
Harry Potter : The Cardmaster Chronicles

In the world of Harry Potter: The Cardmaster Chronicles, a muggleborn wizard named Raymond realiced that he had been "transported" through errors and luck in the HP universe , later as his cheat arrives he discovers a unique and forbidden form of magic involving a deck of enchanted cards. These cards grant him immense power, allowing him to manipulate and control the very fabric of the magical world. Driven by a heavy paranoia , a thirst for dominance and control, Ethan becomes a formidable and feared figure in the wizarding community. Using his card-based magic, he establishes himself as the leader of a notorious wizarding mafia, manipulating and exploiting others for his personal gain. Harry Potter: The Cardmaster Chronicles presents a unique twist on the familiar world of Harry Potter incorporating mafia elements, delving into the dark side of magic and exploring the consequences of unchecked power. It is a story of a muggleborn wizard who, fueled by ambition and darkness, rises to become a feared and formidable villain in the wizarding world.

Mr_Cuak · Book&Literature
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London chronicles : First Blood

Raymond walked the bustling streets of London, his youthful form disguising the astute mind and calculated demeanor that lay within. The coat he wore swirled around him, casting an air of mystery as he navigated the labyrinth of alleyways and avenues.

As he strolled, his senses attuned to the ebb and flow of the city, Raymond's acute hearing caught a faint voice in the distance. It was a call, a summoning that seemed to tug at his instincts. Intrigued, he paused in his tracks, his eyes scanning the surroundings for the source of the sound.

To his surprise, emerging from the shadows were the figures he had encountered earlier—the gangster and the policeman. Their presence was unexpected, yet Raymond remained unfazed, his mind already devising a strategy to navigate this encounter.

The gangster, a ruthless figure with a scarred face and an air of danger, locked eyes with Raymond. A sly smile spread across his lips, recognizing the potential within the young prodigy before him. As they say , eyes are the windows of the soul

The policeman, a symbol of law and order, stood by his side, unaware of the danger that lurked within the child's innocent facade.

In that moment, the atmosphere crackled with tension. The gangster, driven by his own ambitions and thirst for power, presented an opportunity for Raymond. It was a chance to prove himself, to showcase his capabilities, and to align himself with a force that would grant him favor and influence.

"Hey couf couff Kid" Says the gangster

" What happened mister ? , Why are you hurt?" Raymond ask while wearing an innocense facade

"Does COUGH .... huff huff not matter" Replies the pale and almost dead gangster

" D .. o ... you Cough Cough want a huff hufff oppoooortunityy haah" Says the one foot grave gangster

"A ...A..L...All you have to do is helping me killing that COUGH COUGH .... BLUE PIGG HAAAH" Says the gangster while having a very difficult time escaping the clunches of death

"Do not listen .... cough cough to him son" Says the policeman

"You are BLEEEWHGG... Be..tter than hufff hufff that haah" Says the policeman as he vomit blood all over the place

Raymond's mind whirred with calculated precision as he assessed the situation. He recognized the delicate balance of power at play—the gangster's desire to eliminate the policeman and the policeman's commitment to upholding justice. It was a collision of worlds, and Raymond saw an opening to tip the scales in favor of the mafia.

Raymond mantaining his mask of innocense comes close to the policeman and help him stands up

He got closer to the ear and said

"No huhu , i am not better , i am worse" Raymond says as he kicks the policeman in the balls

The policeman stumbles and raymond grab his head and start hit him with the building that was near them

The policeman was desoriented and raymond just keep , and keep , and keep banging his wall to the wall

His eyes held nothing but indiference

"This is only a means towards and end, nothing more nothing less" Raymond thought as he finally stops and see the mounstrocity he created

All the walls had blood stains all over and there was brain fluid and parts of the brain on raymond`s clothes

"You couldm`t just die in peace could you , You fucking waste of space" Raymond says as he kicks the deformed head he caused

The gangster seeing all of this was on shock

"Such a display of violene , such an apathy , he would be perfect for the band" The gangster thought

"But he is still a kid and i do not know how capable he is , sure killing a policeman at his age is trully impressive , but as i say : "Mind over matter" Says the gangster

" I should evaluate him further " Thinks the gangster

"Congratulations couff cough ... Haaah , i am getting old for this shit" Says the gangster

" As a haah reward for passing i will introduce you to the COUGH COUGH ... Famil ... y later on , but first let`s get the fuck out of haah here" Says the pale and injured gangster

However dispite the gangster thoughts his face was another thing all together

The gangster's eyes were widened since the killing in a mixture of astonishment and admiration. He saw in Raymond a kindred spirit—a prodigy with an extraordinary talent for manipulation and control. It was a meeting of minds, a merging of intentions, as the gangster recognized the young boy's potential to serve their shared interests.

