
Harry Potter: The Dark Path

Harry discovers an extraordinary power within himself: wandless magic. Fed up with being a pawn in the games of Dumbledore and Voldemort, Harry embarks on a quest to seize control of his own destiny. Seeking refuge and knowledge, he returns to the Chamber of Secrets, where he stumbles upon things beyond his wildest expectations. Join and witness the rise of Lord Harry Potter.

Dream_Guardian · Book&Literature
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"I asked the staff if they had anything that they required help with." said McGonagall, leading him to the main entrance, "Professor Hagrid informed me that he would appreciate help in preparing for his next class."

Harry smiled happily to himself. He would be serving detention with Hagrid, which was more than fine with him. He had previously been dreading having to spend hours in the dungeons with Filch, cleaning each and every cobblestone tile that made up the flooring.

"Do not be so easily excited, Mr. Potter." said Professor McGonagall, "Professor Snape has personally requested your assistance for the next time you land yourself in detention."

Of course he has.

"Why hasn't Malfoy been given any detentions?" asked Harry, "I used a bit of accidental magic, right after he insulted . . . well, you know."

"His punishment was the loss of fifty points from Slytherin house." Professor McGonagall informed Harry.

Harry scoffed.

"As if anyone gives a damn about house points. He's probably laughing his arse off."

"That will be five points from Gryffindor, Mr. Potter."

Harry rolled his eyes.

The pair made their way through the grounds and over to Hagrid's hut. They passed by the Beauxbatons Carriage, where the light was still on. Harry could hear people talking inside, though he could not hear their conversation.

Professor McGonagall made her way over to Hagrid's door, knocking on it thrice. They heard a slight creaking noise from the inside of the hut before the door opened, revealing Hagrid.

"Alright then Harry, come on inside! We got lots of work to do, c'mon!"

Hagrid waved goodbye to Professor McGonagall, telling her that Harry would be back in the castle within two hours. Once the two professors had finished their quick discussion, Hagrid gently pushed Harry into the hut, quickly fastening the door behind him.

"You got your cloak by any chance?" asked Hagrid.

"Er - no, I don't. Why?"

"Got summat ter show yeh. Doesn't matter, it's dark anyway. Just follow me, and stay outta sight."

Hagrid turned around, covering himself in a horrible coat, before opening the door and stepping outside.

"Hagrid, wait up! You can't just do that! What are we doing?" Harry asked. The last time Hagrid had been this mysterious, Harry had ended up in the middle of an Acromantula Colony. He was not particularly interested in repeating such a feat.

"Didn't Ron or Hermione tell yeh?" asked Hagrid as he straightened out his coat, "I told em' to tell yeh to visit me after dark some time soon. Said it was important, I did. I had to specially schedule your detention with me, didn't think you'd come otherwise."

Harry narrowed his eyes in anger.

"Funnily enough, Ron and Hermione haven't said a word to me about any of this."

"Well, yer here now, that's what matters." said Hagrid happily.

Harry quietly followed Hagrid out the door, only to be suddenly stopped by the ginormous man.

"You can't be seen, Harry!" warned Hagrid, "Just follow me."

"If I didn't know any better, I would say those two statements tend to contradict each other." muttered Harry sarcastically.

Salazar's cynicism and sarcasm are finally rubbing off on me.

Harry quickly covered himself with a disillusionment charm, before following Hagrid. The spell was not perfect, as Harry had been working more on his offensive magic, but it was definitely better than most students could accomplish. He did not have his invisibility cloak on him, so he would have to make do. Harry quickly set off after Hagrid, who was heading towards the Beauxbatons Carriage.

Hagrid knocked gently (or as gently as someone of his size could) on the carriage door. The door slowly swung open, revealing Madame Maxime. She, like Hagrid, was wearing formal attire (although unlike Hagrid, her attire was not hideous). They exchanged a few words before Hagrid held out his hand, which she accepted. The two of them slowly walked in the direction of the forest.

You have got to be shitting me.

He was not even remotely interested in third wheeling on Hagrid's date, and was seriously considering turning back then and there. However, his curiosity got the better of him, and he followed the two of them into the forest.

He silently trailed them, his eyes narrowing slightly as Hogwarts was obscured from view by the many trees. It had just occurred to him that the things Hagrid considered to be perfectly safe were typically the exact opposite. He was not particularly interested in being murdered by some sort of exotic monster, although he supposed that would likely occur in a week's time either way.


Harry lost complete focus over his mediocre attempt at the disillusionment charm, so surprised at walking into what had appeared to be thin air. He nearly fell to the floor, pulling his wand out as he steadied himself.


The tip of his wand lit at the use of his silent spell. Thankfully, he was far enough from Hagrid and Madame Maxime that he was not at risk of being seen. He gently waved his wand in front of him, pausing when it landed upon something solid, something that had not been there a moment prior.

Standing before him was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, to the point where it was not even a competition. Her silvery blonde hair flew with the gentle breeze, her teeth shining like the moon.

A woman who seemed just as surprised at seeing him here as he was her.

"Fleur Delacour." said Harry, his eyes narrowing.


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