
Harry Potter The New Lord Black

Aries Sirius Black, once known as Harry Potter, endured a miserable childhood under the Dursleys until the day the Blacks found him. Rescued and educated, Harry learns the intricacies of the wizarding world and the manipulations of Dumbledore. How will Aries Sirius Black navigate the challenges of the wizarding world? Will he rise as a hero, or will he choose to become the next Dark Lord—an outcome eagerly anticipated by the Blacks? Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

Nebula_Scribe · Book&Literature
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117 Chs

Heartfelt Homage

In the chaos of everyone filing out of the church, Remus and Harry got separated from Sirius.

'How are we ever going to find him in this madness?' Harry asked Remus.

'I have a fair idea where he is,' Remus replied. 'You see, Harry, this is a special church for a number of reasons. Not only were you christened here, but...' He drifted off, but Harry could see where he was leading them. The churchyard.

'James and Lily are buried here, aren't they?' he whispered. Remus nodded and opened the gate so they could go in.

Sirius was standing over a grave near the back wall, his hands folded in front of him.

'I'm so sorry, mate,' he was saying quietly as Harry and Remus came up behind him. 'You deserved better. You both did. And Harry deserved to grow up with you, instead of the Raving and Most Mental Madhouse. He's a really good kid. You'd be proud of him.'

Remus stood back to give Sirius some privacy, but Harry leaned closer so he could hear better. The werewolf didn't stop him.

'He's going off to Hogwarts next year, you know,' Sirius sniffed. 'I'm not really ready for him to go yet. It feels like I haven't had enough time with him. He'll do great, though. He's clever and funny. He'll take Hogwarts by storm. He has a good friend to share it with, Draco Malfoy.' He snorted. 'I know, I can't believe it either, but Draco's a good kid too. They rather remind me of us at their age.' He paused. 'I wish I could know what you think of how I'm doing. I know I can never fill your shoes, but I'm trying to be a decent dad.'

Harry came up and put his arms around Sirius's waist. 'You're the best.'

Sirius looked down at him in surprise. 'How long have you been there?' he asked.

'Long enough,' Harry replied, and looked down at the stone marker. It was inscribed with the names and dates of James and Lily Potter. 'Is this your first time coming here?'

Sirius shook his head and smiled. 'No, actually I'm afraid I come here rather often. I like to keep Prongs updated on how you're doing.'

'You could always talk to his portrait,' Harry reminded him.

'Oh, I do that too,' Sirius replied. 'This seems more real, somehow.'

They stood there awhile, staring down at the grave in silence. Before they left, Sirius conjured a bouquet of flowers and let Harry lay them at the gravestone. As they walked away, Harry noticed a smaller marker next to James and Lily's. It read: Harry James Potter, 1980-1986. The Boy Who Lived.

'What is that?' Harry snarled.

'Oh, that.' Sirius rolled his eyes. 'I assume Dumbledore had it placed here after your unfortunate demise.'

Harry, however, was in no mood to joke around. 'Is the grave empty, or do you think the old man found some other child to put in my place?'

'Harry!' Sirius scolded. 'I'm hardly Dumbledore's biggest fan, but it's just ridiculous to suggest he'd do anything so nasty. I'm sure the grave is empty.'

'Good,' Harry said coldly. 'Because then no one will mind if I do this.' Harry drew his wand and hissed a curse in Parseltongue. The offensive gravestone was blasted to smithereens.

Remus came running over in shock. 'What happened?'

'Harry doesn't care for his gravestone,' Sirius explained.

'I see,' Remus replied. 'Won't the Ministry detect his underage magic?'

'They can't detect who did it, Moony, only that it was done,' Sirius replied carelessly. 'And Godric's Hollow has always had a significant wizarding population.'

'You do realise that blasting away Harry Potter's gravestone will attract attention?' Remus pointed out.

'I don't care,' Harry said through gritted teeth.

Remus started to argue, but Sirius shut him up.

'I think the boy has the right to decide whether he wants a gravestone or not,' he said wryly before turning to Harry. 'Is there anything else you'd like to blow up, or can we go home now?'

Harry chuckled. 'I think I'm done.'

As the three wizards left the graveyard, Harry felt oddly light and full of holiday cheer. He started singing 'I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In' at the top of his lungs, and Sirius immediately joined in. Remus gave them an exasperated look, but eventually relented, and lent his voice to the mix.


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