
Harry potter: The last black

Alexander reincarnated in body of sirius black the first day when he join to azkaban.

Wizza · Book&Literature
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Sirius, who finally made the decision of which way he could go, stood up in his dirty and ragged cell, he waited until one of the dementors that he was patrolling had left, as well as all the cell neighbors were asleep or passed out due to "food". "daily given to dementors here here azkaban.

Sirius: kreacher come here After

a second of silence inside the cell a small "pop" is heard and with that Kreacher appears, one of the main reasons why Sirius dies, but what can he and I do? We are not supposed to have a great relationship beyond of master - servant

Kreacher: my name is master, friend of the mudbloods and blood traitors

Sirius rolls his eyes "it's necessary to fix my relationship with kreacher, I think fixing the locket problem will be enough"

Sirius: Kreacher take me to grimmalud place quickly Kreacher takes Sirius's hand and they disappear from Azkaban.

#12 Grimmalud Place

black walburga thinking

The black house is in pieces orion is no longer dead regulus, beautiful in azkaban, narcissa with the malfoys and andromeda left with that disgusting mudblood in addition to the traitor who is also in azakaban the most noble and ancient black house in the ruins

he hears a "pop" and walburga sees something he both loves and hates so his heart stopped for a moment before exploding like an erupting volcano

Walburga: What the hell are you doing here, you damn traitor, you didn't go with your friends, you can't come back with the truth, they're dead

Sirius: So you think I didn't betray them?

Walburga: jm Who raised you I know you are stupid but you are loyal like those silly lions you, joined So has he come?

Sirius: They set me up, Dumbledore, I already knew that the Potters would die, and Peter Petegrew, my so-called friend, gave James and Lily to Voldemort.

Walburga just looks at his son as a fool after all the black family as one of Britain's biggest political players how could he not know the moves of the world's greatest white wizard and the changes he had brought with him.

Walburga: your father and I told you that entering the Order of the Phoenix would be useless, that you would only be one of the pawns of that old man and now look at you, you come here with your disgusting clothes, escaped from Azkaban, beaten like a dirty dog ​​to my house, a house that you rejected all your life

So what do you want and why do you think the black house could give you something?

Sirius, who has been listening quietly to everything his now "mother" says, straightens his back and with a small smile

Sirius: You must have already realized that there is no one left and despite everything I know that you do not want the black house to be forgotten like many of the other pure-blood houses that are now extinct.

So I offer you a deal help me prepare 12 years after that I will become a qualified black lord plus with a bit of luck we can be able to bring back andromeda after all his daughter has inherited the main gifts of the family black

Walburga: HAHAHA even if I took the deal who do you think you are now you're just a fugitive from azkaban you don't have any privileges in the wizarding world you lost your position as auror the moment you were arrested.

Sirius: If I go back to Azkaban from time to time, I could practice magic with the help of the Black family's library, plus some things that he planned to acquire, my strength will go up a lot.

Sirius looked at her out of the corner of his eye and with a small smile said

Sirius: Maybe he reaches the level of Dumbledore.

At the moment of hearing that, Walburga narrowed her eyes, after all, Dumbledore's magical level is not a joke, after all, he is the strongest in Great Britain.

Sirius: As a sign of good faith I will tell you how Regulus died and tell you that the reason he died was very big.

Walburga was paralyzed for a moment when she heard the name of her dead son, which she carries deep in her heart.

Walburga: no games

Sirius raised both arms pretending that he has nothing on his hands

Sirius: calm down, after all he is also my brother