
Harry Potter: The Dragon Emperor.

Hello guys, This is my first Harry Potter fanfic. I like Harry Potter but I am not a Potter head so don't expect it to be similar to the main story and you can find many things different from the plot. This story is from the time when Severus Snape and Lily Evans were taking their classes at Hogwarts. Synopsis: This is the story about a boy who got reincarnated in Harry Potter after getting some op wishes from God. Now we have to see how will he change the plotline of the Harry Potter universe after he became invincible. This story can have some parts similar to other fanfic as I like those parts very much so don't complain about it. Disclaimer: I don't own anything in Harry Potter.

INSANE_GAMER · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Chapter 12 Getting Permission and Start Training.

On the door of the living room, both Hope and Lily were looking at Eileen with shocked expressions because they just found out that, if their parents disagree with them joining Hogwarts they will lose their memories of a very important person in their life.

Both of them turned around and looked at Severus who was standing behind them and his expression were calm as Sea but both of them understood him very well and know that he was very unhappy right now.

Lily was the first one to come out of shock and asked Severus:" You knew it right?."

Severus nodded:" Yeah, I knew about it from the first day we become friends and I also knew that I have to prepare myself for this."

Hope:" Then why didn't you tell us about it."

Severus:" We were having fun and we were happy together, there was no reason to ruin it. so I don't find it necessary to tell you. what does it even matter, I will be a stranger for you after some time."

Lily come into her tomboy mood and pick up the flower vase and throw water on his face, Severus instinctively closed his eyes. the parents in the background were surprised and Eileen was amused to see him like that because he always give her a cold face when something good is not happening.

Lily with anger:" We thinking about you as a stranger meant nothing to you and on other hand, you called us your only friends."

Severus opened his closed eyes but this time his pupils have a different purple glow in them and his eyes were as if looking down at every being in the world.

Lily froze at her place and her breathing become rough and Severus said:" You think I don't regard both of as important people in my life than what do you think I am doing every day by trying my best to make both of you as strong as possible so that one day when I am not with you, both of you can at least protect yourselves. I am also feeling pain by thinking one day both of you won't even recognise me."

Lily and Hope lower their Head in shame and don't know what to say, then suddenly Eileen to lighten the mood said:" Okay everyone I think it is enough for today and I also think that both girls parents will make their decision by the end of this dinner."

Severus nodded and all of them come to the dining table with and Eileen again clapped her hands and food come flying from the kitchen and was served automatically with magic on their plates and all of them start eating dinner while chatting.

Lily and Hope have gloomy faces all the time and Severus sighed and shook his head because he was thinking about what will happen when he will tell truth to them.

After dinner, everyone leaves Hogwarts matter aside and started to talk about how many things magic can do and how many possibilities it has.

Lily, Hope and Severus were also talking in themselves and Hope said:" Can't you cancel your plan to go to Hogwarts."

Severus looked at Hope's puppy eyes and said:" I am sorry I can not cancel that, I have too many dreams to fulfil there and I won't be able to experience that magical feeling if I didn't go there."

Lily:" Are those dreams more important than us to you."

Severus:" I know you will say that but I can't give up on my dreams not when my mom has faced all of that for me."

Lily and Hope become silent three of them didn't speak all the while till it was time for everyone to go back.

Michael stood up and said:" Miss Eileen I can permit Lily to attend Hogwarts but on one condition."

Lily first become excited to hear that she is getting permission to go to Hogwarts but suddenly become anxious because she didn't know what kind of condition he was going to make.

On the side, Susan wants to ask her husband about what is he saying and why he was giving his permission to let Lily go to Hogwarts but Michael stopped her from saying anything.

Eileen smiled and asked:" Tell me Mr Evans what is your condition, I will try my best to fulfil it if I could."

Michael:" Actually this condition is for Severus to choose if he could fulfil it."

Severus come forward and asked:" Tell me, sir, what is your condition."

Michael:" It is very simple, I want you to promise in the name of the most important thing in your life that if we both parents give our permission to let our daughters enrol in Hogwarts. you will protect them no matter what and won't let them feel the darkness of the Wizarding world."

Severus closed his eyes listening to Michaels words and start to think about what will be the consequences of his choice but in the end, he let his fate decide it as a person should not take the weight of everything on his shoulder and just do what's best he could do at that time.

Severus:" I promise in my mother's name that I will do my best to protect them from any harm that will come on them no matter what." but Severus was thinking 'isn't this looking like I am asking them to merry me.' but shrugged his shoulders and went with the flow.

Michael smile and said:" That's good then *Then he turns towards Lily and said* you have our permission to join Hogwarts but you will have to show us that you can live by yourself or..."

Lily hurriedly cut him in the middle and said:" I will try my best and Thank you, daddy." she said and hug Michael tightly.

On other hand, Hope looked towards her parents with an expectant look in her eyes and both Klaus and Hayley looked towards each other and in the end, Hayley shrugged her shoulders and said:" We are also giving our permission to Hope but she will have to show us that she has the talent of this."

Severus nodded with a smile and then Hope also hugged her parents and Eileen smiled that her son thinks of her as most important in his life.

Eileen:" if everyone has given their permission then I would like to talk to parents about something in private."

She then took the parents to another room leaving four children alone in the living room and Petunia said:" So now Lily you are also going to become a freak like this family of freaks."

Severus said:" Miss Petunia, I would appreciate it if you won't pull my mother in this matter."

Petunia with a proud look said:" And what if I do."

Severus in a serious voice said:" Then, I will have to use other methods to shut your damn mouth."

he said it while releasing a little bit of his magic pressure and Petunia have cold sweat on her forehead and she said in between taking deep breaths:" I..should.. go and look for dad and mom."

Lily nodded and Petunia left the living room and both Lily and Hope looked towards Severus with weird looks and he asked:" What."

Lily:" Was it necessary to scare her like that."

Severus:" you don't know how much."

Hope:" And what are the methods you were talking about."

Severus:" Oh, I am sure you don't want to hear about them."

Lily and Hope in unison:" You never give us a definite answer."

Severus just shrugged his shoulder and didn't say anything and soon Eileen come with both parents behind her and said:" Severus from tomorrow both Lily and Hope will come to our house for magic study and you are going to teach them as you are experienced with teaching."

Severus nodded and Hope and Lily cheered but Severus popped their bubble of happiness and said:" From tomorrow you will come at the same time here in the morning for physical training and after school for Magic practice."

Both Hope and Lily in Unison: "NO." and everyone laughed at their reaction except Petunia who have a jealous look on her face.

After that Severus escorted everyone outside of the Spinners End because this area was not safe for Evans to travel.

When Severus come home after escorting everyone Eileen asked with an amused smile:" So I am the most important person to you in life huh?."

Severus hurriedly: "I am very sleepy right now let's talk in the morning." and run upstairs to his room. (AN:/ I am again repeating, it won't be incest.)

Eileen in a loud voice said: "You too to me."

Severus in his room smiled hearing Eileen's words and fall asleep to start a new chapter of his life.


Thanks for reading and Merry 🎄.😊