
Harry Potter: The Spy

A man wakes up to find himself inside the world of Harry Potter experiencing it as in a video game. Forced to fight to survive, in order to escape the plans set since his birth, he sets upon a path of self-discovery, whether to save this world or destroy it. Self Insert.

DesMark · Book&Literature
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26 Chs

The AU!

What followed Sirius's declaration was a hasty and quick introduction to the Diagon Alley, as Sirius and Prof. McGonagall argued over things that should and shouldn't be told to an 11-year-old, Rigel was busy admiring the world that the company had created, it was different from the movies, the movies just depicted a short part of the Wizarding World but Rigel saw a map of the different countries in the Wizarding World and the different colonies spread across the world.

'China, India, Brazil, Africa...'

There should be soo many cultures out there that Rigel was feeling excited, now he was wondering if the company had already added these in the game or not. But the thing deep down that was concerning him was the company itself.

'Since there is no Logout button, it seems like they have achieved time dilation in-game... but is it safe, will my brain even handle all this information that it will be receiving if the outside world is moving at a slower speed... maybe the game would end early if I die? there should be some information that should be provided right...'

The Joy of seeing a flying broom was a little dampened for Rigel as the group of three finally made it back to the Leaky Cauldron, Prof. McGonagall finally broke the silence, "So I am assuming you'll get Rigel's supplies at a later date?"

"Yeah" Sirius nodded distractedly and Prof. McGonagall frowned, Rigel looked at the frown on the older woman's face, but it slowly changed into a look of surprise as a smile appeared as she spoke, "Lily!... It's nice to see you!"

Rigel froze for a second as he heard what Prof. McGonagall said, he followed the sweet voice that replied to her question, a redhead with a bright smile and green eyes was talking to her while Sirius was already hugging a raven-haired man. As the group got acquainted with one another Rigel's thoughts started racing.

'The Potters are alive, Potters are alive? but how, in what scenario can the Potters survive Voldemort's Purge...'

Just as more questions were about to pop into his mind a blue screen appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations on completing the Tutorial.]

[Abstergo Technologies is proud to present to you The Wizarding World. Since you already know the storyline of what happened in Harry Potter, this universe is a simulated universe in which just one change was made to the timeline, well two considering your presence in this world... due to a small mistake made during their Hormone induced daze, Lily and James forgot to take precautions in their seventh year, leading to Harry James Potter being born a few years early.]

[We at Absergo sincerely don't want to spoil your experience as it would be more fun for you to discover the changes to the world yourself. Have fun, achieve one of the 10 preset conditions to clear the game, and don't Die. Have Fun!!]



As soon as Rigel finished reading the content on the screen it vanished as if it was a lie, while Rigel blinked at the now empty air, he didn't notice that he was somehow the center of attention. The Potter family scrutinized the new member of the Black Family, while Lily looked on with a sad face as the boy seemed so unfamiliar and alienated due to their familiar greetings. The thought of her Harry looking so lost made her want to go back home to hug her children.

"Rigel?" Sirius questioned, he looked a little concerned so Rigel pulled a rather hasty smile and asked, "Um who are they?" his actions seemed rather forced so Sirius indicated towards a table and they sat down. Prof. McGonagall excused herself in the meantime seeing that she could be intruding on a rather familial affair.

"This here is my best friends James Charlus Potter, and his lovely wife Lily Potter nee Evans, we were all classmates during our Hogwarts days, me and James met on our very first Hogwarts train ride, there are 2 more of my friends that I would introduce you to later..."

'2 more, that means Remus didn't run after Voldemort's downfall, and Peter was never exposed as a spy... but why wasn't he, he was spying on the order right, that's why the Potters and Sirius alienated Remus instead of him a little, why didn't Dumbledore expose Pettigrew then?'

"...can call me Prongs." James finished his introduction breaking Rigel out of his thoughts, 'I need to stop going deep into the storyline right now...' Rigel cursed and offered the man a small smile, if James Potter put on a Priest's robe, he would fit right in, his glasses and aura suited him a lot.

"And you can call me Lily, we look forward to having you at our home, I think Harry and you would be very good friends..." she smiled, Lily Potter looked like a heroine playing the part of a kind mother, Rigel had to stop himself from checking her out, his eyes never dipped from Lily's face. While he was starting to come to terms with his new situation, he didn't want to deal with the moral issues of ogling Lady Potter right now.

"You can call me Rigel," he said politely before turning to Sirius, "I am feeling a little tired, today has been an experience..." he hinted and Sirius stood up.

"Of course, Let's go, mind you you won't like the ride but we need to teach you how to floo anyway, here come with me..." Sirius stood up and walked to the Fireplace that was in the Leaky Cauldron, he grabbed the floo powder from the stands and then started explaining how the floo travel works.

'I need some time to see what the systems that the game has and my new bedroom would be the perfect place, and maybe some time to clock the situation that I am in...'

"...ber to say it aloud and clearly, here watch me, and if you have any questions after this ask Lily, James I'll see you tomorrow morning!" With that Sirius dropped the floor powder causing the red-orange fire to turn green before he said aloud, "Black Cottage"

As Sirius disappeared into the fire Rigel walked up to the floor stand and copied his actions, he turned around to face two sets of Hazel and Green eyes before he disappeared.

'I'm going to fall flat on my face aren't I...'
