
Harry Potter: The God of Magic (BEING REWRITTEN)

---THIS STORY IS CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN--- (Disclaimer: the first few chapters are a little rough due to me trying to find my footing with this story but after that, the story cements itself as in my opinion a pretty good one. and let's be honest, there is way worse out there lmao. Enjoy!) 'Why? Why must this go on? When will it end?' these words were the first thoughts that a "new" baby had. Alaric Reinhardt has lived through countless lifetimes, reincarnated every few centuries. the baffling thing is, he keeps reincarnating into the same bloodline. From the dawn of man to the height of the roman empire, to the discovery of the Americas, he has seen it all. It wasn't until he was reincarnated into the 11th century that he realized he was in the world of harry potter. After countless times of being reincarnated, he has finally made it to the 20th century in Britain. How will he live this life, will he stay secluded, will he venture out and make a name for himself, only time will tell, and he has plenty of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi guys, this is my first attempt at fanfic, if there are any grammar, spelling, or even issues with the harry potter continuity that I didn't purposely change, please tell me. With that being said this is a slight AU, there won't be any giant changes like Harry's parents being alive, no, they are very much dead. with that being said, a character or two or an event or two might be slightly changed for the betterment of the story With that being said I hope you all like my story!

LazyCaveman · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

How would you like to die?

--The Felern Auction House, a few hours before the beating of a lifetime--

""Ladies and gentlemen, welcome, to the Felerm Auction house!"" Announced a stocky man who was around 180cm tall

""My name is Bruno and It is my most gracious honor to be your auctioneer for the night!""


Alaric perked up quietly the second the man stepped onto the stage, the reason being, he could sense the ever so faintest traces of dark magic usage, however, it wasn't anything that most wizards would notice. 'it would seem the man in his lifetime has used the Imperious Curse quite a few times.' Alaric thought with a growing sense of disgust for the venue and its owners

'Dark magic huh, although I'm not averse to using it, it isn't one of my favored branches of magic, especially due to that raving lunatic Herpo.'

'If I didn't put an end to his miserable existence, then he would've wreaked even more havoc than he already did, I wonder how he has fared for the past two millennia as a wandering spirit destined to never pass on?' Alaric thought with a smug smile on his face after remembering what he did the dark lord

""Ladies and gentlemen, you are in for a treat tonight, not only do we have a sort of magical creatures in stock today, but we even have some of the more... Valuable creatures available.""

""It with great pleasure that I announce the official commencement of the auction!"" Bruno said after what looked to be him getting the signal to begin

--An hour later--

throughout the Auction, there had been all sorts of creatures that had been sold, ranging from Bicorn's a type of horse that has two horns, which are a major ingredient in poly juice potions, which sold for quite a pretty penny.

to the Graphorn, a giant magical beast who in the olden days, used to be a beast of burden used by wizards, Aalric himself during one of his lives before Alaric I, revolutionized the way Graphorns were used, leading to them being made beasts of burden and even cattle, that is, as long as the wizard was powerful enough to keep them in check.

There were even some Runespoor hatchlings for sale along with a collection of Runespoor eggs which are traditionally used for potions like Baruffio's Brain Elixer and Scintillation Solution, two potions that utilize the egg's effect of sharpening the mind.

There were even a few Diricawl, or as muggles knew them, Dodo birds, however, unlike what muggles thought, they were in fact not extinct, but rather far from it, most Diricawls now are raised in special farms that have anti-apparition wards due to their nature of disappearing and reappearing at random, they were also known to be quite delicious.

The reason why wizards allowed muggles to think these, quite honestly stupid creatures, went extinct was due to them teaching muggles a lesson about what happens when they kill off too many creatures at a fast pace.

another creature that they brought out was the Moon Calf

The Mooncalf had smooth, pale grey skin, and four spindly legs that ended in large flat webbed feet. The Mooncalf also had a very long neck and bulging blue eyes that sat on the top of its head.

Once a Mooncalf was in the moonlight, it would perform a complicated dance while standing on its hind legs. It was believed that this was part of the Mooncalf mating ritual but also had the side effect of creating geometric patterns in wheat fields that confused Muggles.

Mooncalf dung, if harvested before the sun rose, would make magical plants grow fast and strong.

Mooncalfs were also largely used by Hadog breeders as the main food source for the creatures due to them fancying the taste of mooncalfs

One creature that caught Alaric's eye, however, was the Demiguise. A peaceful, ape-like herbivore with the ability to turn invisible when threatened. The Demiguise is a peaceful, herbivorous magical beast that could make itself invisible and tell the future, which made it very hard to catch.

It could be found in the Far East, but only wizards and witches trained in their capture could even see them. It resembled a cross between a sloth and an ape with large, black eyes and long, silky hair. Demiguise pelts were highly sought after as the hair can be woven together to create a limited-time use invisibility cloak.

as the female assistant of the auctioneer was wheeling out the Demiguise, Alaric noticed many wizards and witches around him were confused about why they were bringing out an empty cage, even the French Minister of Magic was the same.

