
Chapter Three: The Letter (Updated 1/2020)

In Devon, England there was a small town by the name of Ottery St Catchpole. The town was unique for a number of reasons, but the main reason it housed both Wizards and Muggles(Non-Magical Folk) together. By the Ministry of Magic laws the Muggles have no idea that they live with witches and wizards, but nonetheless the village lived in peace together. Four prominent Wizarding Families that lived in the area were the Weasleys, Fawcetts, Diggorys, and the Lovegoods.

The Weasleys lived in a home they called the Burrow which was located to the south of the town. Both the Fawcetts and Diggory Family lived in small cottages that were near the outskirts of the town, but close enough to get daily supplies. The Lovegoods lived in a unique home to say the least. They lived in a home that was the shape of a rook chess piece that was hidden by hills, but surrounded with beautiful gardens that had an assortment of flowers different types of wildlife. It wasn't uncommon to see hares, butterflies, and foxes enjoying these gardens.

The Lovegoods household consisted of three people. The Father was Mr. Xenophilius Lovegood who was the owner and also a writer of The Quibbler. He used his imagination and current events in the world that he believed to be true and also the people and ideas he supported to write interesting and sometimes absurd views and publish it the Wizarding World of Britain. The paper itself wasn't seen as more than a joke to much of the wizarding society, but it did have a small fan rate that would buy The Quibbler and even send reviews and expectations they hold from it.

The most interesting thing was one page in the article was all in runes and it made people have to read it upside down to understand that page. The Issue that brought the most attention and print rate was Issue number 25.

This issue covered an intriguing article covering the response of allegations towards the Minstrity of Magic covering that a child has the ability to transform between a human and a dragon. The allegations also stated that it wasn't even an Animagus form, but something the child can do without using magic. The Ministry of Magic denies all allegations and The Quibbler fully supported the Ministry of Magic in this case; which is a rare occasion.

Mr. Lovegood had two children. Twins in fact. The youngest by only a minute was daughter Luna Lovegood. Luna was 11 years old and was the size of an average girl her age. She was at a height of 4 Feet and 7 inches and weighed about 81 lbs. She had dirty blond hair that went down to the back of her neck that almost touched her shoulder blades and she has beautiful pale blue eyes that held a spark of curiosity and adventure. She was an energetic child and nothing seemed to bring her down. She always had a smile and enjoyed dragging her brother around forcing him to spend time with her even though she knows he actually enjoys it. She had vast amounts of intelligence for someone her age. While she comes off as an introvert, mainly because she stays in her own thoughts, she stands her ground on things that she knows is right, threaten her family, and when people talk bad about The Quibbler.

She was a firm believer that the Crumple-Horned Snorkack was real and was always bringing her brother around to try and find it. That way to her father had proof to show the wizarding world it was true when he published it in The Quibbler.

The eldest of the twins was Liam Lovegood. Liam was an average male for his age of 11. He had a height of exactly 4 Feet and 8 inches and weighed about 85 lbs. He had silver hair and deep blue eyes that seemed to reflect ones soul back at them. He also had an interesting physical feature that no one else in his family had; his teeth. The teeth he had were sharp as razor wire and could chew threw almost anything. While these looks might make him see to be an aggressive child he is actually very introverted and hates talking to others. He prefers to train and study weapons or be with his sister. Even though he seems to give a struggle while his sisters always pulls him to follow her on adventures he is secretly happy and more then willing to go with her. He just has to give the facade of a boy not wanting to hang out with his sister. He is protective of his family and loves his sister dearly. He gets very aggressive towards those who harm or put down his sister.

It was the middle of July with the summer heat of Britain bearing down upon the good town of Catchpool. Within the Gardens surrounding the Lovegood home Luna Lovegood could be seen sitting on the grass with her back against a log.The was surrounded by flowers and hares were roaming around her. She was wearing a T-shirt that had the Ravenclaw coat of arms and color scheme and was wearing a black skirt that didn't go past her knees. She was currently not wearing shoes and was sitting on her thighs while reading the latest issue of the quibbler and a book bag could be seen besides her.

As she is reading she yells out, " Do you think father will be returning home tonight. I must ask him if they truly found evidence that the Crumple-Horned Snorkack eats berries and flowers. Because if this is true we could create a trap within this very garden" As she finishes speaking she has her hand on her chin in a thinking pose.

As she was thinking, Liam Lovegood was finishing up his morning run. As he heard her he just finished his 12th lap around the garden path. The path was about was .25 miles around the garden they stayed in. This specific garden they called the grove. The grove had plenty of open space with a dirt paths surrounding the garden and led into the middle of the garden and to their house.

As he finished, he began to walk towards Luna. As she heard him approach she looked up at her brother. He was currently shirtless and only wearing his shorts and running shoes. His upper body had a decent amount of muscle for an 11 year old and it could be seen that he worked out a lot. As she stared a slight blush started to appear on her face. She put down the Quibbler and opened up her book bag. When she reached into the book bag she took out a towel and threw it at her brother as he was about to speak.

