
Harry Potter: The Marauders Era

Mark Brown was a dreamer, Louis Avery Jr. was a sadist. We all know the story as it would come to be in a couple of decades but what difference could one innocent soul that gets thrown into the body of a sadistic dark wizard cause?

LOLz_z · Book&Literature
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A strange Day!

{Clasroom 307, Hogwarts}

{6:08 PM, 2th Nov 1977}

{Mark's POV}

"I would like to talk to my Solicitor for a moment," Mark interrupted the dick-measuring contest that was going on. With a brief glare that each of them reciprocated, Mark and Lucius walked to a corner of the room before Lucius waved his wand. Nothing really happened, but Lucius stood before Mark, blocking Moody's view with his back.

"What could I do for you Heir Avery." Lucius's reply was quick, he looked like he was eager to go back to take any advantage he could gain before this matter was brushed aside, as far as Mark could gather, the war between Dumbledore and Voldemort was still in the cold war stage, with no large scale fighting going on and an ambition to rise further into the ranks of the inner circle, Lucius finally had an opportunity to gain some merit all the while maybe getting Louis Avery on his side too.

"I need you to take back the complaint that we just filed..." Louis spoke stunning Lucius.



There was a brief silence following his statement, Lucius's face lost what little excitement it showed, he didn't speak as he processed before asking, "Why, this is a perfect opportunity to deal a heavy blow to Dumbledore's status."

"Because I don't remember a lot of stuff, I remember some magic, these memories come and go like flashes of inspiration, but I am in no position to give away any advantage whatsoever that I have left by telling the whole world that the heir to the Most Ancient and Most Noble house of Avery does not even remember who he is. I am slowly navigating through a minefield just trying to gauge everyone's intentions inside Slytherin, I don't want everyone in the school and outside to start gunning for me."

Mark knew he was giving away a weakness to a Malfoy which wasn't a particularly brilliant idea, but it had to be done. Right now Lucius Malfoy was drowning in ambition, he just wanted to get into the inner circle and join their honorable crusade to rule over both the magical and non-magical world, but as soon as things get real and he had to bow down to worship another wizard while under the influence of the cruciatus curse, Mark was sure that he would want out, it happened in the books, but a lot later in the end stages of the series, but he could surely influence things somewhat.

Mark has played games before and, to be honest, he always preferred the evil route, being a hero and all just didn't fit right with him, he was quite selfish as he always had to fight for every little thing, but the agenda of Voldemort and his followers were a little too extreme for him. Wanting to rule and conquer was natural but he wasn't going to be a death eater and participate in raids on helpless muggles. This makes him stand on the opposite side of a mass-murdering overpowered wizard who wasn't exactly sane, and he currently didn't have the backing of the only wizard capable of repelling said psychopath. Even if he could choose, he wouldn't choose the side of an old man with demons of his own, Dumbledore was a complicated character to understand which increased Mark's vigilance towards him.

"I don't know how much you have been told after your ...incident, but there are some forces in the world to whom you just don't say no to Mr. Louis..." Lucius Malfoy had a stern face, the previous humorous expression was gone, Mark was guessing Lucius's mind was already going through various iterations on how to dupe him into following his commands.

"I know what the Dark Lord represents, Mr. Malfoy, and I undoubtedly support his ideals of Purebloods being the true rulers of our world, but right now what I need is some time to maybe get all or at least some of my memories back, it's taking time but whatever happened just suppressed my personal memories, my efficiency with magic and spells are still there and rapidly coming back. What I don't need is for certain people to misunderstand that I completely lost all my memories and then gang up on me."

"Louis you don't seem to understand-" Whatever he was about to say next was cut off by Mark waving his hand, it was an incredibly rude thing to do in the pureblood circles, Mark could see his jaw clench so he quickly continued, "Mr. Malfoy..." Mark paused for a bit, "I do not want this investigation to go any further at the moment, maybe once I get my memories back I could tell you exactly where you should point your sword to and I'll support you then with the full backing of a Most Ancient and Noble house, I know that our fathers were friends, and maybe we even had a personal relationship, and I would implore you to not take offense to any of my words or actions today, but..."

I looked behind him for a moment and notice both Moody and Lily were looking in our general direction but their eyes were focused in the wrong direction, "...Right now, there is no possible way for us to get any clues, and Dumbledore wouldn't let you touch a student no matter what happens, so what I need right now is for you to negotiate with the auror to bury this incident by using the leverage you just got, and to spread the word from official channels that it was some prank spells gone wrong which led to my temporary insomnia."

"In return, the House Avery will vote positive with all 7 votes the next time or any one time a Lord Malfoy asked for support during your House's Ascension vote." Louis finished, it was a long speech, and he immediately started going through what he asked/demanded in his head with the price he paid to keep this hush for now. Except for grinding his spells during the last couple of days, he had skimmed through two books, 'The Sacred 28: The Founding Houses', and 'Navigating through the Wizengamot'. While he did not know everything, he could figure out that Malfoy's House might have wanted to ascend to be an Ancient and Noble house.

According to the Wizengamot charter, a house could apply to ascend once every decade once they have gathered enough merit, the Noble House of Malfoy had apparently tried two times but they never were able to get enough votes to ascend into an Ancient and Noble House. It was a bait, and both of them knew it, if he wanted to one day walk in the Wizengamot circle he would have to choose one of the three sides, the conservatives, the neutrals, and the liberals. The Avery House votes were normally counted in the conservative's pool, thus making him and Malfoy house technically allies, which means unless he would shift to the neutral side if an ascension vote is called by one of the conservatives, he would probably be obliged to support it in exchange for getting some benefits. But no one wants their votes to get diluted, so most of the Houses higher in the hierarchy just support with one of five/seven votes thus making acension votes fail a lot.

Mark and Lucius stared at each other for a second before the later gave a curt nod before he waved his wand to dispel the spell shielding the two of them, Mark instantly noticed the eyes of the two people outside of the bubble instantly snap to their location thus confirming his hypothesis. It was a spell that affected a certain area, not only it obscured there conversation it also created a false visual copy of them somewhere around them.

By now Lucius has once again regained his noble persona and walked in front of Moody, he placed the note that he got just minutes before on the table drawing a confused look from the auror, "Now what Malfoy, that note is the best you're going to get out this..."

"Dispite my persuasion, heir Avery has a different suggestion in mind..."


AN- Alright time to give this series a try! I'll try to upload daily with at least one chapter from now on now that I have some free time! Hope you like it, though I do need to make some changes to Marks powers so that Magic theory and other runes could be later integrated into the story.