""Why would they bring out an empty cage, are they fools?"" the minister asked

Hearing that not even the minister could see the Demiguise, Alaric was amused. ""Actually Minister Émilien, the creature inside of the cage is a Demiguise, and it is currently invisible."" Alaric said, informing the minister of what the auctioneer had brought out.

""Merlin's beard, young Alaric, you can see the Demiguise?"" Émilien asked with equal parts shock and skepticism

""Well of course I can, and the Demiguise is clearly... frightened," Alaric said with his voice starting out calm and slowly changing to anger

'it seems those Hippogriffs weren't the only creatures those bastards abused.' Alaric thought while looking at the poor creature, who to anyone else would seem in perfect condition, however, using his special draconic eyes, a trait of the Reinhardts that takes great magical mastery, and can see through magic, he was able to see the many scars and lash marks on the poor creatures body

Sofia wasn't yet able to use draconic eyes, but Alaric glanced toward his grandfather's direction, and he saw the normally neutral-faced man scowling, his golden eyes shining ever so slightly with the iris of his eyes in the form of slits like a mighty dragon.

What Alaric saw next, however, threw him for a loop, right next to him sat his younger cousin Silas, whose eyes also took the form of a dragon.

'What's this? it seems the boy has some terrifying talent in magic control, hmm, I may have just stumbled upon another user of ancient magic.' Alaric surmised after feeling waves of ancient magic come from the boy involuntarily

'maybe I can teach the boy a thing or two later in his life. Well, let's shelf that thought for later, I need to outbid all of these lowlifes, that poor Demiguise shouldn't fall into the hands of another abuser.

--Down on the side of the stage peeking out from the curtain--

""Marcellus, come here!"" called out Simon, one of the felern brothers

""What now Simon?"" Marcellus asked with a sigh

""Is it just me or do Lord Reinhardt and the boy heir both have the eyes of dragons?""

""What? Oh come on, you must be drunk-

As Marcellus walked toward where his brother was and looked up to the booth where he was pointing, he saw the grandfather and grandson duo both sporting deep frowns, but the most eye-catching thing was how both of them were sporting a pair of golden draconic eyes.

To say he was shaken up was an understatement.

'Bloody hell! I thought the stories were mere children's tales!' Marcellus cured in his mind

""I-I'm sure everything will be fine brother, c-come, let's get the other creatures ready."" Marcellus said with a shaky tone, something his brother didn't let go unnoticed

--Back with the Minister and the Reinhardt party--


"yes, Alaric?" Theodoric asked, almost prophetically guessing what his grandson was about to say

"I'm going to bid on the Demiguise, is there a limit I have to adhere to?" Alaric asked with a cold even tone that seemed to be his new normal

"No, I knew you were going to eventually bid on something, so I took out around a million galleons in preparation," Theodoric said with a knowing sigh

"Good." was the last word Alaric said before the bidding started

""Lord Reinhardt, Is there something wrong?"" Asked the minister who only knew bits and pieces of English

""Haha, no minister, my grandson was just asking how much funds he had to work with for bidding."" Theodoric replied with a chuckle

""Ah, I see, well then if there is anything you or your party shall need please feel free to inquire about it with me or my assistant."" Émilien said while the assistant in question was silently standing behind him

""Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I'm ready to announce that the "Luxury items" will be coming out now, so get your purses ready, for we have some surprises in store for you tonight!"" the auctioneer broadcasted with the help of a sonorus charm

""The creature we have brought out to get this special event started is one Demiguise, yes that's right, a real Demiguise!""

hearing what the auctioneer just said, the auction house erupted in voices and cheers from the plethora of wizards and witches.

""Now without further ado, let's get the bidding started, the starting bid is 10,000 galleons!""

As soon as the starting bid was voiced, a cacophony of wizards launching bidding spells was sent off, Alaric sat back and waited until it got towards the end and most of the competition was gone.

By the time Alaric sent out a bid of 80,000 galleons, it was only him, surprisingly Lucius Malfoy, and a wizard who Alaric never wanted to see, Gilderoy Lockhart, a man who Alaric couldn't wait to humiliate in his second year at Hogwarts.

The only other wizard besides those three was a rich French wizard who Alaric didn't care enough about to find out his name.

""85,000 Galleons!"" Lucius "Voldys boy-toy" Malfoy called out as he shot up a spell illuminating the number he said

""Haha, please gentleman, can you rest your wands, I bid 92,000 Galleons."" Lockhart said while sending up a spell with said number

After him, the French wizard bid 95,000 but once it reached 100,000 he gave up.

as the bidding got more intense, Alaric finally sent out his bid.

""120,000 Galleons."" Alaric said nonchalantly as if he didn't just bid half of the Potter families wealth

And with that being said, Alaric had won the bidding war, Lucius didn't feel like provoking Theodoric over such a simple creature that he could pay poachers to catch, and Lockhart was quite honestly relieved he was outbid as he only sent out those bids to look good.