In that moment, a silent understanding passed between them. Raymond had secured his place within the ranks of the mafia, solidifying his position as a player in the world of power and influence. The gangster, appreciating the value that Raymond brought to the table, extended his hand in camaraderie, their alliance sealed.

"So what is the name of your family?" Raymond Ask curiosly

" We call ourselves "The Ravens"" Says the gangster

As Raymond stood amidst the aftermath of the confrontation, the lifeless body of the policeman at his feet, a surge of exhilaration coursed through him. He had proven himself in this deadly game, manipulating the outcome to favor the mafia and his own ascent to power. It was a defining moment, a testament to his determination and unyielding desire for control.

Raymond's alliance with the gangster had forged a bond that transcended mere business. As they traversed the shadowed streets of London, a fateful encounter left the gangster gravely wounded, his lifeblood seeping from his body. In that dire moment, Raymond's cunning and resourcefulness came to the forefront.

With a steady hand and a mind that operated with clinical precision, Raymond assessed the gangster's injuries. He swiftly tore a strip of fabric from his own shirt, fashioning an impromptu bandage to stem the flow of blood. The intensity in his eyes was palpable, reflecting a determination to save his newfound ally.

"Try to focus , remeber that you have yet to live your full life," Raymond commanded, his voice carrying an air of authority that belied his youthful appearance. "We're not done yet, you haven`t presented me to the family"

Channeling his knowledge of the human anatomy, Raymond tapped into his acquired understanding of medicine and first aid. He skillfully applied pressure to strategic points, stemming the bleeding and stabilizing the gangster's condition as best he could.

Amidst the chaos of the dimly lit alley, Raymond's focus remained unyielding. He sought out a nearby discarded cigarette box and retrieved a few matches, his nimble fingers striking one to ignite a small flame. Carefully, he brought the flame close to the wound, the controlled heat cauterizing the edges, an act of desperate improvisation to prevent further bleeding.

As the seconds ticked by, Raymond's efforts paid off. The gangster's breathing steadied, and the color began to return to his pallid face. It was a temporary solution, but it bought them precious time.

"You're not done yet," Raymond affirmed, his voice laced with determination. "You still have a role to play, and I won't let you succumb to these injuries."

With the gangster's condition stabilized, Raymond's mind raced, seeking a more permanent solution. He cast his gaze upon the dimly lit streets, searching for a glimmer of hope. His eyes landed on a nearby parked car, its keys still dangling from the ignition.

Without hesitation, Raymond sprinted towards the vehicle, adrenaline coursing through his veins. He fumbled with the keys, his small hands grappling to insert them into the ignition. Finally, the engine roared to life, its sound a testament to his resourcefulness.

He returned to the gangster's side, helping him into the backseat of the stolen car. The engine's vibrations reverberated through their bodies as Raymond pressed the accelerator, the wheels screeching as they peeled away from the scene.

Through a maze of backstreets and hidden routes, Raymond maneuvered the vehicle with the skill and precision of a seasoned driver. His young form belied the confidence and experience that now emanated from him. Every turn, every acceleration was calculated, each move a testament to his determination to preserve his newfound ally's life.

As the car came to a screeching halt outside a discreetly located clinic, Raymond helped the gangster out, his strength belying his small stature. With a sense of urgency, they entered the facility, where skilled doctors and nurses stood ready to take over.

Raymond's part in this life-or-death drama had come to an end, at least for the moment. The gangster was in capable hands, and Raymond could only hope that his efforts would be enough to save him.

As he stepped back, a mixture of relief and exhaustion washed over him. He had proven his worth, not just as a cunning strategist and manipulator, but as someone who could act decisively in the face of adversity. Raymond Reddington's spirit still lingered within him, guiding his every move, reminding him that in this game of power and control, he was a force to be reckoned with.

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