
Laughter in the Dark

Hermione decided to tell Ginny her fears. "That night in the common room you looked so jealous of Harry and I but now we laugh and joke about it. When we discovered the contract I was ready to commit murder yet we're both lying here in Harry's arms! My mum and dad have just meet Harry however they both seem to really like him, I think the bond is influencing the people around us to act differently."

Ginny was quiet for a moment as she carefully considered her answer.

"That night in the common room, it was obvious to everyone but you that Harry was head over heels in love with Hermione Jane Granger and I was so jealous. When I heard you got married I sobbed along with half the other girls in Hogwarts. The minute you both walk into the great hall everyone knew you were made for each other, no girl had ever stood a chance."

Ginny snuggled into Harry for support, she knew the next bit would be the hardest.

"After watching those memories I felt unclean, worthless, violated and a hundred times worse than Riddle's possession. I'd lost my brother, father, mother, best friend and the person I trusted and admired most in the world, my life was over."

Harry and Hermione held her tight.

"When Harry held me in his arms it was like being cleansed, born again even, and when you joined us in the hug I knew I could face the next day. Sleeping in Harry's arms gives a feeling of security I've never known, nothing bad can happen while Harry holds you but asking me to be a Potter was beyond my wildest dreams."

Ginny now looked at Hermione, "I don't think your bond has affected my decisions but I would ask you this, if our positions were reversed and you were given my choices would you have done anything differently?"

Hermione knew if Harry had married someone else she would still want to be part of his life.

"No Ginny, I think your choices were logical and correct. Can I cast a spell on you to confirm something?"

Ginny nodded as Hermione summoned her wand to cast the age determine charm, turning to Harry said, "Exact age she's supposed to be!"

Ginny was puzzled, she could feel the tension flow out of Harry's body but not sure of the reason.

"Why would knowing my body is the correct age please you two so much? Your bodies only aged to…. NO, NO BLOODY CHANCE, I WOULD NEVER…"

She was stopped by a gentle kiss on the lips by Harry, "we know Ginny, but had to make sure our bond wasn't pulling you in as well."

"Harry everyone knows I love you but your married to my best friend and I think that's wonderful. I hope to meet someone, fall in love and get married but until then I plan on getting many hugs, a few kisses and teasing the life out of my handsome relation, with his wife's permission of course. I have no intention of applying for membership to Harry's Harem!"

For some reason this seemed to crack Hermione up and her laughter could be heard throughout the apartments.

When Hermione had eventually stopped laughing Ginny continued.

"Is it so hard to believe that your mum and dad like Harry, I mean what's not to like?"

Harry was actually blushing as Ginny's promised teasing materialised.

"He's very handsome, extremely powerful, immensely wealthy, worships their daughter and makes her deliriously happy. Emma told me that every letter you've sent since starting Hogwarts mentioned Harry and all she heard about during the holidays was Harry Potter, so it's not as big a shock as you think. Have I missed anything out?"

Ginny was now enjoying embarrassing Harry.

"If that's not enough he charms his mother in law with roses, lets her organise the wedding and even gets the church she wants rebuilt. Did you know the whole school thought McGonagall had a beau? She has a dozen red roses in her office and her whole face lights up every time she glances at them."

Harry's face now matched Ginny's hair for colour, with Hermione's only a few shades behind from attempting to contain her laughter.

"Individually you are both special people but together your awesome! You think it's the bond but I just see a couple realizing their potential. You may say I'm biased because I love you both but I also know you better than anyone else. The bond has made you more powerful but you're still Harry and Hermione to me and the rest of your family."

Harry placed a kiss on Ginny's forehead, "that's why we need you in our life Ginny, to kick our butts when we need it. Never change Ginny."

A wicked smile crossed Ginny's face as she replied, "well I don't plan on wearing Hermione's pyjamas forever, but I'll let you choose what you want me to change into later."

With that she got out of bed and headed for the shower, bedecked in Hermione's pyjamas and complete with her impression of a sultry walk.

The "Oh Shit!" from Harry was the signal for both girls to collapse into uncontrollable laughter.


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