
Harry Potter: The Grind is Real

HogScape ... where you grind for the mastery of magic the old school way. Disclaimer: The franchise and copyright for Harry Potter and Runescape are not owned by the author of this novel. This is a fanfiction.

Fluffypie · Fantasy
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44 Chs


Pro paused in place for a bit, but he wasn't too surprised. Only someone as powerful as Dumbledore could stalk him like a haunting ghost. The old man turned around to reveal a long white beard, which Pro reminded himself to focus on to avoid the man from reading too much of his thoughts.

Dumbledore squinted his eyes and said in a soft, soothing voice, "Good evening Mister Smith. It's a wonderful evening for a midnight stroll isn't it?"

"Yes it is Professor," Pro calmly replied while observing the man's beard.

"It seems that Mister Smith is not too surprised to see me. I must say that it has been a long, long time since I have met a wizard with astute senses such as yours, Mister Smith," Dumbledore complimented with a smile.

"Thank you for the praise, Professor. It's just some humble instincts that I was born with. I hope I didn't cause too much trouble with it," Pro replied with a chuckle.

"Oh, no, no trouble at all. I have always believe that it is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. And ... Mister Smith has shown that he is an outstanding, young man," Dumbledore replied with a chuckle.

Pro didn't reply as he didn't know what Dumbledore saw in him. The corridor fell silent as the two stood calmly facing each other. Just when Pro was getting a bit impatient and opened his mouth, Dumbledore spoke first, "Ah, yes. It seems Mister Smith's friends are still waiting for you I presume."

Pro nodded as he replied, "Yes, Professor."

Dumbledore glanced at Pro with a smile as he asked, "Ah ... then I presume Mister Smith desires to go on his adventure?"

"Yes, Professor. An adventure is what I seek," Pro confirmed Dumbledore's thoughts.

Dumbledore smiled as he continued to ask, "Perhaps ... there is a desire for more than adventures?"

"Friends?" Pro replied, but Dumbledore only stared back in silence.

Pro fell silent a bit before he replied, "Maybe money, Professor?"

"Ah, yes, money ... most can't refuse the shiny, charming little things. But be warned Mister Smith, excessive greed can lead to excessive consequences," Dumbledore warned in a solemn tone while a smile was still on his face.

"Professor, I may want money, but I'm more greedy for a stronger bond," Pro replied confidently.

After a moment of silence, Dumbledore chuckled as he stated, "The best of us sometimes eat our words ... Well, I believe our little midnight chat has gone on long enough. I'm sure Mister Smith won't want to miss the adventure ahead. I presume Mister Smith is fully prepared for the dangers to come?"

"Yes, Professor," Pro replied with a smile.

"Then, off you go Mister Smith," Dumbledore replied as he stepped aside.

Pro bowed a bit and strolled down the corridor. As he passed by Dumbledore, the old man's soft voice sounded from beside him, "Ah ... yes, I do hope our little chat can stay a secret between us. Don't you agree Mister Smith?"

"Understood, Professor," Pro replied before he continued to stroll pass the dangerous, old man who seemed to melt back into the darkness of the corridor.

Arriving at the forbidden door, Pro pushed it open and saw a large, drowsy three-headed dog that seemed to have just woken up. Pulling out the music box from his sleeves, Pro turned the knob and let the music play on its own. Pro then watched the powerful guard dog droop back down to the floor and fall into a deep sleep.

"Honestly, this dog isn't as dangerous as the old man back there," Pro muttered to himself as he pulled open the trap door.

Glancing at the empty darkness below, Pro sent a green spark flying in to scout the area. After making sure the Devil's Snare was in place, Pro raised his hand up and leapt down.

Flump. Landing on the Devil's Snare, Pro watched as the squirming plant began to twist around his limbs. Hopping into the air a bit, Pro noticed the Devil's Snare chased after him even faster than before.

Opening his spellbook, Pro quickly cast the Lumos Solem spell. A blinding ray of sunlight beamed out from Pro's wand as the Devil's Snare swiftly retreated away from Pro. After switching off the spell, Pro briskly dashed forward towards a stone passage away from the Devil's Snare.

Strolling through the stone passage, Pro finally checked on his quest log, and saw that the first two parts of the First Year Adventure quest was complete. Now, a new part appeared underneath the

[First Year Adventure] What mystery awaits at the ends? Arrive at the final room of the trial.

"Well, I guess I just have to keep going," Pro mumbled as he entered a room filled with flying, glittering keys.

Sweeping his eyes over the army of keys, Pro easily noticed the extremely battered flying key that had been used to open the door twice already. It was flying so slow that Pro could probably catch it by walking over if it was not in the air.

Hopping onto a broom, Pro kicked off and quickly closed in on the poor, battered key that failed to escape even though Pro only flew at a slow, steady pace. Diving down towards the door, Pro then hopped off his broom and inserted the key into the door.

"Well, it's good to have others pave the way for you. Makes things a lot easier," Pro chuckled as he strolled into the chess room.

Glancing at the quickly recovering chess pieces and at Ron who was passed out on the ground near the chessboard, Pro prepared to play a game of chess. Without the handicap of having teammates to worry about, although Pro wasn't good at chess, Pro believed that he can still get pass this basic AI.

However, before Pro could start the exciting game, Pro saw Hermione appearing in the chess room.

"Pro! You're finally here!" Hermione exclaimed in excitement as she ran up and gave Pro a hug.

Pro hugged her back and chuckled, "Yes, well how was it?"

