
Harry Potter: The Dragon Emperor.

Hello guys, This is my first Harry Potter fanfic. I like Harry Potter but I am not a Potter head so don't expect it to be similar to the main story and you can find many things different from the plot. This story is from the time when Severus Snape and Lily Evans were taking their classes at Hogwarts. Synopsis: This is the story about a boy who got reincarnated in Harry Potter after getting some op wishes from God. Now we have to see how will he change the plotline of the Harry Potter universe after he became invincible. This story can have some parts similar to other fanfic as I like those parts very much so don't complain about it. Disclaimer: I don't own anything in Harry Potter.

INSANE_GAMER · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Chapter 19

After Fleamont and James come out of Ollivander's wand shop, James said to his father in anger," Father, why did you let them go so easily, after all that, they said to you."

Fleamont snapped at him," Shut up, do you know what I just felt inside."

James confused," What did you feel, what was that weight I was feeling in front of that boy."

Fleamont," if I didn't protect you inside, you will not be standing on your feet right now."

James," Really!!, what do you think from which pureblood family he belongs to."

Fleamont," I never heard of any pureblood family name Snape but I've heard about the prince family whose last descendent run away with a muggle boy."

James with a realisation expression," do you think he was her son."

Fleamont," I not only think but believe he was her son and a half-blood."

James," That's great, it will be a good topic to prank him in Hogwarts."

Fleamont with a serious expression," Don't even think about it, you won't be able to handle the consequences of this matter."

James," But.." he wants to say something but Fleamont cut him in middle and said," No buts, it is final do you understand."

James nodded solemnly and Fleamont thought,' I only felt that kind of pressure from three people in my life and no one can afford to offend them.'

Thinking about this Fleamont and James leave the alley while inside the Ollivander's wand shop.

Lily was trying one wand to another but none of them was completely suitable for her, it was as if they think that they are not suitable for her. she looked towards Severus with a pleading gaze and he smiled and said," if wands are thinking that they are not suitable for you then you choose the one which you like to take back home with you."

Lily nodded closed her eyes and started to feel the wands around her, then suddenly she saw white colour energy emitting from a white box.

She pointed towards the box and Ollivander was shocked to see the box she was pointing towards and looked towards Severus who in return just nodded.

Ollivander went to the shelf, pick up the box carefully and bring it in front of Lily. he opened the box and said," Please try this wand miss Lily."

Lily nodded and picked up the wand and suddenly felt a connection with it and lightly flicked the wand, suddenly the vase on the table turned into a white owl and flew away.

Ollivander happily," Excellent, it is a wand, which I don't know anything about but my grandpa used to say that it was created by the first Ollivander who learned to make wands and he created three strongest wands with all the knowledge of his life and some legends also say that these wands can even rival Elder wand."

Lily," Really, that's great right, Severus."

Severus nodded and said," Now it's your turn Hope, go forward."

Hope nodded calmly and went forward. Ollivander asked which hand she uses which she replied by moving her right hand forward. Ollivander started to give her wands to check but none was suitable for her, then she remembers Severus's advice and closed her eyes.

She tried to sense the feeling which was most welcoming to her and she found it at the same spot of Lily where a red colour box was placed. Ollivander was shocked to see that she also chooses a wand from one of the three wands.

He shook his head give Hope her wand, Then he gesture Severus to come forward and he said that he will not do anything and Severus should choose his wand by himself.

Severus nodded and spread his magic in the shop then suddenly all the boxes in the shop started to shake hard and the other five people in the shop become shocked and anxious about what is happening to the wands.

Then suddenly Severus said in a commanding voice," Silent!!!." all boxes stopped shaking and he continues to say," I know you all want to come with me but I can only take one of you with me and I already decided who it will be."

Severus stretched his hand and a wand out a Purple and Golden box come flying into his hand. he looked towards Ollivander and said," please give us Wand holster and cleaning kit for our wands and also I hope today's matters will be secret between us only."

Ollivander looked towards him as if calculating the pros and cons of the situation and nodded with a heavy heart.

After getting all things from Ollivander Severus pay for the wands, cleaning kit and holsters. then he leaves the shop with his group and Purchases the remaining things on the list and then leaves the Diagon alley.

Severus invite all of them with families for a bonfire party for having fun before going to Hogwarts and everyone nodded excitedly.

August 29, 1971

At night everyone was sitting around the bonfire, talking and laughing about their life experiences and how lonely they will feel after the children were gone. Severus and the girls were inside apparently talking about what should they pack for Hogwarts.

Eileen with a sad expression," because of his father Sev has to become mature before time and sometimes I think that because of my fault he became cold and indifferent to others."

Susan," you should not think like that, I think you are very lucky to have a son like him who is so responsible at such young age."

Hayley," yeah, because of him Hope also become more sensible and independent, we should be thanking him to take care of our daughters."

They saw the trio coming out of the house and coming towards them, Susan said," yeah look, they are so close to each other. sometimes I think about what will happen in future."

Eileen," we should let them decide that after all, we can't be with them every time."

Both Susan and Hayley nodded while both fathers were looking at Severus like hungry wolves ready to hunt him and Petunia was feeling extremely jealous of Lily. Three of them sit together while enjoying the night sky.

Hayley," Hey it's getting so boring today don't you think we should have some music."

Klaus," I will get the music player right away."

Hayley," I was not talking about playing music, I was talking about letting someone sing from us."

Michael," I am out, I don't know how to sing."

Klaus," me too."

Susan and Eileen are also quiet and Hayley was feeling dejected that no one wants to sing and then suddenly Lily said," Hey Sevy, why don't you sing for us."

Everyone looked towards him with expectations but he said, "I don't know how to sing okay."

Hope with puppy eyes," Sev can't you sing, you know it is our last night together having a party with our families together."

Severus's mouth twitched and he said," you can come back on Christmas you know."

Lily also with puppy eyes," but can you please make this life rememberable for us."

Severus," tsk, fine but no one will laugh and no one will ask from where I get this song."

Everyone nodded and Severus took out his guitar from his space ring and started singing.


Thanks for reading.☺