
Unraveling Harry's Past

The lines on her face grew deeper. "Headache. Apparently, he was holding his forehead for most of the class. When he stumbled over after they were dismissed, Mr. Nott and Miss Davis brought him to me. He was very pale, Severus, and his eyes were bloodshot. He must have been in a great deal of discomfort. I gave him something mild for the pain, and it seemed to help, but I'm worried. Headaches that severe aren't commonplace for eleven-year-olds. And then there was the fact that..."




"His scar was inflamed."


Severus nodded slowly. That was ...very concerning. "Defence against the Dark Arts?"


The woman nodded.


"I will...inform the Headmaster. In the meantime, should Mr. Potter return to you, feel free to supply him with potions for him to take more regularly."


Poppy nodded again, hesitating before speaking again. "That's not all, Severus."


His eyebrows rose.


"He's...underfed. And by the looks of it, he has been for a long time. After he collapsed, I thought it prudent to do a check up, and when he took off his shirt, I saw his ribs, Severus. He's a small boy, but he shouldn't be this small."


A frown returned to Severus's face. "Is he ill?"


"I didn't do many tests..."


That wasn't like her.


"Because I think I already have an explanation. His wrist and his arm, and a couple of his ribs...they've been broken, and didn't heal properly. It looks like they weren't set correctly. He has a couple of strange scars too, some of them clearly burn marks. I didn't think it possible, but..."


"He's a young boy, Poppy, and boys have a way of damaging themselves. As for the malnutrition...I have noticed that he makes a habit of reading during his meals, and often gets sidetracked."


"Perhaps, but there's an alternative we do need to consider."


"To the best of my knowledge, he lives with his Aunt. She's not a...pleasant person, but is far to squeamish to lay a hand on a child, I would think. It's more likely the injuries were from other children."


"...you're probably right, and he did deny that his family had had any part in it...but he did so too quickly, in my opinion, without even thinking about it, as though on reflex. There's something not right here, Severus."


"If you insist...I will take this up with the Headmaster as well."


Pursing her lips, she nodded stiffly. "Please do."


"Headmaster...you wished to see me?"


"Indeed, Severus. I do hope the term is treating you well thus far."


He tried not to grimace. "As well as ever, Headmaster."


The old man smiled, clearly amused by his answer. "I'm glad to hear it, Severus! Now, I will get to the point; I called you here to ask about Mr. Potter."


Severus sighed. "I...thought as much."


"I admit, I was nearly as surprised as you were, when our young Mr. Potter was sorted into Slytherin. Did you know, Severus, that the Potters were descendants of Godric Gryffindor himself?"


"No, but I'm not at all surprised," Severus grumbled.


The Headmaster chuckled at that. "Indeed, indeed. But see, Severus, the fact that Harry was sorted into Slytherin is just as strange as, for instance, a parselmouth being sorted into Gryffindor. Sortings tend to run in families for a reason, Severus. Many aspects of magic are hereditary, and magic deeply influences our hearts. Cases such as young Harry's, and Sirius Black's, for that matter, are rare in old families like the Blacks and the Potters."


"While this is very fascinating, Headmaster, is there a point you are trying to make?"


"There is. Harry's strange sorting implies that there have been events in the boy's life that have caused his magic and personality to mutate from what it would have been. In other words, Harry Potter seems to have a past that none of us are aware of."


Severus nodded slowly. "Nature versus nurture?"


The elderly man smiled at him. "Quite."


"On the topic of the boy's childhood, Headmaster, I am...curious. Professor McGonagall mentioned to me the other day that the boy was raised by...Petunia."


The Headmaster nodded.


"May I ask why?"


"Simply put, when Lily Potter died, her sacrifice protected Harry from Voldemort's curse, and to this day, her blood and her magic protects him. Petunia's bond with Harry through blood perpetuates Lily's spell, erecting powerful blood wards around their residence in Surrey."


"I see. And you are sure that leaving him there was...wise?"


"Lord Voldemort has been defeated, but not vanquished, Severus, and many of those loyal to him still walk free. It was necessary that the boy be protected, and his mother's sacrifice afforded him a protection that I could not. That none of us could - no wizard or witch that means him harm can enter that home, and I cannot say the same of anywhere else in the world."


"I only ask because there have been...inquiries into his well-being."




"Poppy believes that he may...be being abused."


The old man frowned. "And how has she come by this belief?"


Severus hesitated. "Apparently, he is underfed, and has several poorly healed injuries."


"There could be many explanations for that, Severus."


"I am aware, and the boy did deny that his family was involved...as would most mistreated children."


"If I didn't know you better, Severus, I'd say you actually care for the boy."


"...I don't. But as his Head of House, it is my responsibility to take into consideration these facts."


The Headmaster tapped his finger on his desk a few times. "If Harry approaches you for help, help him. If proof of his family's alleged mistreatment of him arises, we will look into alternative living arrangements for him. But until such a time...it is crucial that he remain within the reach of those wards when not at Hogwarts, Severus. He must remain there until it is absolutely necessary that he leave. The wards are strong - and there may come a time when they will be his only defence."


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