
Triplets and Triumphs

Harry and Hermione were in bed, wrapped in each other's arms while reflecting on the day just past

After the Carter's left Harry asked gran if she would like to return with them to Hogwarts and stay for the holidays, Amanda Granger looked as if she'd won the lottery and unbelievably was packed in under twenty minutes.

Sirius had moved into staff accommodation leaving a room free for Amanda, much to Ginny's relief as sharing a room would have seriously eaten into her 'kissing Neville' time.

After dinner, for which Sirius, Remus and Narcissa had joined them the furniture was cleared away for the final dancing lesson before the ministry ball.

The remainder of the evening was spent laughing and joking while learning some moves from Dan and Emma, Sirius and Narcissa were able to run them through anything pertaining to the magical world that the Grangers wouldn't know.

The floo was busy with Minerva, Poppy and the Tonks family all making an appearance with the lessons turning into an impromptu party that would be remembered for a long time.

The brandy and butterbeer were flowing while Harry, Hermione and the elves stuck to pumpkin juice all night.

The only serious note was when Narcissa mentioned acceptance speeches causing Winky to pale considerably and propose Dan handle that part of the evening.

Everyone had a rye smile thinking about the so called elite of the magical world parting with gold to hear a muggle speak, the Potters had already paid for a full table and Ragnok had the one next to them.

Sirius had decided it was time to re-enter society and the Blacks reserved the table on the other side of the Potters, it would be an interesting night and with all the money raised going to St Mungo's, Harry wouldn't feel too bad if some pureblood stepped out of line and ended up there.

They had spent the entire evening dancing the night away.

Harry had never been happier; he had dreamed of this his whole life, having a loving family that was soon going to grow.

'When will we tell them love' asked Harry over the bond

Hermione absolutely radiated happiness ' oh Harry I know we were going to wait till Christmas morning but I want to go to the astronomy tower, cast the most powerful sonorus in history and tell the world that Hermione Potter is pregnant'

'So breakfast tomorrow then' laughed Harry

Hermione was not joking when she replied 'I'll try and hold out that long but making no promises here, I reserve the right to wake everyone up tonight.'

Breakfast saw Remus and Sirius joining them and sitting at their usual spot with the Grangers, elves and Ginny all tucking into breakfast as the couple walked into the room.

"My wife and I have an announcement to make…' was all that Harry managed to say before squeals from Emma and Ginny nearly deafened them, this was quickly followed by much hugging, kissing and back slapping from the assembled company.

Hermione was led to her chair by Dan who was already in overprotective grandparent mode while Harry sat beside her holding his hands up for quiet.

As everyone eventually settled down Harry continued, "as I was saying before being rudely interrupted my wife and I have an announcement to make," he joked while allowing the expectation to build, "at our check-up visit to Poppy yesterday she revealed Hermione is having triplets, a boy and two girls."

The expressions on the assembled faces were wonderful to watch, Sirius was unashamedly crying tears of joy while Dan seemed ready to faint again. Amanda and Emma looked like they wanted to come and hug Hermione but had temporarily lost the power of their legs so it was predictably Ginny who broke the silence.

"Am I a sister or an Aunt? I've been a sister and it's not all that great"

"You're forgetting something Gin" said a smiling Harry "this time it's big sis!"

Ginny rose and engulfed the couple in a hug which seemed to be the signal for pandemonium to reign as everyone was laughing, crying, jumping up and down with delight while trying to hug the couple, all at the same time.

After breakfast they decided a tour of Hogwarts was in order to see how the renovations were proceeding, Narcissa had arrived with the latest reports but they wanted to show the Grangers round the castle.


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