"First dry off your sweat and then wear a shirt. What would people say if they saw you like that" she turned her head as she spoke trying to hide her face.

As Liam took the towel that was traveling towards his face he just smiled. As he began to dry off he told her, " Well good thing it's only us here so only my cute little sister can see. Besides if anyone else saw they would only think I'm a rebellious child who fights." He then pats Luna on her head and then took a seat next to her.

Luna smiled at hearing her brother call her cute, but thinking how others look at her brother makes her sad and defensive for him. b

Luna hands him his shirt and talks as he puts it on.

" Hmph they just don't know you like I do. Once our Hogwarts Letters come we will make friends and they will see your true self",Liam sees Luna's warm smile as he finishes putting on his shirt.

Liam smiles, " So what were you asking me? Something about dad right?"

Luna eyes sparkle, " Oh yes. Have you read the new issue of the Quibbler? I am hoping father comes home today so I can ask him about the Crumple-Horned Snorkacks. From what he says they enjoy to eat berries and flowers." She then sighs and begins to look sad, " Do you think he will return today or will he be away for a long time again?"

Liam sighs and pulls Luna to lay her head on his shoulders, " I believe he will return today since it's around the time he comes home after long periods of time away."

Liam and Luna stare across the garden as they remember their family .

Since the death of their mother two years ago their father Xenophilius has thrown himself into his work. He makes sure his children have money to buy the things they need and sends them letters once a day to Check up on them , but he is never home anymore and it saddens them.

They remember the times when the four of them would eat together, go out on adventures or when their mother would show them spells she was creating. They lost their mother to one of these self created spells of hers. The spell was supposed to help control the magic surrounding them and no longer require the use of wands to help channel the magic. Some wizards called this using ancient magic and the Ministry strictly enforced for these types of spells to have no experimentation because of the danger it imposes. Their mother was always fascinated with healing and good this magic could bring and had successfully created and used these spells before, but one day it went out of control.

Liam and Luna were with her when she cast her last spell. They watched as an entity which seemed to be composed of raw magic grab hold of their mother. Their mother told them to run before she slowly faded away and disintegrated. Before she left this world she looked back at her children and gave them a big smile and said she loved them and will watch over them from the void.

Once their mother was gone the entity sent a shock-wave and disappeared. This shock wave hurried towards the twins. Luna was shaking in fear, but Liam stood in front of Luna and ensured she was behind him before he took the full force of the shock-wave.

Smiling Luna turns to look at her brother, " You are right. Now then shall we return home and prepare for his arrival later today."

Liam smiles back and ruffles his sister hair, " Of course let's go." As he stands he stretches his arms and back.

Luna packs up the quibbler and puts the backpack on. As she gets ready to get up she sees her brother holding out his hand to her. She happily grabs it and is pulled up.

He gives her a quick hug and says, " Now no more sad thoughts. Let's go get the house ready and then we can do something inside."

She smiles and as Liam walks away she quickly jumps on his back and giggles," I don't feel like putting on my shoes so carry me back to the house."

He just smiles and shakes his head as he continues to walk towards their home as Luna begins to hum a happy tune and swaying her legs.

As they reach their home Liam opens the door and lets Luna down once he enters the house. The inside of their home was kinda small, but enough for a family of three. The flooring of the first floor was wood. The house had a good layout to flow inside.

As soon as you walked in the living room would in front of you. It was the center of the first floor. The living room had a fire place, and a circle rug, that was soft to the touch, that had the scenery of wildlife in the woods. Facing the fireplace was the couch, armchair, coffee table, and a small bookshelf that was in between the couch and armchair that all sat on top of the rug.

The dining room was to the immediate left of the entrance and had a small chandelier with a table and four chairs. It was connected with the kitchen.

The kitchen had marble tile flooring. There was a fridge, stove, and table tops along the wall. There was also an island, that held all their pots and pans, in the middle that's separated the sink and the stove.

The last two rooms were to the immediate right of the entrance one of these rooms was their father's office space when he was home. The other one the twins used as their library and music room.

The stairs were next to their father's office and it led to the second floor. The second floor has 4 bedrooms. The guest bedroom and Xenophilius were at the end of the hall. Luna's and Liam's were right next to each other near the stairs.

As Liam went to go take a shower upstairs Luna went and started to make lunch. She decided to make three plates of food hoping their father would be here in time for lunch. By the time she finished cooking lunch Liam came back down stairs. He was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a black shirt and his hair was still wet from the shower. As Luna put the finally dishes out and turned around she look at Liam. She glared at him a pointed a spoon at him, "Dry your hair before you catch a cold." Liam laughs and grins back at Luna, "Make me."

