
0331 Execution?

Veritaserum, the powerful truth serum potion, is a highly regulated magical concoction, strictly controlled and monitored by the Ministry of Magic's governing body. Its usage is not permitted, even during routine interrogations of ordinary criminal suspects. This potent brew is reserved solely for the interrogation of those wicked dark wizards whose very existence poses a grave and significant threat to the entire wizarding world. Only after meticulous review and explicit approval from the Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and the Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic himself, can this potion be legally administered.

The reliability and accuracy of this potion's effects are unquestionable and beyond doubt. When the trembling, fearful voice of the accused Peter Pettigrew echoed throughout the cavernous courtroom during his trial, an eerie silence descended upon the audience. In that moment, there was no lingering uncertainty in anyone's mind regarding his guilt – the potion's effects had laid bare the factual truth.

Bryan, overseeing the proceedings, initially thought that this trial, a mere formality at this juncture, would swiftly conclude. However, to his surprise, Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, spoke once more in a commanding tone:

"Peter Pettigrew, you shall also face a second, severe charge levied by the Ministry of Magic. In November of the previous year, for reasons unknown, you left the side of young Ron Bilius Weasley, a student currently enrolled at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You then proceeded to hide in the Owlery and, through nefarious means, employed the Imperius Curse, to establish complete mental control over Draco Malfoy, a third-year student at the school. This process of manipulation and subjugation persisted for a staggering three-month period, inflicting severe and potentially irreparable harm upon young Draco Malfoy."

Bartemius Crouch leaned forward, his sharp, penetrating gaze fixed intently upon the cowering form of Peter Pettigrew, as he continued his ominous statement.

"As of the present moment, Draco Malfoy remains under medical care and treatment at the St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, struggling to recover from the profound trauma you have inflicted upon his mind."

Bryan's brow furrowed slightly as he contemplated the implications of this unexpected revelation. With a subtle motion of his finger, he nimbly cast a privacy charm, containing the sound around himself and Dumbledore, ensuring their conversation remained confidential.

"Bringing this issue to light is tantamount to publicly acknowledging our failure to protect the students entrusted to our care, Headmaster Dumbledore,"

Dumbledore's silver-white eyebrows twitched almost imperceptibly, but he calmly responded, his gaze unwavering, "We must acknowledge, Bryan, that Hogwarts has indeed failed in its duty to safeguard its students. If we are to face criticism for this gap, it is a burden we must bear with humility and resolve."

Bryan emitted a cold snort, a strange, fleeting glint passing through his eyes as he stared at Barty Crouch's rigid back with unveiled contempt.

'Fudge and Amelia seem rather taken aback by this unexpected turn of events. This was likely not an issue they had planned to raise publicly. Could it be due to Lucius Malfoy? Did he bribe Barty Crouch to pile on more charges against Peter?'

Bryan's expression grew increasingly cold and inscrutable as he continued to analyze the situation.

If that were the case, then Lucius Malfoy had done something utterly foolish. Since he had already approached him, turning around to privately find the aid of Barty Crouch clearly demonstrates his lack of trust in his capabilities and commitment to this matter.

Although Lucius's trust was worthless to him, but such behavior was a contempt to Bryan.

"Due to the unfortunate events involving his son Draco, Lucius cannot tolerate the thought of Peter being imprisoned in Azkaban, so—"

"If you truly understood the motivations and character of Barty as I do," Dumbledore interrupted, his tone gentle yet firm, "you would not make such assumptions regarding his intentions."

"Sirius's wrongful imprisonment was a grave mistake, a blemish upon old Barty's reputation second only to the shame and disgrace brought upon him by the actions of his own misguided son. Cornelius hopes that old Barty will take responsibility for the Ministry's errors and misjudgments. However, a wizard of Barty's stature and pride would never allow his hard-earned reputation to plummet easily."

Bryan blinked, understanding what Dumbledore meant.

As a high-ranking official within the Ministry of Magic, the disgrace of having a son who was a devoted follower of Voldemort, a Death Eater, had already inflicted a grievous wound upon Barty Crouch's honor and public standing. The subsequent mockery of misjudging Sirius Black's case and condemning an innocent man to the horrors of Azkaban had further branded him as a "old fool" in the eyes of the wizarding world. It was now evident that the resolute Barty Crouch was not resigned to this tarnished reputation and wanted to undertake a bold, eye-catching action to regain the support and respect of some radical or other influential figures within the wizarding community.

And it turned out just as Bryan expected.

"Peter Pettigrew, you stand accused of the most heinous and unforgivable crimes: revealing the secret whereabouts of the Potters to the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, an act that directly led to their brutal murders; the wanton and unconscionable killing of multiple innocent Muggles; and the use of the Imperius Curse, one of the three Unforgivable Curses, upon an underage wizard. For these cumulative crimes against the wizarding world and its values, the recommended sentence is execution!"

