
Harry Potter: The Dragon Emperor.

Hello guys, This is my first Harry Potter fanfic. I like Harry Potter but I am not a Potter head so don't expect it to be similar to the main story and you can find many things different from the plot. This story is from the time when Severus Snape and Lily Evans were taking their classes at Hogwarts. Synopsis: This is the story about a boy who got reincarnated in Harry Potter after getting some op wishes from God. Now we have to see how will he change the plotline of the Harry Potter universe after he became invincible. This story can have some parts similar to other fanfic as I like those parts very much so don't complain about it. Disclaimer: I don't own anything in Harry Potter.

INSANE_GAMER · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Chapter 17

the dragon stared at Severus for some seconds and said," I want you to promise me that you will create a safe place for all the magical creatures where they won't have to worry about being hunted by wizards."

Severus shocked asked," why do you want me to do this."

Dragon," Because of being reason of their origin and at some point creator of them, it is my duty to protect as many I could."

Severus," so did you give this task to other people like me."

Dragon," this is not as easy as it looks and I will never do an exchange with a person who I think is unworthy and my intuition is telling me that you are the right person for this task."

Severus, "Awww, really you trust me that much."

Dragon," Shut up and tell me are you willing to promise me?"

Severus with a serious expression," I promise you but you have to give me one more thing in return."

Dragon," tell me, if it's not something godly I will full fill it."

Severus," I want memories of my past life."

Dragon," hmmm, I can give you memories of your previous life but you have to choose between memories of your family or the fictional worlds you watch or read in your previous life."

Severus," do I have a way to get them in future."

Dragon," there will be an opportunity but if I returned your memories then there will be no other way to get the other part back."

Severus started pondering for a while and after making up his mind he replied," I want the memory of media and fiction worlds but with music also."

Dragon," very well."

After that, a ball of light floated from Dragon and merged into Severus. he didn't feel anything for a while before a headache attack him and he clenched his head in both hands.

Severus was feeling high-intensity pain in his head because of transferring of all those memories, after a while when all the memories merged with his head he breathed roughly.

The Dragon said after seeing everything is done," Now it's time for you to go and never forget about our promise."

After he said that Severus again fall blackout and when he opened his eyes he found that he was on his bed and it was morning already but he noticed that his vision was extremely clear and he can even see the particles of sand in the air.

After getting his half-memories he guesses what could have happened and immediately went to the mirror and saw that his eyes are Purple with a strange pattern.


Severus smiled and said," sure enough it is Mangekyou but with my bloodlines looks like it mutated and become like this, so let's call it "Mangekyou Rinnegan" from now on."

Flashback End

Severus thinking about it just shook his head putting this problem in the back of his head and went to sleep.

The next day Severus woke up and got ready for today's trip to Diagon Alley and he was wearing a white T-shirt with a black shirt on it and blue jeans at the bottom with black shoes.

He does his breakfast with Eileen and after eating his breakfast he said goodbye to Eileen and went to the spot where he promised to meet both Hope and Lily with their parents.

He reached there and found that he was the first one to arrive so he will have to wait for others to arrive, so he sat on a bench near him and started to think about in which house will he get chosen but he was having slightly thought that his sorting ceremony won't be normal.

Severus was thinking about this then suddenly Lily's voice come from behind him.

Lily," Hey Severus!!."

Severus turned around and saw Lily coming towards him with her parents and Severus smiled and said," Hey Lily, how are you."

Lily," I am fine but what were you thinking about sitting alone."

Severus," nothing important and I am sorry for neglecting but Good morning Mr and Mrs Evans."

Michael," Always gentlemen huh! you don't have to be like this with us Severus and Good Morning.

Susan," Good morning Severus and what Michael is true you don't have to be like this with us after all you are Lily's friend for so much time and your mother is a very good friend of mine."

Severus nodded with a smile and saw on a distance that Hope was coming alone and immediately guessed why Klaus and Hayley didn't come.

Severus," Hey Hope Good morning, how are you doing?"

Hope," Good morning Severus, as you can see I am not fine at all."

Severus," and why is that because as I can see you don't have any signs of bad health or any other problems."

Hope," Of course, it's because my parents refuse to come with me at my first ever entry into the magical world."

Severus sighed and said," Hope you know their reasons for not coming with you today."

Hope," But at least they should have tried to come up with a solution."

Severus with a serious expression," Hope I remember that during our training I taught both of you that you should never judge things just by a single point of you and should first find out the real reason."

Hope," What could be more important than their daughter's first day in an unknown world."

Severus with a blank face," we will talk about this later but as everyone is here, we should go."

Hope nodded and Severus take everyone to the Leaky cauldron and when they come in front of Leaky Cauldron Severus said," Everyone this place can be a little messy so please deal with it."

Severus said and everyone nodded their heads and went inside following Severus. when they come inside the Leaky Cauldron they were surprised to see how much mess it was and looked towards him because he said it was "Little Messy" and Severus just turned his head to the other side and started whistling.

They shook their head and Severus asked them if they want to drink something from here but all of them hurriedly shook their heads and Severus sighed.

He called Tom asked him to show them the way to the Diagon Alley which he showed without any problem.

When all of them entered Severus smiled and said," Everyone welcomes to Magical World."

Michael" wasn't that the same line you said before we entered your house."

Severus," Oh did I? but never mind and let's go."


Thanks for reading and I know the story is going a little too slow but I don't have time right now because my final exams are in a month and I don't know anything about my subjects so, please deal with it.☺