As if waiting for that Luna runs at Liam and pulls a dish rag from the counter top, " If you won't dry your hair then I will." Liam then grinned and took off towards the living room. Luna was chasing him around the living room trying to figure out the best way to get to him. She has never won a battle of tactics against him yet, but she had her secret weapon. She stopped by the fireplace and looked at Liam. She then started to whimper as though she was crying. Liam hated when she cried so he immediately rushed to her; even though he knew it was a trap. "What wrong Luna?" He said in a caring voice.

" You won't listen to me even though it's for your own good,'' Luna's voice sounded sad.

Liam sighs and goes to hug her and she wraps around him as he hugs her. She smiles and then takes the rag to dry his hair, " Listen to your sister since I know better than you." She smiles and pats his head as though she was the eldest.

Liam just rolls his eyes while smiling, " Alright my hairs dry now let's go eat." Liam release Luna from the hug and takes her hand as they go to the table to eat.

As they are eating they hear a tap at the door. Liam gets up to see what's at the door and when he opens it he sees an owl with two letters. He takes the letters from the owl and gives it some owl treats and thanks it before it took back to flight.

After the owl left Liam went back inside and looked at the letters.

One of the letters was addressed

To: Ms. L. Lovegood

Bedroom on the left

156 Rook, Catchpoll

While the other was addressed

To: Mr. L. Lovegood

Bedroom on the right

156 Rook, Catchpoll.

As Liam looked at the letters he knew it was from Hogwarts.

" Luna our admission letter just arrived from Hogwarts."

There was a crashing sound from the dining table as Luna ran towards Liam to get her letter. " Gimme, gimme I need to see to believe." Liam laugh at her while he bopped her on the head with her letter then he handed it to her.

" Hold your horses it's not gonna run away" Liam says as he smiles at her.

They both open their letters and read them,



(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Lovegood,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress

Another piece of paper was behind the introduction.



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

-The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk

-A History of Magic by Bathilda

-Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

-A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration by Emetic Switch

-One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

-Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

-Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

-Break with a Banshee by Gilderoy Lockhart

-Gadding with Ghouls by Gilderoy Lockhart

-Holidays with Hags by Gilderoy Lockhart

-Travels with Trolls by Gilderoy Lockhart

-Voyages with Vampires by Gilderoy Lockhart

-Wanderings with Werewolves by Gilderoy Lockhart

-Year with the Yeti by Gilderoy Lockhart



-cauldron (pewter, standard size 2) set

-glass or crystal phials

-telescope set

-brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad



As Liam finishes reading his letter he looks at Luna and waits till she finishes reading hers. As he watched he could see her eyes quickly skim through the letter as her smile grows bigger with each word she reads. As she finally finished she looked at Liam and looked like a little angel with that smile.

" Hehehehe. This is going to be an exciting adventure isn't it Liam"

Liam just nods his head, " That it will, but we need father to get here to buy our school supplies since we cant use the flew channel without him. Since he is worried well go off and do some adventuring without his supervision."

Luna just gives Liam a knowing look, " He is just trying to protect you till you can control that power better. Now since i have read my letter let me go clean the plate of food that was knocked off the table."

As Luna walks away Liam just sighs to himself. He remembers when he took the full force of the shock-wave given by the ancient magic. When he was hit he was knocked out for three days and it slowly changed his body. The most prominent was his teeth and the growing agitation he had when near large crowds when he wasn't with his sister or father.

Before Liam was able to think any deeper on what Luna said the door was opened. Liam turned around and saw his father Xenophilius Lovegood, but he goes by Xeno by his friends who are far and small apart. Xeno's appearance was unique by others, but to Luna and Liam he was a loving and caring father and they didn't care what he wore. Xeno had snow white hair and pale blue eyes. He stood at a height of 6 feet and 3 inches and weighed about 185lbs. He had an average body to say the least.

As Xeno walked into his home he saw his eldest and he smiled and Liam ran into his father's arms, " Well hello there Liam. How has my eldest twin been and i hope you have been taking care of your sister."

Liam just grinned," Of course I have old man. If I haven't then who would take care of our cute sister."

Xeno laughed at that, " Ahh the age of calling the parents old I remember those times." Xeno then looked sad, " Liam I know i haven't been a good father these past two years, but I am thankful for you and Luna and I hope you know I love you both dearly."

Liam look at his dad and just smiles, " Of course we know father. If we didn't think so would you really think I'd stay here with Luna."

Xeno just laughed knowing his son didn't mean anything by it. He knew his son treated his daughter like a princess and was very protective of her.

Liam then handed Xeno his letter," Father our Hogwarts letters have arrived today. We need to send an owl by the 31st of this month and we need to go shopping for our school supplies."

Xeno stared into space, " So it's that time already. Well let's go find your sister to discuss when we shall go buy your school supplies."

Xeno closes the entrance door and walks inside and walks with Liam to go find Luna.