As the night went on, Alaric not only won the five Hippogriffs he saw getting abused earlier, but he also won the two griffins and the five magic wolf pups, along with a few Granian who he bought just because they looked cool, he definitely didn't get them because of his sisters incessant nagging, definitely not...

--At the exchange area for won items--

As Alaric and company were walking up to the clerk who was in charge of exchanging the items for the galleon's bid, he couldn't help but notice another man standing there who was lightly sweating.

The man in question was one Simon Felern, who was sent by his brother to mediate the exchange due to Alaric spending over 500,000 Galleons.

More than half of that sum was split between the Griffin duo and the five magic wolf pups, the reason being Griffons were highly sought after as collection pieces because of their rarity and magic wolves even more since their populations around the world were on a decline due to them losing their habitats.

""A-Ah, L-Lord Reinhardt, it is my utmost p-pleasure to make your acquaintance."" Simon uttered with a stutter due to the intense glare he was receiving from not only Theodoric but also Alaric whose eyes had taken on their draconic form again.

""Yes, its a pleasure, my party and I are in a hurry however so if you don't mind, may I inquire where the creatures are?"" Theodoric said with a stern tone, not liking his time to be wasted

As if they were waiting for the man's words as a cue for entry, a large team of beast wranglers could be seen leading the various creatures toward the Reinhardt party.

All throughout the process the creatures could be seen resisting and Simon was growing more and more nervous by the second, however, the second the different magic creatures sensed Alaric's presence, it was like they all of a sudden became completely docile.

As they slowly walked over toward him, Alaric couldn't help but give a smile of pity seeing all of the poor creatures and the scars they had that were covered up with various healing charms.

Alaric slowly walked over to the creatures and when Simon saw this he started freaking out as he was expecting them to attack the boy, but to his absolute shock, they instead either bowed or showed submission to him.

Seein this, Alaric's face now adorned with a joyful smile, starting patting and scratching all of the creatures at the spots he knew the different species preferred.

As he was doing that, Simon shakily handed Theodoric a suitcase that held an undetectable extension charm, not unlike the one of the famous Newt Scamander, however, this one was designed for more temporary travel, something Alaric would fix in secret later

Once all of the creatures were safely stowed away in the different holding rooms of the suitcase, the party of five left to go say their farewells to the minister, and they walked back to the estate.

--a few hours later at night--

By this time, everyone in the manor had fallen asleep, all for but one person, and that was Alaric, he had business to attend to.

under the cover of night, Alaric applied a powerful Disillusionment Charm on himself as he sneaked out of the estate past the wizard guards and onto the streets toward the auction house where his prey was currently at.

As he walked through the streets of magical Paris under his Disillusionment Charm, Alaric was contemplating what spells to use against those bastards who abuse magical creatures.

If the situation involved humans, Alaric wouldn't have moved as fast as he did, ever since he was reincarnated into this world even going as far back as his first life, he had always had a connection with all sorts of creatures.

once he started using magic, that connection grew even more, at this point he could tell a creature's emotions with just a glance, and he also gives off a passive calming effect towards magical creatures and mundane animals alike.

Throughout all of his different lives, he always had multiple animal companions, and that wouldn't change.

--an hour later at the auction house--

The two Felern brothers were ecstatic at the moment, not only did they get multiple big fish the likes of Lord Malfoy, the minster, Lockhart, and even Lord Reinhardt, they had made a little over a million galleons.

""I sure do love those pretentious lords of big and old houses!"" Marcellus said in joy as he made galleon angels in the pile of gold they had in the back store room.

""I love galleons as much as you do, but aren't you worried about that Reinhardt boy, the whole time I was passing off the sold creatures to him, he had this dangerous glint in his draconic eyes."" Simon said with a shiver remembering Alaric and Theodoric's eyes.

""Oh stop worrying, Lord Reinhardt doesn't care enough about us to do anything, and the boy is just that, a boy, he hasn't even had his first year at school yet, brother, we have nothing to worry about."" Marcellus said, however, when he got no response from Simon, he stopped what he was doing and looked up to where his brother last was.

As he was turning toward his brother he suddenly heard a loud pop


What Marcellus saw frightened him to his very core, that same boy who he had just slandered, was standing beside his brothers' limp corpse, smoke billowing out from where his head was supposed to be.

*Crackle! Sizzle!*

""Huh, I thought he would last longer before his head was zapped to mush."" Alaric said out loud to himself

The sight before Marcellus was, to say the least, unsettling.

The very boy who he was just previously talking about, had not only killed his brother and popped his head like a cherry, but he had blood and brain matter splattered all over him, and with no reaction, he just smiles a menacing and ghastly smile toward the last Felern brother.

""So, how would you like to die?"" Alaric asked with a cold calmness, yet his fury was evident with how violently the lighting in his hands was crackling.


Authors note:

hey everyone, I hope you liked this chapter, as payment for being unable to write a chapter yesterday, I made this one slightly longer.

I am currently sick so I'm not sure if I'll be able to write another chapter tomorrow but I'll try!

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