
Harry potter: The ringmaker

Nicholas died under mysterious circumstances on earth and was reborn into the world of harry potter as an orphan with a mysterious ring maker system. He does not know why he is here nor why he has this system but Nicholas is determined to make the best of his new life , noseless freaks be damned.

loskro · Book&Literature
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"I need to take a large amount of gold out of the account and that means that I need to be present for it and I figured It would be best to have you nearby as I get our family stuff here in order." Nick explained and Helena nodded in agreement as it would be hard for the goblins to pull any tricks with her there to point out any important details they try to slip past Nick due to "outdated contracts". Steve was just happy to be out and about though and looked at everything with wide curious eyes.-

Considering that Gringotts was the second largest building in diagon alley and that he had already known it's position from the shop it didn't take Nick and Helena long to get there. Once again nick bribed and greeted the heavily armed goblin at the front door before going into the busy bank. Walking up to a teller Nick placed a galleon at the edge of the podium which brought the goblins attention to himself. "Welcome to Gringotts. What do you seek to do today?" the goblin said with the standard lackluster attitude of the goblins.-

"Family management and a large withdrawal of funds from the account." Nick said all business. The goblin leaned forward to really give Nick a look over and despite it's eyes stopping briefly on the various rings on Nicks hands it particularly focused it's gaze on the lord ring. Satisfied with what it saw the goblin sat back down and reached for one of the many bells stored in a drawer behind the podium that curiously had the Ravenclaw house crest on it and rang it. Some of the other goblins working froze when the sound went out and looked at the podium in question with wide surprised eyes.-

The reason for this was that each goblin bell had a different sound that only creatures with really sensitive hearing like goblins could differentiate and the Ravenclaw account had long been used to punish people with stagnation due to it's lack of use. As result only those who had memorized each possible bell sound recognized this bells significance. The only exception to this was a middle aged goblin with a scar through his right eye that had a look of disbelief and excitement on his face as he walked towards the podium Nick was standing in front of.-

"My name is Grimgrip and I am in charge of the Ravenclaw account Mr.?" Grimgrip said while trying to get Nick to introduce himself. "Nicholas I Ravenclaw" Nick said with an extended hand which the goblin took eagerly. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Nicholas. Please follow me to an open room to discuss the state of your accounts." Grimgrip said professionally. Gringotts always had rooms set up specifically for talking in private with the many customers of the bank. The room Nick and Helena were lead to was a plain thing with a simple low table with wide proportions and a few simple padded chairs.-

Grimgrip took a seat on one side of the table and Nick took a seat on the other. "If it is no trouble can I asked why the Ravenclaw house seemed to abandon their account for the last thousand years?" the goblin asked fairly bluntly. "Helena here was the last known heir to the family until I myself recently had an inheritance test performed on me." Nick explained and Grimgrip nodded in understanding. "The long way it is then." he said and rang a bell that was sitting on the table summoning another goblin.-

"Bring me everything we have on the Ravenclaw account." Grimgrip said and the other goblin looked taken back for a moment but left to do so anyways. "Due to the lack of understanding in regards to your families account you have We will need to go over everything pertaining to it , this will take quite a while so I hope you don't have any plans." Grimgrip said with a chuckle. Nick soon found out that this was no joke either as several thick piles of parchment were brought into the room and placed on the table before them.-

Six hours later and they finally went through the vast pile of paperwork thanks to Helena helping to sort the active and closed events of the files based on her memory at the start that cut the work down considerably. In this process Nick actually learned that the Ravenclaw family had ties to the Peverell family through an unfinished contract involving a certain set of potion ingredients that couldn't be delivered due to the death of the known Ravenclaw family members. It was honestly a little lack luster of a connection but finding any information is very difficult for some reason as if all records of them were erased past a certain point.


my patrons can read at least twelve chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

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