As Barty Crouch's chilling words reverberated through the vast stone chamber, an eerie, prolonged silence descended upon the courtroom. Many in attendance stared in disbelief at Barty Crouch's stern, unyielding face, their expressions a mixture of shock, outrage, and dawning comprehension – including the stunned Sirius Black, seated in the accused's chair below.

During his days of unjust imprisonment and torment within the confines of Ministry custody, Sirius had already realized that the traitorous Peter had likely saved his skin. So many Death Eaters, guilty of committing heinous and unforgivable crimes, had been sentenced to lifelong imprisonment within the confines of Azkaban; it seemed highly unlikely that the members of the Wizengamot would make a special 'exception' for Peter.

But now, the very same Bartemius Crouch, who had personally and unjustly sentenced him to the horrors of Azkaban, was actually proposing to the jury that Peter be sentenced to death. Sirius stared at Bartemius Crouch in utter disbelief, not knowing whether to resent him or thank him.

"Wait, Barty, this was not what we discussed previously. According to the established laws and precedents, he should be sentenced to Life Imprisonment!"

Finally, Fudge snapped out of his stunned daze. He abruptly stood up from his chair, leaning forward with an expression of worry etched upon his features as he hurriedly spoke, his lips curling with displeasure at this unexpected turn of events.

Simultaneously, the full impact of Bartemius Crouch's unprecedented recommendation began to reverberate throughout the courtroom. For the first time since Bryan had entered these chambers, the level of noise and commotion escalated dramatically as a disharmony of voices erupted from the assembled witches and wizards.

Contrary to Bryan's expectations, there appeared to be a significant number of attendees who voiced their passionate support for the extreme measure of the death penalty. Many of the attending wizards and their companions turned red-faced with enthusiasm, vehemently arguing whether Peter Pettigrew should be sentenced to death or condemned to lifelong imprisonment in Azkaban.

"What is your opinion on this matter, Dumbledore?" Fudge inquired, hastily wiping the beads of nervous sweat from his furrowed brow as he remembered to seek Duumbledore's opinion on this volatile issue.

The death penalty, an punishment of such extreme and irreversible finality, had not been carried out for many years within the British Wizarding world. Once the precedent was established by sentencing Peter Pettigrew to execution, it would undoubtedly open the floodgates, bringing with it a list of disadvantages and controversies that Fudge, the current Minister of Magic, couldn't afford. He dared not risk provoking the ire and outrage of more moderate factions by appearing overly strict or draconian in his administration of justice.

"Now, let the esteemed members of the jury cast their votes without further delay!"

Recognizing Fudge's blatant attempt to entangle Dumbledore into publicly taking a controversial stance, Barty swiftly denied him the opportunity. With an insistent gesture, he called for an immediate vote from the assembled jury members, allowing no further discourse or debate on the matter.

Peter's muddled mind finally seemed to clear somewhat as the implications of the situation became apparent to him. He covered his face with trembling hands, not daring to observe the raising of hands that would determine his ultimate fate. The shrill, piercing sound of wailing cries echoed in the air, heightening the already palpable tension within the chamber.

None of the individuals seated in the front row raised their hands in favor of the death sentence, including the stoic figure of Bryan. He didn't need to reveal his intentions in this situation.

This was merely a performance. Barty Crouch did not actually expect the members of Wizengamot to approve the recommendation of death for Peter Pettigrew; he only wanted to express his firm stance against evil.

"Very well," Barty Crouch declared, his stern face betraying no hint of emotion or disappointment at the outcome thus far. "Those in favor of sentencing Peter Pettigrew to lifelong imprisonment, raise your hands accordingly."

This time, the vast majority of individuals assembled within the courtroom accordingly raised their hands in solemn affirmation, supporting the more measured proposal of a lifetime of imprisonment for Peter.

Upon witnessing this outcome, Peter broke into wails once more—earlier out of fear of execution, but now out of sheer joy and relief!

He had managed to narrowly escape from death, even if he would now be imprisoned for life to Azkaban, as long as he was alive, there was hope!

Peter was promptly seized and dragged away by the grim-faced Aurors who were guarding him. Now that the trial had reached its conclusion, these elite Aurors would immediately execute the binding decision handed down by the members of the Wizengamot. They would escort the disheveled form of Peter Pettigrew to the Department of Mysteries, situated on the ninth level deep underground within the Ministry where a room housed the portkey to Azkaban.

Fudge let out a long sigh of relief. Regardless of the circumstances, the death penalty had been stopped. The Ministry of Magic, which he led, would not face criticism for this. Fudge showed a grimace of a smile to Barty, indicating that he could end the trial. However, Barty Crouch did something unexpected once again.

Ignoring Fudge's pointed hint to bring the affair to a conclusion, Bartemius Crouch turned his stern face toward the dejected figure of Sirius Black, his face twisted into an unmistakable expression of deep-seated loathing and contempt. The sudden words that followed left the members of the jury who had just relaxed stunned:

"Sirius Black, you shall face an additional charge levied by the Ministry of Magic – that of the illegal study and unauthorized use of the Animagus transformation ability!"


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