
Harry Potter: The combat instructor

In the world of magic, Ciaran Frémont had spent eight years honing his skills as a graduate of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the passage of time, his longing to return to Hogwarts lingered, this time not as a student but as a professor. His wish seemed to manifest when a letter arrived from none other than Principal Dumbledore himself, inviting him for an interview. Ecstatic yet conflicted, Ciaran's joy was tempered by the realization of an urgent task awaiting him. Before he could embark on this journey, he needed to tell his boss the current Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the pinnacle of authority within the Ministry of Magic. I've decided to translate and fix up this fanfic in my spare time since it wasnt looking to good. No hate plz im trying my hardest :( translation 霍格沃茨新任教授

AssClappicus · Anime & Comics
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Sirius still strives for Ciaran's consent, after all, Ciaran is the only one who believes in him - Ciaran is familiar with the plot, has a God's perspective, and naturally knows that Sirius is innocent - he attaches great importance to Ciaran's opinions and attitude.

But it was his wish to go and see Harry. After all, Harry was his godson. However, because Sirius had been in Azkaban Prison for more than ten years and failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a godfather, he felt guilty, regretful, and sorry for the Potters.

At this stage, it was the only thing he could do to see how Harry was doing.

"It's too dangerous. What if we are discovered? The first and second-grade students are still in the school." Ciaran frowned and said.

Sirius smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I'll just avoid them. Now I have a wand and can use magic spells - of course, I will not recite spells to those innocent children - and I am very familiar with Hogwarts, probably even more familiar with it than Dumbledore, and I know almost all the secret passages! As I mentioned when I was chatting with you earlier, I am also one of the producers of the Marauder's Map."

Ciaran believed that the Marauder's Map was jointly produced by Sirius, Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and James Potter.

Ciaran finally agreed reluctantly and warned, "Be careful, the Marauder's Map is in the hands of the Weasley brothers. They should leave Hogwarts and go to Hogsmeade Village, but when will they come back? When we use the Marauder's Map, we don't know it clearly."

"Don't worry." Sirius nodded repeatedly, his head with a happy face disappearing into the green fire.

Ciaran shook her head, sighed softly, picked up the "Poisonous Magic" again, and read through it carefully.

A few days later, it happened to be the day before Halloween, and Hogwarts was on holiday. Students in the third grade and above—especially those who had just met the conditions for going out—all cheered and chatted enthusiastically when they arrived at Hogsmeade. After the village, they asked which store they were going to, what snacks to eat, and what to buy.

Harry tried not to show envy, but others knew what he was thinking.

"To be honest, Harry, there is nothing interesting in Hogsmeade." Harry felt that Percy's words of comfort were the most useless. "Yes, the candy shop is indeed good, with many delicious snacks, but Zuko The Joke Shop is too dangerous. Oh, and the Screaming Shack is worth a visit, by the way, but other than that, you're not missing out on much, Harry."

"We'll bring you lots of sweets from Honeydukes," said Hermione, who seemed to feel sorry for Harry too.

"Yes, bring a lot back." Ron added. When facing Harry's disappointment, he and Hermione finally forgot about the quarrel about Crookshanks.

Crookshanks is a cat that Hermione bought in Diagon Alley. He is very spiritual. He discovered the abnormality of Ron Mouse Scabbers at first sight, even though this time he did not recognize the big black dog that Sirius had changed. Crookshanks still focused on Banban.

Of course, cats catching mice is a natural law and a matter of course, even though Scabbers is a mouse transformed from Peter Pettigrew.

"Don't worry about me." Harry said in a nonchalant tone. He didn't want to affect his good friend's mood. "See you at the banquet. You guys have fun."

Harry accompanied them to the entrance hall and watched them leave Hogwarts under the inspection of Hogwarts Administrator Filch.

Filch held a long list in his hand and looked at any student with vigilance, determined not to let any student who shouldn't go out.

"Staying here, Potter?" Malfoy shouted from the crowd. He was lining up with two followers, Goyle and Crabbe. "Afraid of passing those dementors?"

Harry ignored him, pretending he didn't hear, and walked straight up the stairs.

"Professor Frémont, are you going to Hogsmeade too?" Harry happened to meet Ciaran coming down the stairs.

"No, I just came to the auditorium to have something to eat." Ciaran shook her head and said. In fact, she also meant to check Harry's movements. After all, Sirius couldn't really be running around in Hogwarts. He had a purpose. Knowing where Harry is, it is easiest to avoid being discovered by others.

"What about you, Harry?"

"Um, I'm going back to the lounge," Harry replied.

Ciaran frowned slightly, said nothing more, and entered the auditorium to eat something to fill her stomach. When she came out, she met Harry again, who had just come out of Lupin's office.

Lupin said hello to Ciaran.

"See you at the banquet tonight, Ciaran, Harry."

Harry waited for Professor Lupine to close the door to his office, and then whispered mysteriously: "Professor, Snape gave Professor Lupine a mysterious thing in a goblet, and he actually ate it. What do you think?" What could that be? I don't think it's a good thing, Snape has always hated Professor Lupin."

It turned out that after he and Ciaran separated, they returned to the common room. Because the second-year student immediately left the common room, Professor Lupine called him to his office. On the way, Snape brought a tall wine glass. Lupine drank the mysterious liquid, and Harry was very worried that Snape had deliberately framed Lupine.

"Professor Snape, Harry, you have to call me Professor." Ciaran smiled. Of course, he knew what was in the wine glass. It was nothing more than wolfsbane potion. After all, Lupine was a werewolf, and he often Snape was needed to prepare a wolfsbane potion for him to suppress his violent and bloodthirsty wolf nature.

In this way, he can also remain quiet when he transforms into a wolf. Although it is not peaceful, at least he will not make any noise.

Nine out of ten professors at Hogwarts knew about this.

"Okay, Professor Snape."

"To be honest, Harry, you don't have to worry about the contents of the wine glass. It's not just me. Almost all the professors at Hogwarts know what's in it." Ciaran explained with a smile, but Wolfsbane Potion But there is no need to say it.

Whether Lupine's true identity - that of a werewolf - should be revealed depends mainly on Lupine himself and Principal Dumbledore. He, an ordinary professor, should not get involved.


Harry's eyes suddenly widened. He thought Snape wanted to poison Lupin. So the professors knew about it? !

"There is nothing wrong with Snape, and Harry and Dumbledore don't think there is anything wrong with him either." Ciaran said, wondering what Snape's expression would look like if he knew you doubted him. Ciaran suddenly felt that she still had a little expectation.

Harry muttered something.

Ciaran returned to the office, and Sirius had arrived at Hogwarts through the Floo network.

"How's it going Ciaran, there aren't many people, are there?" Sirius asked quickly when he saw Ciaran coming back. He couldn't wait to see Harry.