
Chapter 1: Broken Prophecy

'Where am I? Why does everything suddenly look so much bigger?' Levi thought to himself as he slowly opened his eyes and looked around at the large objects surrounding him.

'Wait! It isn't that everything suddenly got bigger but more like I myself have gotten much smaller. Don't tell me, did I become a baby?' Levi exclaimed to himself as he lifted his arm and stared closely at his small baby hands.

'How did this happen? I was a grown man just a minute ago now I suddenly woke up and became a baby. Did I perhaps die in my sleep and reincarnate into a new world? If so, which world am I in? Please don't let it be a super dangerous one like One Punch Man or I might die before I even grow up. Am I even in a world that I know?' before Levi could continue his thoughts though he was suddenly interrupted by a small slap on his left arm.

'Who did that?' he thought completely startled as he looked towards his side to see the perpetrator.

'A baby? Why is there a baby here? Wait! Could this boy perhaps be my brother in this life? How troublesome' He quickly came to a conclusion as he stared at the boy who was looking curiously back at him.

"Harry, Levi how are both my babies doing?" A woman's voice suddenly sounded behind them as they slowly came into view as she stared right above them with a happy smile.

'Is this our Mother? Why does her face look so familiar? It seems however that I kept the same name that I had in my previous life. That's good' Levi pondered as he looked closely at the womans face

"Lily how are our boys doing?" A man came behind the woman and hugged her as he stared down at the two babies with a look of content.

"They're doing just fine James" the woman replied to her husband with a smile which suddenly turned grim as she suddenly whispered to him

"Do you think he'll be able find us?" She asked worriedly

"Don't worry he won't. Dumbledore already placed a spell to hide us. If he does I'll do my best to protect the three of you. For now let's go get some rest" Her husband replied to his wife's worries

"You're right I shouldn't worry to much. Goodnight Harry. Goodnight Levi." Lily replied as she kissed the two of them goodnight.

'Did he just say Dumbledore!' Levi exclaimed In his head as he watched the two of them leave the room

'They did mention that their names were Lily and James right? and that the boy next to me was named Harry. Don't tell me! Is this the world of Harry Potter?" Levi exclaimed

'Oh no, this is bad. I never read the books and I don't really remember what happened in the movies that well but Isn't this around the time that Voldemort attacked and killed the Potters due to the betrayal of that rat bastard." Levi cursed in his head

"Harry and I appear to be about the same age, then doesn't that mean that Voldemort will also want to kill me since I also fulfill the requirements for the prophecy about the boy who will defeat him.' He thought and came to a sudden realization

'Harry was able to survive thanks to the sacrifice of James and Lily but will there be any changes now due to my presence? Can Lily still protect two children at the same time? Will I still be able to survive Voldemort's attack? I can't leave that to chances, but what am I even able to do right now to protect myself? I'm just a baby.' Levi thought in desperation.

However before he could continue his train of thoughts his body suddenly began to glow brightly as five small balls of light suddenly appeared right above him.

'What is this' Levi looked up and thought in surprise

'Am I being attacked?' he guessed and then began to quickly struggle as he tried to escape.

And as he was about to cry out for help the five balls of light suddenly descended and sunk into his body.

'W-what!' Levi cried out in surprise as new information suddenly began to appear in his head.

'How did these items appear in this world?' He thought as he stared deeply into his mind and looked at the five items floating right in front of him

Right before his eyes laid a shining red gauntlet embedded with a large green gem in the middle. Next to it was a black and red longsword followed by two pairs of eyes, that each had their own unique appearance. Last but not least was a large shining gold cup that stood out from the rest

'Why do I suddenly have the Boosted Gear, Excalibur Morgan, the Mystic Eyes of Petrification, the Forbidden Balor View, and the Holy Grail? These items shouldn't exist in this world." Levi pondered as he stared dumfoundly at the items in front of him

'Well who cares about that, now I finally have a way to protect myself. With these I can easily dominate the wizarding world" he thought in excitement

'However, most of the items I can't use right now because I'm still not strong enough yet and I'm still currently a baby. If I use them forcibly I can seriously hurt myself or lose control. The only item I can use right now is the Holy Grail and the Forbidden Balor View.' Levi calmed down and then began to analyze from the information he received as he held the Grail in his hand

'From the information I got, the wishes I can get from using the holy Grail has some limitations as well as some drawbacks. I can't just wish to be omnipotent from the get go but I can wish for things like Immortality or for some things from other worlds. However even then certain conditions are given to me to have the wish completed based on the degree of the wish. For example if I wish to be immortal then some of the conditions that can be given to me is that I either have to die first or wait a short period of time before I can gain Immortality. Overall, it's not a bad thing since at least I can still get my wishes granted.' Levi analysized and didn't really see any problem with the drawbacks

'For now I need to make a wish that can help me out of this current situation. With the amount of magic energy stored in this cup I can have a steady amount of wishes for the foreseeable future if I don't waste them watonly. Hmm then what should I wish for?' Levi pondered

'I want to have the power right now to protect myself and I also need to figure out how much time I have left before Voldemort attacks as well as other information I need to know about this world. That being the case I think I know what I want to wish for.' Levi thought deeply and made a decision

'For now I wish to have a guide that acts sort of like a system that keeps track of my body condition and gives me warnings and information that I want to know about this world.' Levi made his first wish

'I also wish to be able to use magic from other worlds and for a barrier that can protect me from a strong attack.' He continued

'Last but not least, I wish to have a large amount of mana or magic power that allows me to use magic from other worlds.' Levi finished and said his last wish

And as he finished saying his last words the Grail suddenly began to shine brightly before it stopped and turned dull.

'Is that it? I don't feel anything.' Levi thought as he left his mind and checked his body for any changes.

[Hello there master I am Echo your personalized guide system] A mechanical voice suddenly sounded in his head

'Guide system! Did my wishes work' Levi replied in excitement.

[They have Indeed sir. Currently however you can only get one magic of your choice each year and you've received the magic power you want to be able use them but you have to wait for your magic power to gradually grow.] Echo replied

'Thats okay but anyway can you tell me when Voldemort is going to attack?' Levi ignored the drawbacks and quickly asked Echo as he really wanted to know when Voldemort was going to appear.

However, the reply that Echo gave him surprised him

[Yes, currently the one you call Voldemort is launching an attack right now] Echo replied

'WHAT!' Levi yelled in shock