
Harry Potter The King

What will happen when Harry learns he is a Mage, a rare wizard with the ability to use wandless magic? Will he grow tired of being manipulated by Dumbledore and Voldemort and decide to carve out his own destiny? What will he find when he ventures back into the mysterious Chamber of Secrets, seeking knowledge that could change everything? ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

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Unraveling the Mystery of the Mage

To think he thought the O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s were named strangely. Bogrod, much to Harry's surprise, opened the last file. It seemed as though Harry's guess was right. Only a single page sat inside the file, titled 'Mage'. Without waiting for the go ahead from Bogrod, Harry began to read the paper.

'The Mage ability is widely known by educated witches and wizards to be the rarest magical ability. It is one of few abilities that does not give descendants of a witch or wizard with the ability any (not even a slight) higher chance of receiving it, the other abilities sharing this trait being any form of elemental abilities and mage sight, both of which are among the four abilities classified as Extremely Rare abilities.

It is also among the only abilities that can not be partial that is also above the 'Rare Abilities' classification, the only other being the Parseltongue ability. Additionally, it is the only ability ranked as Tier 5 ('You-Definitely-Don't-Have-It Abilities').

Not much is known about the ability. The paragraphs below contain the known information of the ability.

A Mage, simply put, is a witch or wizard who can use wandless magic. Most witches and wizards are incapable of doing so, with only the most powerful being able to do such a thing (and even then, it is to a very small degree).

Side effects of the ability include potentially having a harder time to develop Occlumency shields. Why this is the case is unknown, but it has been noted that learning Occlumency makes one much more capable of easily tuning into their magic. It is likely the same for a Mage, which would mean that developing Occlumency could potentially make wandless magic much easier for a Mage to use.

Mage Magic, or heightened wandless magic, works differently from normal wizarding magic. Normal wizarding magic requires a wand, incantation, motion, visualization, and magical power. Wandless, however, requires intent, visualization, and magical power. This is how wandless magic works, for both Mages and immensely powerful witches and wizards.

The ability is extremely rare, with only six people ever being known to have the power. The most famous of the six was Morgana, who was supposedly hunted by Merlin because he felt she would abuse the power. She managed to kill Merlin with the ability, but was shortly killed herself by the Knights of the Round Table. She was 24 years old at the time.

It should also be noted that the ability is only truly dangerous in the hands of an impressively powerful witch or wizard. The other five people born with the ability were not particularly powerful. This power made them amongst the most well known magicals of their generations, but not enough to be considered as the most powerful magical of all time (as Morgana is argued to be).

It has been noticed that Mages seem to be particularly proficient with lightning, as well as other elemental magic. This is because elemental magic is known as tier one wandless magic. Tier two wandless magic includes summoning and banishing. This is the highest form of wandless magic ever achieved by someone who was not a Mage. Further tiers are not known, as they are yet to be studied.'

The lightning.

Harry remembered within the confines of his mind, thinking back to the thunder claps that seemed to occur in Surrey every now and then. Lightning was quite obviously an element, there was no way to convince himself otherwise. Harry continued to think back as well as worry about what this might mean, not speaking for several minutes. When he finally did, it was with a confused voice.

"What does this mean?" he asked. It was truly a valid question. He was already the Boy-Who-Lived; if the public caught wind of this, they would have a field day. He, however, had absolutely no idea what it meant. It certainly seemed brilliant to him, but a few years ago a simple levitation spell would have blown his mind.

"If I might make a suggestion," asked Bogrod, continuing when Harry nodded, "Do not tell anybody. You have many enemies, as you have no doubt realized by now."

Harry nodded once more; he had already realized that this might not be something he would be interested in sharing. He had, however, considered telling Ron and Hermione about it. He was sure the latter would have found it incredibly interesting.

Bogrod turned to pick up the copies of the abilities and heirship tests, placing them in the bin beside his desk, where they both vanished.

"As is standard, I will forfeit any and all memories pertaining to the events in this room." Bogrod explained, "It was a law made by pureblood families in order to preserve their secrets. The walls are charmed so that any and all events occurring within the room will be erased from the minds of all but the witch or wizard in question."

With that, Bogrod quickly bid him good day, before he departed from the room. The goblin paused slightly as he exited the room, before gently shaking his head and continuing on his way.

Harry decided against doing his school shopping today. He was no longer in the mood to spend the day frolicking around, much more interested in what this might mean for him.

The boy silently departed from the bank and began the journey back home. He was rather preoccupied at the moment, and hoped that nobody would bump into him (even though he probably should be paying attention to where he walked). Harry felt his lack of focus was justified, however.

It never dawned upon him that nobody seemed to come within a few feet of him the entire journey back to Privet Drive, regardless of how crowded it got.


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