
Harry potter: The brother

On July 31, 1981, the day of Voldemort defeat by Harry Potter, this day Harry lost almost everything because but he was not found alone under the rubble of his old home. Discover the story of two brothers discovering a new world !!! ———— It’s my first time writing and posting so pls help me to improvet it ! And I don’t own Harry Potter.

Gere_Ger · Book&Literature
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Chapter 4: 1 Years

Godric's Hollow, Potter House, July 31, 1981

1 year has passed since the birth of Harry Potter and it has been the longest year for the Potters because Voldemort has been actively looking for them since Harry was born and no one knew why. It all began with Dumbledore's visit to their home.

flash-back 1 year ago-----

Harry just celebrated his 1 month with his family and friends and was sleeping with Benjamin on the first floor, while the last guests left Sirius appeared at the entrance of the door and advanced towards James who was tidying up the living room of the remains of the party, while James saw his best friend coming to him he began to smile and start the discussion but was interrupted by the serious expression of Sirius who said "Can I talk to you?" James nodded and went outside with Sirius.


As Lily saw her husband going outside with Sirius she couldn't help but feel a bad feeling with everything that was going on right now especially with Benjamin's uncontrolled magical powers that cause mini earthquakes, Lily was snapped out of her thoughts by James' return inside their home with a serious expression.

As Lily was about to ask what was going on, James interrupted her by saying "Dumbledore is coming he wants to talk to us and the situation seems serious" James said, looking into the eyes of his wife worried by this revelation.

As Lily began to imagine what Dumbledore wanted to talk about with them the sound of an apparition could be heard outside their house and then the sound of a person knocking on the door could be heard through the house, Lily jumped at this unexpected sound and James got up to open the door.

As the door opened Albus Dumbledore with his long grey cape and long white beard appeared in the Potters' living room followed closely by James, his blue eyes behind his half-moon glasses looked at Lily for a few minutes and then began to speak.

"Good evening Lily, I apologize for this unplanned visit but I have information of great importance that I must pass on to both of you" said Dumbledore looking at James and Lily through her half-moon glasses with a serious expression, we could see the concern on the Potters' faces that increased by the words of Dumbledore and James say with a worried voice "Professor we are listening" Lily nodded and looked Dumbledore.


Dumbledore seeing that he had their full attention began to speak "I received information from a spy that in the ranks of Voldemort there is prophecy talking about a child who would, according to the prophecy, have the power to defeat Lord Voldemort" said Dumbledore while looking at the expression of Lily and James, while Lily was about to ask Dumbledore a question she was preceded by James who said " But I do not see the connection with us" James said with a confused expression on his face.

Dumbledore sighed and then cleaned his glasses with the corner of his cape then spoke "This is where it concerns you, the child said by this prophecy must have parents who have defied 3 times and must have been born at the end of the 7th month" said Dumbledore" Now you know who concerns this prophecy right?", Lily who understood said in a breath "Harry" Dumbledore nodded, James spoke at that moment "I do not understand little Neuville was also born in the same condition as Harry," James said, referring to the Londubat and their child.

Dumbledore breathed a sigh Tired again and said "No it's not him" Lily who didn't understand why asked "Why?" Dumbledore responded by saying "Because The Londubat are in a state where prophecy cannot come true", James who doesn't understood what happened asked "What happened?", "Cruciatus Curse" said Dumbledore to the Potter who had a horrified expression.

"Neville is okay?" asked Lily in a worried voice "Yes he is currently with his grandmother nobody wants his life now but now that Neville's case is eliminating the death eaters will attack you and your whole family for Harry" said Dumbledore.

"But then what do we do? we can't fight them!!" said James angrily, Lily took James' hand and then said in a soft voice "James don't get upset as long as we stay hidden and no one talks about us, we will have nothing to fear for us or our children".

"And I would do everything I can to protect you," Dumbledore said in a firm voice,then got up from his seat and said "I think this is enough question for today I must leave you I have another mission and I still want to apologize for the intrusion, on this goodbye"Dumbledore left leaving behind him people trying to recover from the information how he had give.

End of the Flashback-----

As James thought back to the event of a year ago he was brought out of these thoughts by the voice of Lily who called him "James can you go get the children please? We're going to eat", James who nodded to confirm went up the stairs towards his children's room.

James stopped in front of a green door then opened it slowly and entered, walking lightly and avoiding the toys scattered everywhere he found himself in front of a bed or two children sleeping James touched them a little on the stomach which made them made them jump and open their eyes.

"Come on let's get up kids mom made dinner" James said with a smile, Harry raised his arms to be picked up by James, Benjamin rubbed his eyes and started trying to get out of bed by himself because Benjamin already knew how to walk for the first time when he was 9 months old which surprised Lily and James at the time.

Seeing Benjamin trying to get out of bed on his own but not succeeding James approached him and took him on his shoulders Benjamin did not refuse and like that James went down with Benjamin and Harry into the living room.

While the Potters were enjoying their meal a hooded shadow gliding through the streets of Godric's Hollow accompanied by two people wearing black cloaks and black masks these people were none other than Voldemort and his most loyal Death Eaters: Bellatrix Lestrange and Barty Crouch Jr.

"Is this the house?" asked Voldemort, hiding under his cloaks, to his two Death Eaters "Yes master it's here Pettigrew assured us" it was Bellatrix who answered the question almost attentively, while Voldemort looked at the house for a moment he said "Really?" Voldemort doubted Pettigrew's words because for him he was only a traitor seeking greatness and power for himself.

"I assure you, master, we subjected him to veritaserum to be sure" this time it was Barty Crouch who responded, Voldemort who received confirmation from his servants said "Very well, now go away".

