
Harry Potter the Fifth House: Galegold(corrected and redone)

Credit: Cadenadeaventuras. A fair amount is his work early on with little changes then I decided to do my own thing. I'm doing some major changes to the story overall. I take no credit for his work. Keep in mind that my MC is obscenely smart in comparison to original. I do not own Harry Potter.

Echo_Chamber · Book&Literature
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56 Chs

Platform 9 and 3/4

"Are you sure you have everything?" Martha asked for the fourteenth time.

"Yes, Mom, I've checked the trunk several times. Everything is in its place, and I'm not missing anything," answered Aurelius helplessly as he put the owl in his cage.

Ann came to Aurelius's rescue. "Come on, Martha, stop worrying; even if he forgets something, we can owl him now," she said, pointing to the new familiar silver-grey owl.


"Come on, Martha. We have to get him to the platform early so he can take the express to Hogwarts. You don't want him to be late, do you?"

After checking that no one was paying attention to them, they took the cart and ran against the wall between platforms 9 and 10, disappearing behind the bricks.

"Yes, this seems to be more…. magical. Aurelius commented jokingly when he saw many people dressed in bright colors and pointy hats. 'Nothing like a wizard's fashion to be discreet and not attract attention. How the bloody hell has the magical world not been exposed?' the boy thought, flabbergasted.

"Come on, get yourself situated in a carriage." Martha and Ann hugged him goodbye, "If we don't get our weekly letter, don't be surprised if you get a howler or two. They said half-jokingly.

After Aurelius escaped from their hugs, threats, and kisses, he got on the train.

He found an empty carriage and went inside, setting the trunk on top and sitting down, waiting for it to start while he opened a book on history of Hogwarts.

"Well, here I am," he whispered as he looked out the window and other families said goodbye. "In another world, ready to learn magic, and in a school that is anything but safe."

Aurelius had a secret that not even his family knew. He was a transmigrator.

Or at least, that was what the memories that appeared in his head over time would suggest. He knew the future of what was to come in the next few years. But everything seemed to be a bit off from what he knew, so he just took those memories with a grain of salt.

He diligently studied his muggle and wizarding studies; he was more well-read than most of his age. His talent for shapeshifting and being a natural occlumens are part of the advantages he got according to his memories, but it wasn't all. It was too bad he didn't know that he could use magic without a wand. Otherwise, he would have been practicing well before he turned 11.

Also, he had to wait until he returned from the first year of Hogwarts to start planning within the wizarding community. After all, as far as he knew, this world could be completely different from the books or movies.

The door opened, and a green-eyed boy looked at Aurelius.

'Harry Potter.' the boy thought without showing any form of recognition on his face.

"Excuse me, is this seat free?" the spectacled boy asked politely.

"Sure, sit down." Aurelius invited him to sit down as he turned his gaze back to his spell book.

He thanked him as he put his trunk on top with much effort and sat down. "Harry Potter, call me Harry."

"Aurelius Galegold Evans Valriss Aulus," Aurelius replied politely, looking up and frowning at the state of his glasses.

Making Harry uncomfortable.

"Oculus reparo," Aurelius said while snapping his fingers, and Harry's glasses were as good as new. "There. Much better." Aurelius nodded, satisfied that the results of his efforts in wandless casting weren't for naught.

"Thank you," said Harry. He was still startled by the sudden magic, but he was grateful.

"You're welcome, but I recommend you find some potion to fix your eyes. Wearing glasses is troublesome," said Aurelius, continuing to read without looking up.

"Wait, there are potions for that?" Harry asked, surprised.

"Well, there are charms, potions, runes, and rituals for all sorts of things. There are potions that allow you to walk through flames, grow bones, and much more. If there aren't, I'll make one and save you a bottle."

"Thanks, I appreciate it. Glasses aren't cheap, and even my messed-up ones aren't cheap either."

"No problem," I said offhandedly.

The train started, and they left the station. The constant rattling caused by the tracks, the green landscape, and the comfortable seats induced many to fall asleep during the journey.

Before long, the door was suddenly flung open, and a redhead poked his head out.

"Do you mind if I sit here? The rest of the carriages are full." Said the redhead.

Aurelius just nodded, implying that he didn't care.

"Sure, sit down," Harry invited.

"Thanks, Ron Weasley," he introduced himself after putting down his trunk and taking a rat out of his pocket.

"Harry Potter."

"Are you really?! Ron exclaimed. "Do you have the, you know? "He stammered, trying not to be obvious and failing spectacularly.

"What?" said the bespectacled boy.

"The scar?"

"Oh, um, yeah," Harry said confusingly while lifting his hair to show off his scar.


Aurelius mentally rolled his eyes. 'Yes, apparently a mark that was the result of your family's deaths and a man who shot you as a baby is "cool." Man, this kid is incredibly inconsiderate.'

"And who is he?" Ron asked rudely, pointing a finger at Aurelius.

"Aurelius..." Harry tried to think of the whole name but only stuck with the first part.

'Why does he have so many last names? Oh, wait, the headmaster in the letter I received seemed to have them... Maybe it's a wizarding world custom?' thought the young Potter.

"Aurelius is fine," he said dryly, "Don't point it's incredibly rude."

"Sorry," Ron said, pulling his finger away, suddenly aware of what he had just done.

There was a knock at the door, and a smiling old woman revealed a cart with various snacks and treats.

"Would you like something from the trolley, dears?"

"No thanks, I've got mine already." Ron reluctantly pulled out a somewhat squashed sandwich.

Aurelius looked in surprise at the size of the crushed package. 'How could his family afford to feed such a glutton on their meager family income?' he thought.

"I'll let Harry choose first," Aurelius commented, knowing what would happen and saving money.

"Give us everything," Harry excitedly declared, due to his newly gained wealth.

Ron munched on sweets like a pig, his rat munched on some dragees, and Harry feasted on his first magical treat, a chocolate frog. Aurelius settled for a few pieces of chocolate and a sandwich. 

He didn't want his mother to scold him for becoming an unhealthy weight.

"Why are you reading the books already?" Ron asked with his mouth full. "We won't start classes until after the house sorting ceremony that's supposed to happen during the grand feast tonight."

"History is interesting if you pay close enough attention, Ronald," Aurelius said.

He didn't want to start a conversation with the two of them to continue reading, so he tried to give a short response to cut off the conversation. After all, associating closely with the two would surely drag him into unnecessary hassles.

"A Ravenclaw, for sure," Ron muttered.

"Hey, my brothers taught me a color-changing spell on my rat, Scabbers. Do you want to see it?"

"Sure," said the gleeful Harry, excited to see more magic.

As Ron settled the rat and took out his wand, the door was flung open, and a bushy-haired girl looked inside quickly before asking.

"Have any of you seen a toad? A new student has lost it."

Ron shook his head in puzzlement, as did Harry.

'How was a toad even going to sneak in with them if the door was closed?' thought the annoyed Aurelius.

"What's its name?" Aurelius asked, tired of the interruptions.


"Curious name for a toad." He said to not accidentally show that he knew who Neville was.

"Oh, I thought you meant the student." Hermione's cheeks flushed a little at the confusion, and she corrected her answer, "The toad's name is Trevor."

"Accio toad Trevor." Said Aurelius while he snapped his fingers. A few moments later, a toad floating upside down and confused about why the world had turned upside down reached Aurelius, was caught in his hand, and offered it to Hermione."

"Here you go." He said nonchalantly.