"It was brilliant! I didn't expect there to be a logic puzzle here. Snape really set an impossible task for most wizards," Hermione replied with a hint of excitement before she remembered what she had to do, "Oh! Right! I need to go find a professor. Ron needs treatment and Harry should be dealing with Snape now!"

Pro chuckled as he stared at the cute Hermione, "Well, there should be no need to do so. I'm sure the Professor is already here."

"Huh?" Hermione tilted her head in confusion as she glanced around the room.

A soft chuckle echoed in the room as a soothing voice followed, "Mister Smith's senses are as astute as always."

Turning towards the voice, Pro and Hermione watched Dumbledore step out from the area hidden in the darkness of the room.

"P-Professor Dumbledore!" Hermione exclaimed in shock.

"Good evening, Miss Granger," Dumbledore nodded as his eyes examined her.

Hermione glanced at Dumbledore then looked back at the smiling Pro in shock. In the end, she shut her mouth as if she realized something and panicked a bit while burying her face into Pro's chest.

"Well, I don't want to disturb you two young ones any further, but Harry is still awaiting. Would Mister Smith want to take a stroll with this old man?" Dumbledore invited with a chuckle.

Hermione looked up at Pro with worried eyes and Pro gave her a gentle stroke on her head to comfort her before replying, "I would be happy to oblige, Professor."

"I hope Miss Granger won't mind this old man borrowing Mister Smith for a bit," Dumbledore replied with a chuckle.

"O-Of course not," Hermione replied as she reluctantly let go of Pro.

"Then, off we go," Dumbledore commanded as he briskly strolled forward with Pro following along.

As Pro entered the final room with flames the quest completion prompt had already popped up. Before he could check it out any further, Pro quickly closed the prompt as he heard a ghastly howl nearby. Quickly ducking, Pro dodged the misty face with clear traces of panic that was escaping from the room. Poor bloke was in for a scare as soon as he thought he was close to success.

Pro watched Dumbledore split a path in the fire with a wave of his hands. Pro followed behind Dumbledore as they walked through the fire and found an unconscious Harry laying on the ground.

Strolling closer, Pro shook his head gently as he observed the poor Harry. His eyes swept over the stone held in Harry's hand as he saw Dumbledore bend down to pick up the stone.

"Ah ... yes, the Philosopher's stone, an interesting artifact if I do say so myself. Don't you agree Mister Smith?" Dumbledore started his rant once more as he stared at Pro with squinted eyes.

"Yes, it's interesting indeed, Professor," Pro replied as he glanced at the stone with not much interest.

"Well ... I'm sure Mister Smith, with his outstanding knowledge, know what this tiny stone can bring to its owner," Dumbledore paused a bit before continuing, "But it seems Mister Smith is not as interested as he claims to be. Mister Smith is as adventurous as he claims, not so much greed if I might say."

Well, honestly, it was true Pro wasn't too interested in the stone. After all, he already had something better, the system. Still, Pro had to give a suitable reply.

Pro chuckled before replying, "Well ... um ... what was that quote from a certain famous wizard? It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. I'm still young and still have long to live."

"Ah ... yes, it's good that Mister Smith understands the magic of words. Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it," Dumbledore replied as his eyes seem to twinkle while he put away the stone.

"Well! Let's get Harry to Madam Pomfrey shall we? I certainly don't want to hear Pomfrey's rant if I delay Harry's treatment," Dumbledore calmly stated as he lifted Harry up with a wave of his hands, "And off we go."

Returning along the path they took, Pro met up with Hermione once more. Dumbledore lifted Ron up with another wave of his hands and led the duo out of the trial grounds.

Noticing how tense Hermione was next to him, Pro chuckled and gently grasped her hands to calm her down. Hermione glanced at him as she relaxed a bit. Smiling, she tightened her grip on his hand and the two continued forward together.

Passing through a corridor, Dumbledore came to a stop as he turned towards Pro and Hermione, "I believe children should be asleep at this time. Mister Smith and Miss Granger should go and continue their wonderful dream."

"Good night, Professor," Pro nodded with a smile.

"Good night, Professor Dumbledore," Hermione did a little bow.

Then, the two headed off towards their commons room under the watch of Dumbledore. Returning to the commons room, Pro glanced over at Hermione who seemed to be in deep thought.

Noticing his stare, she looked back at him and whispered, "Pro ... you were right. It really is him. I did my best to avoid his eyes ... but I still felt as if he could see through me."

Pro had a wry smile as he gently stroke Hermione's head to comfort her, "It's alright. There should be no problem. You don't have to worry too much about him. You already did a good job."

"Mmm," Hermione nodded as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the head stroking.

Feeling the hand leave her head, Hermione opened her eyes with a pout. She then approached Pro and embraced him as she buried her face against his chest, intimately snuggling against him. Then, she slowly looked up at Pro with a faint blush.

"W-What are you two doing?"

Hermione jerked back in shock and the two glanced over towards the voice to see Neville shivering in the commons room while staring at them.

"Ah ... forgot about him, your curse should have worn off by now," Pro muttered.

Hermione blushed as she stuttered, "G-Good night, Pro."

Then, the girl scampered off to bed before Pro could respond.

Before Neville could ask anything, Pro spoke first, "Well, let's head off to bed, Neville. I know what you want to ask, but the professor will explain everything in a couple of days."

Giving him a nod, Pro headed off to rest up. Playing mind games with a certain wizard was tiring and he will probably wake up earlier to begin his last sprint before the school year ends.