
Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

In a twist of fate, Lynn, who sacrificed himself in a fire, finds himself transported to the magical world of Harry Potter. Awakening with the power to control flames, he wonders if this is an innate magical ability or a reward for his past deeds. At Hogwarts, he encounters Irina, a girl with the power to control ice. United by their unique abilities, they vow to forge a new path in the magical world. The convergence of fire and ice unleashes a force to be reckoned with, as Lynn declares Dumbledore foolish and Voldemort lacking in wisdom. They believe that the magical and non-magical worlds will inevitably collide, and rather than succumb to silence, they choose to erupt in the face of it all. Lynn states, "If wizards are tigers, then ordinary people are packs of wolves. None can be subservient to the other. Only through cooperation can there be mutual victory!" In the era of information, the magical world will have nowhere to hide, and before it's too late, someone must step forward to correct its course. Everyone talks about the Dark Lord and the Light Lord, but what if above them both are magical deities? Lynn and Irina emerge as the most powerful Fire and Ice deities in this magical realm. With no system, a hint of deviation from the original story, a single female lead, and an original character, the story tends towards a sweet tone. The pacing is deliberate in the early stages, but by the 40th chapter, the main plot unfolds. MC is 1 year senior of FMC.

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Chapter 27: Year-end Banquet and House Cup

Here is the corrected version with grammar and Harry Potter universe elements fixed:

Lynn simply waved his wand and completed the Charms exam with a flawless non-verbal spell. The Transfiguration exam was no different. For Lynn, who could effortlessly transfigure into a lion and a venomous tentacula, turning a mouse into a snuffbox was child's play. 

He even managed to etch the Great Wall pattern onto the surface of the snuffbox during the Transfiguration exam.

Professor Snape's intimidating presence loomed over Lynn during the Potions exam. However, Lynn's diligent study of alchemy had instilled a calm demeanor within him. Even though his partner, Irving, trembled under Professor Snape's gaze, their task of brewing ingredients wouldn't affect the final result. Lynn confidently presented a perfect Forgetfulness Potion at the end.

History of Magic, a subject heavy on memorization, posed no challenge for Lynn. He finished the written exam well before Professor Binns announced the closing time and slipped out the back door of the classroom unnoticed.

After the exams, the students were allowed a week of free time within Hogwarts. Lynn, however, was an exception. Professor Green had no intention of letting him rest. 

Seven grueling days of practical lessons followed. By the end, Lynn felt completely drained, even Madam Pomfrey's Revitalizing Draughts couldn't fully restore him.

"Finite Incantatem!" Professor Green waved his wand, releasing Lynn from the Full Body-Bind Curse that had him immobilized.

Professor Green surveyed Lynn, his body covered in injuries. He first shook his head, then continued with a hint of satisfaction, "I'm pleased with the progress you've made this term. Even if you encountered that dark wizard again, you'd be able to hold your own for over ten minutes."

Considering Lynn was only a first-year, being able to duel a dark wizard like the one on Halloween for ten minutes was a testament to his exceptional improvement. If Lynn reached adulthood and his magic reserves reached their peak, his current skills alone would be enough to match that dark wizard, even without further training.

"However," Professor Green continued, "my promise to Dumbledore was to teach at Hogwarts for only one year. So, after the term ends, I'll be leaving. Hopefully, you'll have another skilled Defense Against the Dark Arts professor next year."

Lynn spread his hands. "Professor, your wishes may be in vain. Next year's professor is rumored to be a garlicky fellow who stumbles around with You-Know-Who clinging to the back of his head!"

"In that case," Professor Green said with a plan forming, "I intend to return to France in August to visit my own mentor. If you're interested, you could accompany me on this trip, a chance to meet my mentor – your potential master! I'll pick you up at your residence in August."

Lynn's eyes widened at the invitation. Professor Green's mentor? None other than the legendary alchemist, Nicolas Flamel! This was a golden opportunity for Lynn, who was deeply interested in alchemy.

"Professor, here's the address to my home. It's protected by a Fidelius Charm, so only those who have seen this address can enter."

Lynn wrote down the address of Rowle Manor and handed it to Professor Green. He wasn't worried about the address leaking – Professor Green wasn't the Secret Keeper for the Fidelius Charm, so even if he knew the address, he couldn't reveal it to anyone, not even through Legilimency.

Professor Green glanced at the address and burned it with a flick of his wand. "No problem," he smiled reassuringly.

By the time Professor Green and Lynn returned to Hogwarts, the end-of-year feast was about to begin. The Great Hall was already bustling with activity, decorated in green and silver, Slytherin's colors, in celebration of their sixth consecutive House Cup victory. A large banner depicting the Slytherin serpent hung behind the High Table.

With Harry Potter not attending Hogwarts this year, Dumbledore wouldn't grant Gryffindor any last-minute points, leading them to finish last. Professor Dumbledore rose to address the assembled students and faculty. "Another year has passed! Before we indulge in these delicious dishes, I must subject you all to an old man's wheezing," he chuckled. "What a wonderful year it has been! Your young minds must be brimming with knowledge... A whole summer vacation awaits, allowing you to absorb what you've learned and clear your minds before next term begins.

"Now, as tradition dictates, we must first award the House Cup. The final point standings are: Gryffindor in fourth place with 281 points, Hufflepuff in third with 361 points, Ravenclaw with 443 points, and Slytherin in the lead with a staggering 542 points!"

Thunderous cheers and stomping erupted from the Slytherin table, while a sense of dejection settled over Gryffindor. In the past half-year, the Weasley twins' antics with their improved Dungbombs had undoubtedly resulted in point deductions for Gryffindor. Most points, however, were lost due to the daily mischief of the young Gryffindors themselves.

On the other hand, Lynn's presence in Slytherin significantly boosted their house points in every class. This year, Slytherin's house points reached a record high. If a special contribution list for Slytherin's house points were to be created, Lynn would undoubtedly be at the top, surpassing the second-place contributor by over 100 points!

After the end-of-year feast, the final exam results were announced. As expected, Lynn received "Outstanding" grades in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms, and Potions. While his grades in other subjects were "Exceeds Expectations" or "Acceptable", he wasn't aiming to be an all-rounder like Hermione from the original books.

Compared to his peers, Lynn was already among the best. His choice not to excel in every subject stemmed from his belief that focusing on less relevant topics was a waste of time. 

Even though Hermione achieved "Outstandings" in all subjects, even a third-year Hermione might struggle against a first-year Lynn in a real duel.

(end of chapter)