What? But they told me Harry died years ago!"

Harry quickly tried to explain the details, not wanting to give the man false hope. "They were right. I'm not him. I'm from another world… and from ten years in the future. I ended up here because my body had been killed in my old world and, well, I was given a second chance…" He ended up babbling a bit as he tried to explain everything that had happened to him, but in the end finished by saying, "It's all rather complicated."

"Yeah, I'll bet!" Sirius stared suspiciously at Harry. "So you're claiming to be my godson from an alternate universe?"

Harry nodded earnestly. "Yep, exactly. Look, I know this all sounds unbelievable, but I'm telling you the truth. How else would I have known about the switch in Secret Keepers and how to find Pettigrew?"

You could have learnt that from Wormtail himself."

"Why would he tell me something that was used against him? Why would I even get you out of Azkaban in the first place?"

"Well for some reason I think it's more likely that you're a Death Eater with a convoluted plan to exploit the death of my godson, than a time traveller from an another dimension," Sirius said.

"Pettigrew would never have let himself be captured," Harry argued. "He's a snivelling coward who always looks out for himself. He'd never stick his neck out for some crazy plan I thought up."

A vicious scowl crossed Sirius' face at the thought of the rat. "That's true enough."

"Pettigrew would have no reason to tell me anything and without him how else would I know that you're an animagus?" Harry persisted, desperate for Sirius to believe him. "You can turn into a huge black dog that looks like the Grim. You, James and Pettigrew all became animagi in your fifth year, to help Remus Lupin through his transformations."

Sirius now looked rather cautious. "That still doesn't prove anything."


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