
The Power of a Mother's Love

Harry gasped. "And he found them?"

"Yes. He found them, and then he came for them. On the night of All Hallows Eve, the Dark Lord Voldemort made his way to the home of the witch and wizard and their son, the child with the boded power to vanquish the Dark Lord. First, he killed the wizard, who died bravely, protecting his wife and son. Then, he turned his wand on the witch. He showed her mercy, and gave her the chance to step aside, but she refused, and he killed her as well."

Harry frowned, pity for the unfortunate family welling up in his heart.

"Finally, Lord Voldemort turned his wand on the little boy, the prophesied child, and said the words avada kedavra."

Harry's eyes flashed with recognition. "The killing curse."

"That is correct. But that night, the strangest thing happened – the killing curse failed to kill its target, and the child, instead of dying at the hands of the Dark Lord, was spared."

Harry gaped at him. Tom had told him of the three unforgivable curses - three pieces of crude, evil magic that attack the soul itself; Harry knew that the killing curse rends the soul from the body, that it was impossible to survive. "But how?"

"The witch, his mother, was very powerful, and very clever. So when she heard of the Dark Lord's plan to kill her son, she created a spell from the most secret and oldest of magics, a spell that would save her son, at the expense of her own life. It was...ancient and rare magic, Harry, magic that could only be wielded by the unconditional love of a mother for her son. This was a power the Dark Lord knew not, a power he was not prepared to match.

"So you see, Harry, when Lord Voldemort killed the witch, he activated the spell she had cast, and the child was spared. However, the killing curse was not rendered ineffective; instead of killing the child, it rebounded, and instead attacked the Dark Lord himself."

Harry stared at him, stunned.

"And thus the Dark Lord Voldemort fell, while the child lived, unharmed...except for a scar."


"...a scar."


Harry paled at that, a flurry of thoughts stirring in his mind.

"Now Harry, what month is it?"


"Which is...?"

"The seventh month...and it's the end of the seventh month...my birthday is the day the seventh months dies...and I have a scar...and my parents are dead..."

Tom nodded. "Do you understand, now?"

Harry nodded shakily. "Then...they didn't die in a car crash."

"They most certainly did not. Lily and James Potter died fighting for the life of their son; you, Harry Potter. They died bravely, with honour; some would call them heroes."

Harry looked down at his hands, and then back at the mirror. His parents...they were murdered. They were killed, right in front of him, because of him. A dull ache was spreading across his chest, while is shoulders grew heavy and his head light, tears starting to gather in his eyes. "My parents...did you know them?"

Tom grimaced a bit, at that. "Well you see, Harry, the story is not over yet."

"...it's not?"

"No. What I have told you is the truth...but not the truth I mean to give to you. Fetch that notebook beside the bed, and the pencil beside it."

Harry dried his eyes with his sleeve. "Um, ok."

"I want you to write my name."

"Your name?"

"Tom Marvolo Riddle."


"Now write the name 'Lord Voldemort'."

Harry obeyed, a frown marring his tear-stained face.

"Now look."

"Look at what?"


So Harry did, his frown deepening. Two names...Tom Marvolo Riddle and Lord Voldemort, one on top of the other, granite scratches on old, yellowed pages. Why did Tom have him write them both? How was Tom connected to Voldemort? It must be the name, he thought furiously, something about the name...

They were different lengths, one was a full name, the other a title. One was clearly English and the other was...something else...maybe French? The letters...they shared a lot of letters. Actually, now that he looked closely, every letter in 'Lord Voldemort' corresponded to a letter in 'Tom Marvolo Riddle'. And there were three left over...'m'...'a'...'i'...

"Who am I?"

And then he gasped.

"I...am...Lord Voldemort?"

"We are. You and I...we're remnants of the dark lord."


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