
Deck Chronicles : Aftermath

Omni Pov

As Raymond carefully brought the Dodge Charger to a stop in the parking lot of the complex, he and Ra exchanged glances, the combination of psicopathy and the bloodlust along with the excitement was evident in their eyes. They had successfully made it to their destination, and the Charger had played its part in their epic exit of the fortress.

Turning off the engine, Raymond pause a little his actions and took a moment to admire the classic beauty of the Charger, its black exterior glistening under the artificial lights of the underground parking lot. With a fond pat on the car's hood, he with Ra exited the vehicle, the scent of the recent burnt rubber lingering in the air.

As they made their way towards the elevator, Raymond could feel the adrenaline slowing down and the fatigue settling in. His body had taken its toll from the intense battle and the adrenaline-fueled drive. He wiped away the blood from his eyes and ears, a clear sign of the strain he had endured. Ra's concern was palpable, and they both knew that they needed to reach safety quickly.

The elevator doors slid open, revealing a stark, industrial interior. Raymond along with Ra stepped inside, their movements slightly unsteady. The weight of their recent exploits did a number upon them, and Raymond leaned against the walls of the elevator for support as he feel that he couldn`t stand straight due to the exhaustion and injuries . Raymond's armor gradually began to fade away, dissipating as they descended further into the complex.

As the elevator descended, the surroundings felt ominously quiet. Raymond could sense the damage of the battle has brought upon his body physically . The bleeding from his eyes and ears served as a stark reminder of the price he has paid due to his overconfidence in his battles . Ra, filled with concern, kept a watchful eye on Raymond, ready to offer any assistance he might need.

The elevator finally reached their destination, the doors opening to a dimly lit corridor. Raymond stepped out, steadying himself against the wall as he adjusted to the change in surroundings. Ra followed closely, his fiery gaze filled with worry.

Taking a deep breath, Raymond summoned his strength and pushed forward leaning into the wall as the wall was pain with a path of blood , Raymond stops for a moment as dizziness he feel at the moment was getting worse and worse as the seconds go by , he feels he was in a maze and all the corridor was an endless road with an everchangin nature. He knew that they had come too far to give up now.

Before going further Raymond stopped near a wall , he was seeing all blurry and he see as all the things all things revolve.

Raymond walk as he could to the scanner , to him it was like a torture , walking like that without a sense of control , he was reminded of his time in the chair torture by the wizard.

He try putting his eyes on the scanner but his dizziness wasn´t helping him a lot

"Do you want any help?" Asked Ra.

"No... i , I ,I can do it" Replied Raymond with difficulty.

After a while he make it, and could enter the complex

With the Objective of just sleeping and throwing the blood he alond with Ra walked further into the complex, Raymond's bleeding was getting worse and worse to the point he felt that the whole world was crimson kingdom.

Raymond gather all of his strenght and enter the complex and he walk , albeit slowly ,to the bathroom.

"Reymond ... are you ... okay?" Asked Ra as he watched that lift up the toilet seat.

After that as if he was replying to his question Raymond vomit blood in the toilet.

"Never mind... " Said Ra while watching Raymond.

Raymond who was throwing a lot of blood , after a very long moment , he suddenly stopped.

He felt as if the world was losing the colors and that is concerning as he has tetracromatism.

The world that was once a place where you could listen to all kind of sounds, in sucession was losing little by little those sounds.

Raymond who was throwing a moment ago , tried to stand up.

But he quiclkly realice he couldn´t , instead he fall to the floor.

The blood that were in his body , the blood that was in his body , His blood was incrementing little by little and soon a puddle of his blood was form.

The lights on the bathroom were turning off little by little.

Raymond was closing his eyes and looking at the sadden Ra , but he couldn´t do anything his body didn´t respond to him , his mind was a mess , his magic and stamina were exhausted.

'Sorry Ra ... from ... blacking ...out ... of ... the ... b... l...u....e' Think Raymond before going to a coma.

'Don´t worry partner ... is not your fault ... I know that this time, the damage has been raugh on you ... but i know you will come back ... stronger than ever ' Replies Ra to the unconcious Raymond.

After that he decided to enter in hibernation mode ( the ball mode).

Time skip

"*Nghn* Raymond feel like a million ants were walking in his head, and he feels like he couldn´t move his body.

He try but couldn´t move his body. He tries harder and with a lot of pain muscle and with the help of the wall , he stands up.

As he stands up , he see the state of his current bathroom , there was a large pool of blood in the floor , the toilet was all bloody , it honestly feel like someone has film a horror scene in this bathroom.

Reymond then sees a golden ball in the room , so he aproach the

"Ra ... "Said raymond as he was still looking at the bloody bathroom.

He look a little more and found that Ra was like a ball , he touch the ball and the ball absorbed a bit of his energy and suddenly the ball lit up in fire and Ra came out of the ball.

"Reymond ... You are better!!!" Exclaimed Ra happily as his companion was better than before , as he almost look like a zombie.

"What ... happen?" Asked Raymond as he was going to the kitchen to prepare some tea.

"You just couldn´t hold it anymore and you faint..." Explained Ra

Raymond nod as an answer to that.

Raymond turned the tv on and he sees that he has been asleep for 2 weeks.

'Again more wasted time...' Thought Raymond a little grumpy.

Now that he has already kill Andrei , he think that maybe he can chill a little.

As all the months previous to the assasination was either planning or revising information on how to do the things the more accurate way possible.

'Who would have guess that the security guy was that stubborn to die ...' Thought raymond Darkly.

He previously had thought and was preparing for things outside the information , as he had believed that with the preparations he had done previously everything would go smoothly.

Because of this he was relaxing his guard a bit and not taken into account that things out of the norm could occur.

Then there was that Master ...

There was one moment from the fight that he didn`t understand now that he analice it better, the hits shouldn`t have done the damage they had... It was imposible with raymond`s body that something like that could occur.

Something was very confusing and misterious about this situation, as he drink his coffe he began to think about that.

He shouldn`t , no , more specifically he couldn`t have done the damage that he did, raymond`s body despite the year of training and torture was much stronger than the norm , in fact his strenght could put a normal adult human male in troubles.

'Then how could he beat me?...' Thought raymond concentrated.

It wasn`t something a common human could have done.

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