"Master let us come with you we will help you!" Bellatrix said in a pleading voice, Voldemort turned his head in her direction and said "Are you questioning my powers Bellatrix?" Voldemort said in an angry voice.

"I..I..I would never dare master please forgive me!" Bellatrix said in a pleading voice. Voldemort didn't bother to answer and walked towards the Potters' house.

James who finished eating turned his head towards the direction of the window which looked out onto the garden and said "Lily take the children and go hide in their room and don't come out even if I call you!" James said in a voice serious.

Lily didn't think, she took Harry and Benjamin and ran upstairs to her children's bedroom and barricaded herself, while Lily hid James took out his wand and hid behind the living room wall that led to the entrance and waited.

 A few seconds later the door exploded and let a man in a black cape enter the house, James did not think and began to cast spells, "Impedimenta" said James pointing his wand at the intruder who dodged and pointed his wand on James and said "Avada Kedavra" James managed to dodge the killing curse by rolling on the floor and hiding behind the overturned sofa.

 James waved his wand over his head and said "Confringo" the tip of his wand emitted a ball of fire which headed towards Voldemort who dodged the fireball letting it explode the wall behind him, Voldemort raised his wand once again and said "Avada Kedavra" while blowing up the sofa where James was hidden, who jumped forward and with his wand summoned a flock of crows in the direction of Voldemort who no longer knew what to do.

 Voldemort having no more patience shouted "ENOUGH" then made all the crows around him disappear and said "Crucius" pointing is wand at James who fell to the ground in pain, Voldemort approached him and said "Tell me where is the child and you will survive" James still on the ground under the effect of the spell shouted "I would rather die than speak" Voldemort raised his wand and said "Well then I will grant your wish, AVADA KEDAVRA" and like that Voldemort killed James Potter.

 Stepping over the lifeless body of James Voldemort went up to the second floor and arrived where Lily was barricaded with her children he explosed the door and entered in the room.

As soon as Voldemort walked through the door he heard "Impedimenta" Voldemort didn't even move as the ball of fire met his invisible shield, as Voldemort looked at the new woman who appeared he saw two children behind her crying knowingly that one of these children was the one he was looking for he began to walk towards them.

 Lily cast every possible spell, even including the Unforgivable Curse, as she was about to use her last spell, Avada Kedavra, she saw her wand fly from her hand and fall to the ground.

 Lily stood in front of her children and said in a pleading voice "Please not my children, please take me instead of them" as tears fell from her eyes, Voldemort looked at her then began to laugh and stopped to say "That's enough woman if you leave you can live" but Lily not listening continued to say "Take me in their place please" Voldemort who was no longer listening said "Avada Kedavra"

 But at the same moment when Lily threw herself between the spell and her children, Benjamin, who was crying loudly, activated his magic without intention, which had several consequences.

 As the spell bounced off Harry and Benjamin, who were pressed against each other, and redirected towards Voldemort who with a cry of astonishment exploded in the face of his own spell two white lights flew towards Benjamin and Harry then passed into them and disappeared knocking them out, Lily's body stood in front of these children as a sign of her protection.

 Now we could see on the right of Harry's background a lightning bolt shaped wound while Banjamin had a cross shaped wound on his cheek, as the remains of Voldemort disappeared the roof of the house began to fall dangerously around children.

 Until a man with black cloaks appeared in front of the rubble and made them avoid him then entered the room and started crying while holding Lily's body, this man was Severus Snape while Snape cried a tear. voices were heard from downstairs of the house "LILY WHERE ARE YOU?".

 Sirius Black who was passing by to visit found his friends' house in rubble and the body of his best friends so who was crying hot tears next to James' body he did not see the children or Lily so he began to call Lily as a sign of hope "LILY WHERE ARE YOU?" said Sirius going up to the second floor

 What he found in front of him was Lily's lifeless body as he began to mourn Lily's death he saw his godson and his brother sleeping on a bed in the middle of the room.

 He rushed towards their direction and checked if everything was okay, seeing that he had no mortal wounds he began to leave the rubble house with the two children before coming across a man over 3m tall with a beard. black hirsute this man was Rubeus Hagrid the Hogwarts gamekeeper and a half-giant.

 "Sirius is it true? Dumbldore says that the Dark Lord was defeated by Harry and Benjamin and how are James and Lily?" said in a trembling voice, as he saw Sirius' expression darken at his friend's mansion. Hagrid began to mutter into a tissue.

 While Hagrid was crying, Sirius turned his head and saw a rat rushing into the street, realizing who it was, Sirius while the children told Hagrid and said "Take them to Dumbledore he will tell you what to do and take my flying motorbike you will go faster than by portkey" then he disappeared, leaving Hagrid stunned by the events.

When Hagrid had just arrived at Preevet Drive he heard the voice of Professor McGonagall in full discussion with Dumbledore.

 As they were talking, Hagrid stepped forward and said, "I'm bringing them back, teachers." Dumbledore turned to him and said, "Thank you, Hagrid, wasn't the trip too long?" Dumbledore asked Hagrid "No, it was quick because Sirius Black lent me his motorbike, a nice guy" Dumbledore nodded then took Harry and Benjamin and walked into the street.

 Mcgonagall was still talking with Dumbledore "Albus we can't leave them there I saw their cousin hit his mother for candy when he was 3 years old!" Dumbledore responded by saying "I have my reasons Minerva trust me" said Dumbledore while dropping a letter on Harry and Benjamin who were sleeping in a stroller.

 Then he knocked 4 times at 4 Preevet Drive and left the stroller and left, leaving behind the two children who that day were called saviors by the wizarding world.