
Harry Potter The New Lord Black

Aries Sirius Black, once known as Harry Potter, endured a miserable childhood under the Dursleys until the day the Blacks found him. Rescued and educated, Harry learns the intricacies of the wizarding world and the manipulations of Dumbledore. How will Aries Sirius Black navigate the challenges of the wizarding world? Will he rise as a hero, or will he choose to become the next Dark Lord—an outcome eagerly anticipated by the Blacks? Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

Nebula_Scribe · Book&Literature
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116 Chs

Lucius's Priorities

'I thought it was a very kind gesture from Granny,' Narcissa said. She was lying in bed, but Lucius was pacing angrily about the guestroom. 'Besides, it made the boys happy. Didn't you see the look on poor Draco's face when he heard what you said?'

'I did, Narcissa,' Lucius replied. 'Nonetheless, I think it would be very good for Draco to spend some time apart from Aries. He needs to make other friends. I introduced him to the Crabbe and Goyle boys at the Ministry Christmas ball, and he hardly said a word to them.'

Narcissa wrinkled her nose. 'If those boys are anything like their fathers, I should be very surprised if Draco had much in common with them.'

Lucius stopped pacing and sat on the bed. 'They are useful, Narcissa.'

'They are idiots, Lucius.'

'Friends are one thing, allies are another,' Lucius said.

Narcissa smiled and ran her hand along her husband's cheek. 'You've made my point beautifully, dear. Draco and Aries are friends—no, more than that. They are family. There will be plenty of time for them both to acquire useful but stupid allies later.' Lucius opened his mouth to protest, but Narcissa laid her finger gently across his lips. 'If Draco showed any evidence of lacking ordinary social skills, I should agree with you,' she said. 'But he handled himself very nicely at the ball, and seemed to charm quite a number of proper young ladies.'

'It's not right for a boy to spend so much time away from his family,' Lucius said feebly. 'Lately Sirius Black has seen more of my son than I have.'

Narcissa frowned at him. 'Sirius is my cousin and your brother-in-law. He's hardly outside our family.'

'Sirius Black is a blood traitor,' Lucius replied.

'Don't you dare say such a thing, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy!' Narcissa scolded.

'Have you forgotten the torment he put his parents through?' Lucius asked. 'He ran away from home and joined the Order of the Phoenix, for Merlin's sake!'

'In the end, however, his breeding came to the surface,' Narcissa pointed out. 'He married your sister, a respectable pureblood witch, and fathered a Parselmouth who has a demonstrable talent for the Dark Arts. Sirius may deny it, but it is generally accepted that he entered the Dark Lord's service.'

'I do not recall ever hearing of him amongst the Death Eaters,' Lucius said petulantly.

'Do you honestly believe that the Dark Lord entrusted all his secrets to you?' Narcissa replied mockingly. 'Besides, Sirius spent nine years in Azkaban for the Dark Lord, which is more than you can claim to have done.'

'Would you rather I had gone to prison, my dear, together with Bella and Rudy?'

'No,' Narcissa said primly. 'I much prefer to have my husband with me. But I find it a bit amusing for you to accuse Sirius of being a blood traitor, when he has suffered more prejudice and maltreatment from the Mudbloods and Muggle-lovers than any of us.'

'What of his behaviour since his release? He's always whisking the boys off to Merlin-knows-where on some mad adventure. He's loud and obnoxious, and all too proud of his Gryffindor background.'

Narcissa smiled. 'Sirius is larger than life, I'll certainly give you that. He's always been that way.' She laughed. 'But that hardly makes him a blood traitor. He hasn't objected to the boys' weekly lessons with Aunt Cassie in special magic, his dislike for Dumbledore is clear and I haven't heard either of the boys spout any Muggle-loving nonsense.'

Lucius frowned. 'It seems he has even you under his spell.'

His wife rolled her eyes. 'I don't think any malicious enchantments are to blame, Lucius. Sirius is a decent wizard. He cares deeply about both Aries and Draco, and they naturally return his affection. If you would like to receive your own share, you might consider spending less time holed up in your study or visiting with the Minister, and a bit more time playing Quidditch with the boys on the grounds.'

Lucius raised an eyebrow. 'I am an important wizard with important work. Sirius Black may not have anything better to do than play Quidditch all day, but I certainly do.'

His wife sighed. 'Of course, dear.'


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