
Harry potter: The last black

Alexander reincarnated in body of sirius black the first day when he join to azkaban.

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bellatrix black

Bellatrix Lestrange nee black

my crazy cousin

Bellatrix: look look who is here but it is my dear cousin hahaha the traitor

Although this SIRIUS is no longer the real one, he still does not like to be called a traitor after all who would like to be accused of a crime he did not commit

Sirius: You know very well that I didn't.

Bellatrix: yes, yes wormtail but it doesn't matter because everyone believes it was you and if people believe it then it becomes true says bella with a sly smile

Alexander has synchronized himself with all of Sirius's memories so he knows the life Bellatrix lived and knows in large part why she became the way she is now.

after all in her youth she was a very talented magician who dreamed of becoming an auror and having great battles against the strongest but no one supported her After all, the customs of the magical world can be said to be archaic since women, although they do not have prohibited things, there are many with which they do not have community support.

Bellatrix suffered from family training since both her mother and father were quite severe people even if we compare them with Walburga since they used the cruciatus curse and empire from a young age as training for the mind in addition to being encouraged to study dark arts in her stage of growth which made the influence enter her mind which caused different facets of bellatrix

Dark magic is not determined by the effect of the spell, but by how necessary it is for the user to channel to cast it, and these are negative emotions that, if not controlled or practiced under very strict supervision, are fatal to the mind. of the user of this magic

Although it can be said that her adolescence resisted her very well, she was very persecuted by the boys since bellatrix is ​​beautiful but she liked to make jokes and jokes in addition to studying combat magic, which is what she is most passionate about

In her adolescence she thought her family would stop forcing her to do the dark arts if she showed her talents in other subjects, but she believed wrongly

since one of her encounters at Hogwarts one of the Gryffindor boys hurt one of her sisters which caused her to lost her temper and used black magic which was obviously spread through the school and with that event she was pigeonholed in a group of "bad" people until one day she revealed herself with a smile and thought "since everyone They say I'm a dark wizard so let's be one"

she also became very recognized at school since at Hogwarts a very good defense against the dark arts was developed, unfortunately without a good occlumency your mind succumbs and little by little that beautiful young woman who wanted to become an auror became someone who only wielded magic black In addition,

after meeting Voldemort, he showed her everything that she had longed for, the ideals of her mother and parents, which they imposed on her and her sisters since they were born, in addition to Voldemort's words and attention, which was what made her love him.

he will swear allegiance to the old noseless toad until the end

(End bellatrix past)

Sirius" helena bonham carter is really beautiful it's a shame bellatrix is ​​so crazy that dark magic has really affected her mind

time skip 5 years

In Azkaban, the paradise of the dementors and the hell of the people, if you go inside you can see their prisoners in the worst conditions, malnourished with beginnings or already completely crazy due to the extraction of souls from the dementors.

But there was something very different in two of the cells since there was no one, but in one of them there was only an open briefcase on the floor but if you looked inside you could see some stairs going down to a study class which was a lot more spacious than a normal house, there was furniture as well as shelves full of books In addition.

there was a 27-year-old man with the appearance of a young man (keanu reeves) was at a desk full of different scrolls and books with his head thrown back in the chair with his eyes closed and sighing while on his right was a woman bellatrix lestrange reading a book of battle experiences from one of the ancestors of the black family

His jade-like white skin looked much healthier, as well as his dark eyes, which, although eager for battle, did not have those previous flashes of madness.

sirius point of view

It's been 5 years already, I must say I'm quite proud of myself I read the entire black family book collection which I must admit was gigantic, thousands of books after sneaking off to Bulgaria where gregorovith's store is located he was able to ask that ee made him a custom wand which were

38cm with a mixture of black walnut and ebony wood with 2 perfectly matched cores, a Phoenix feather (from the Phoenix belonging to Aurelius Dumbledore) and thestral tail hair which forms a beautiful wand which was ready for all the coming battles

I realized that I can't do everything alone despite having kreacher is not enough I needed someone and who better than beautiful, after a very difficult cleaning of her magic Although I had to almost force her (she fainted and did a ritual without her consent )

I am sure she is grateful, she recovered her sanity and began to practice occlumency in which I must say she is very talented, although she still has a bit of Voldemort in her heart I know it is because of the mark which I have not yet been able to know how to remove

has been working as my assistant after a long discussion about why she would stoop to being my assistant so she calls herself my partner

We've been getting close and I've developed a kind of feeling for her but it's more like family I don't know yet.

Ahhgg these topics are very complicated I prefer to continue studying magic

I have become much more powerful my transformations, incantations and spells have become better, besides that I practice duels with Bella I improve more and more my occlumacy should be more or less at a snape level in the future, I practice legilimency and wandless magic and I have reached a considerable level

I also began to practice black magic with due respect and care for this type of magic, I did a lot of research on alchemy and ancient runes which I found fascinating, and I also began to exercise my body to learn martial arts later on.

I have several projects in mind but they need time and resources.

I have studied a lot but it is not enough I must obtain more knowledge and I know how I will get it