
Harry Potter: The Dark Path

Harry discovers an extraordinary power within himself: wandless magic. Fed up with being a pawn in the games of Dumbledore and Voldemort, Harry embarks on a quest to seize control of his own destiny. Seeking refuge and knowledge, he returns to the Chamber of Secrets, where he stumbles upon things beyond his wildest expectations. Join and witness the rise of Lord Harry Potter.

Dream_Guardian · Book&Literature
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Reflections and Realizations

"In a way, I guess." said Harry, "Although I'm not sure if I'm close to them, or I'm just not close to anyone else."

"Grow closer to them." instructed Salazar, "Not for the fact that they are Aurors, although I suppose that is useful as well. Do it because they seem to truly care, from what you have told me, of course."

"Yeah, okay." Harry responded quietly, "I better head out now, the delegations will be arriving in an hour, there's going to be an evening feast. The last thing I need is to be seen in the girl's lavatory right now."

He paused for a moment, before turning to Salazar.

"Why did you put the entrance to the chamber in the girl's lavatory?"

"I didn't." said the portrait casually, "There wasn't any 'plumbing' in my time. You just used to pull your robes down and - "

" - Alright, I got the gist! And how did Riddle find it?"

"He told me that he had been searching for it since his second year. He eventually began to grow desperate in his search for the chamber. He systematically checked every room in the school he knew of. All that was left at the time was the bathrooms, the headmaster's office, and the staff offices."

Harry chuckled quietly at the idea of a teenage Voldemort getting caught by a group of girls in their bathroom. It was a rather amusing visualization.

I would rather Riddle give me the scar on my forehead than scar me for life. Poor girls.

He said goodbye to the portrait, and began his journey back to Gryffindor tower.


Harry slowly dressed himself in the fourth year Gryffindor dorms, a mere half hour after his conversation with Salazar. The words of the portrait had hit Harry pretty hardly; he was no longer even slightly in the mood for another assembly.

It wasn't so much the fact that Salazar had said what he had, but rather how accurate he had been. Ron had always been jealous and spiteful, but now that Harry thought about it, he didn't really have any redeeming qualities. Sure, he was fairly funny, but the jokes he made were typically at the expense of others. Considering that Harry was bullied at least thrice a week (and much more often before Hogwarts), Harry could no longer bring himself to find the redhead to be humorous.

Hermione was better, as she was tactful and really did care, but the moment Harry had finally become her better at something, she had become distant. Though she did still talk to him much more than Ron did, which had to be a bonus. She also hadn't deluded herself into thinking that she would become some great champion in the near future. That could only be a good thing.

Harry resolved that he would not abandon them; they had been by his side from the moment he stepped into the magical world, and he would not just throw that away, not even based on the words of his ancestor. He would, however, be much more cautious around them.

Then there was Tonks and Hestia. Harry had to admit that he was closer to them than he was to anyone else (excluding Salazar, Ron, Hermione, and perhaps Hedwig if she counted), although he wasn't sure that meant much. The few times that he was not in the chamber or Gryffindor Tower, he could almost always be found by their side. Harry had no problem listening to Salazar's advice when it came to them.

The only other people of significance that came to mind were Sirius and the Gryffindor Quidditch team. For obvious reasons, Harry had not been in excellent contact with the former of the two. As for the latter, the only ones he was particularly close to were Angelina, Alicia, and Katie.

He was friends with Fred and George, but that was about it. The relationship he held with the other three was that of a younger brother and three older sisters. It was similar to the ones he held with Tonks and Hestia, although the latter two were more motherly, and the bond he held with them was stronger.

Harry roughly shoved his white button up shirt onto his body, tying his tie in a similar fashion. He quickly checked himself in the mirror, making sure that he was presentable. He was now a noticeably attractive young boy, though it was plain to all that he still had some growing left to do. His cheekbones were now very high, his skin slightly tanned, his eyes carried a beautiful shine to them, and his hair neatly combed.

Harry stepped out from in front of the mirror as he put on his robes, joining the other four males in their shared dorms. They had all clearly attempted to get dressed in the 'proper way', as requested by McGonagall. Unfortunately, none had succeeded; Ron's robes were clearly covered in dirt, Dean's shirt was missing a button, and Neville's tie appeared to be strangling him.

Harry couldn't particularly blame them for their lack of etiquette; he too had been equally inept when it came to such things merely a day prior. Salazar had spent most of last night teaching Harry how to clothe himself properly. The portrait had not liked the idea of his heir being incapable of dressing himself up.

"You look good, mate!" said Seamus as he tried to redo his belt buckle.

"Course he does, Mum taught him how to clean himself up over the summer." said Ron dismissively, fumbling as he tried to wipe off dirt.

Deciding against reminding Ron that Mrs. Weasley had likely been teaching him the same for years, he pulled his wand out and approached the boy.

"Scourgify." muttered Harry, his wand pointed at Ron's robes. The mud that had previously covered the edges of the robes had now vanished, as well as Ron's frown.

"Cheers, Harry!"

After the remaining three had gotten themselves cleaned up to the best of their abilities, the group made their way down to the common room. Most of the students were already seated in different places across the room, whispering quietly to themselves. Just in front of the portrait hole stood Professor McGonagall, clearly waiting for the final students to show up.

"Looking good, Harry!" whispered Alicia as Angelina ruffled Harry's hair playfully. The act earned a glare from McGonagall, who watched as Alicia quickly combed Harry's hair with her fingers. McGonagall looked away once she was satisfied, though not without a disapproving shake of her head.

"What did you do to make her all grumpy?" Katie whispered to Harry.

"What makes you think I did anything? It's probably because of the arrivals; must be stressed or something." Harry said in an equally quiet voice.

Within another five minutes, the remainder of Gryffindor house was now seated throughout the common room, awaiting their head of house's word.

"When we arrive at the Great Hall," began McGonagall, "You are to remain organized. There will be now fooling around, and if anyone is caught using magic they will be given detention for a week."

She scanned the Gryffindor common room, her eyes stopping slightly as she passed Fred, George, and Harry.

"Do try to impress our guests. They are the best of their schools, many of them are people of great influence. You may recognize a few of them, just as they may recognize a few of you. You will not, I repeat, you will not embarrass Gryffindor House in front of the delegations. Not now, and not during any other point of the school year. Get up, organize yourselves from youngest to oldest, and follow me."

The students did as told, quietly following Professor McGonagall out of the portrait hole and through the empty halls. They soon saw their Hufflepuff classmates as they reached one of the many staircases leading towards the Great Hall. Each of the Hufflepuff students looked equally as excited and nervous as most of the Gryffindors felt.

The two houses, as well as Professors McGonagall and Sprout, made their way down to the hall, where the Slytherins and Ravenclaws were waiting for them. The sky was a dark blue, slowly turning black. A gentle breeze swept through the open doors, causing many of the younger ones to shiver slightly.

As Harry and his classmates were settling down at their table, Harry felt a jolt of energy surge through his body. On instinct, the Potter heir turned around, his eyes searching the Great Hall. He could just barely make out the form of Hedwig, who was gliding towards him at a fast pace. She silently landed on Harry shoulder, where she began, as usual, to nip Harry's ear affectionately.


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