
Harry Potter: The Bard of Hogwarts

Many of the stories told by bards are not just hearsay; many are based on their own experiences. Ino had always thought that his future would be filled with one fantastical tale after another until one day, he received a letter delivered by an owl... _____ Note: This book is a translation. All rights to the original book belong to their respective owners Raw: https://m.qidian.com/book/1039438378/?source=pc_jump _____ If you can, consider supporting me on Patreon. I'll also post early chapters there. Here is the link: patreon.com/Dark_Peace (https://patreon.com/Dark_Peace) I'll be very grateful for your support.

Dark_Peace · Book&Literature
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Chapter 96: The Combination of Ice Magic and Transfiguration

The Slytherin dormitory, with its emerald green decor, looked simple and soothing.

A clock quietly hung on the wall, with its second hand moving slowly, making a subtle and even "tick-tock" sound.

"Ino, although... I mean, although you're right, today is my first time participating in Quidditch practice. Are you coming to watch?"

Draco felt relieved when he learned that Ino wouldn't be competing for his Seeker position.

But when he heard that Ino would just be a cheerleader and not play, his expression became somewhat downcast, like an abandoned puppy.

He didn't rush to leave, hugging seven brooms in his arms, standing at the dormitory door with a forlorn look. He just stood there, seemingly waiting for a final bit of persuasion.

Alright, Ino admitted he couldn't stand Draco's expression.

"Okay, I'll go! You can go have breakfast now or discuss the broom distribution with Flint. I'll be at the Quidditch pitch in an hour."

"Great! It's a deal!" Draco joyfully left the dormitory.

"Bang!" The door closed with a sound.

Ino also vanished from the room.


A magical path.

But Ino preferred to call it a sanctuary because being here made him feel exceptionally safe, as if he were under protection, with an absolute sense of security.

On the several dozen meters long path in the sanctuary, there was a lone suitcase.

The purpose of this trip was to take out the accordion from the suitcase to compose music for the latter half of the Quidditch season.

However, upon seeing the surrounding environment, he lost interest in composing because all the snow and ice in the sanctuary had disappeared.

Instead, there was a forty-foot-long, bucket-thick frost Amazonian anaconda.

This sudden change surprised him.

He remembered last time, due to Pansy's knocking, he had hurriedly left without undoing the transfiguration on the three brooms.

Who would have thought that in just one summer, this ice serpent had devoured the surrounding snow and ice, not only increasing in size but also changing color.

The color change was understandable, like the Antarctic glaciers, where prolonged freezing not only changes the density but also, due to impurities in the air and the reflection of visible and short-wavelength light, alters the color of the ice, making it appear either azure or dark green.

But seeing such a significant increase in size in just two or three months was a first for him.

On the other side, the previously coiled anaconda, resembling a still sculpture, seemed to awaken from a long hibernation.

The more than ten-meter-long body began to stretch slowly, like willow branches awakened by the spring breeze.

Then, the anaconda slithered gracefully and leisurely, appearing slow but visually striking.

The most important thing was the anaconda's imposing presence due to its massive body.

After all, an average person being stared at by this ten-meter-long snake would probably not act rashly.

"So big already, and it devours on its own..." Glancing at the giant snake by his feet, Ino murmured in confusion.

Then, he drew out his wand, once again enveloping the entire sanctuary in snow and ice.

Although he knew the benefits of combining ice magic with transfiguration, like this anaconda that would continue to exist as long as the temperature was appropriate and the ice didn't melt.

But who would have thought he would discover another pleasant surprise today: the transfigured creature could grow, much like raising a pet, which was quite fulfilling.

Snow and ice once again covered the sanctuary's path.

On the other side, Ino slowly opened the suitcase, intending to transplant the ice flowers from the undetectable extension space.

Although planting them in the suitcase was safe and could serve as a locator and defense mechanism,

planting them in the sanctuary could completely transform the environment, ensuring the anaconda wouldn't consume all the snow.


Entering the undetectable extension suitcase.

Though he hadn't been there for over two months, everything inside still felt familiar.

Piles of dried food and candy, the long-unused accordion, and the mysterious blue ice flower sapling.

The difference was, the sapling, once two inches tall, had grown considerably, now approximately a foot tall.

Its crystal-clear leaves looked like meticulously crafted jade, with each tender leaf displaying a unique ice-blue hue.

Squatting down, he carefully dug around the soil, then used a levitation charm to lift both the accordion and the sapling out of the suitcase.

As he stepped out, the subtle connection with the undetectable extension suitcase quietly severed.

Ino didn't regret it.

After all, it wasn't like Newt's magical suitcase. Even if this suitcase were lost, he wouldn't mind, as he now had the sanctuary, a safer and more convenient storage space.

In comparison, the mysterious sapling seemed more important because he always felt its purpose was more than just environmental transformation.



As Ino planted the sapling and returned to the dormitory, ready to watch Draco's practice.

Outside Hogwarts castle, at the Quidditch pitch.

Two groups of people had already lined up for confrontation.

The Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams stood quietly behind their respective captains, an unspoken standoff and competition.

"Ha, Wood, what exactly do you want? Are you looking for trouble?"

At the forefront of the crowd, Slytherin Quidditch captain Marcus Flint sneered.

"This is our practice time! We got up early for this, so please leave!" Gryffindor Quidditch captain Oliver Wood shouted angrily.

Flint, with his burly build, always dominated the younger Wood in terms of presence.

Flint suddenly laughed, showing his characteristic buck teeth, and replied, "There's plenty of space here, Wood."

Today, the Slytherin team didn't bring any girls. They stood shoulder to shoulder in a line, with an arrogant air, glancing sideways at the Gryffindor team.

"But I booked the pitch!" Wood said sternly. "I booked it with Lockhart's signature; he allowed us to do this!"

"Pfft... Lockhart... Hahaha." Flint laughed exaggeratedly.

"Wood! I must say, your tactic works better than your goalkeeping. Because you can make me laugh so hard I can't focus on the Quaffle."

After a while, Flint gradually subdued his laughter.

"Speaking of permits, I have one signed by Professor Snape."

Flint pulled a small parchment from his pocket and read aloud:

"I, Professor Severus Snape, allow the Slytherin team to practice at the Quidditch pitch today to train their new Seeker. So, you'd better move aside."

"What nonsense? We also have Lockhart's signed permit! Are you denying Professor Lockhart's legitimacy?" Seeing Wood's hesitation, George cleverly retorted.

"Wait, a new Seeker? Who is it?" As the captain, Wood was more concerned about changes in the opponent's lineup.

After all, missing a day of practice wasn't a big deal, but not knowing the opponent's lineup and making unreasonable arrangements was the real threat.