
All hands on deck

*Narrator pov* 

The news spread like wildfire by the time most of the Wizengamot members returned home the papers were already flying the headlines? 


This was major news to the people of magical Britain and even to those outside of Britain who would surely hear the news soon. It was rare for a decree like this to be passed and even rarer for BRITAIN of all places to pass such a verdict. 

Britain wasn't known for its progressive laws after all. 

Morpheus stepped into his manor Negary waiting by his favorite chair the hastily made newspaper already by the table, "Thank you Negary," Morpheus said with a soft smile while pouring two glasses of whisky and picking up the paper relaxing into his chair 

"They are always so quick to report things out of the ministry. Must have an insider," Morpheus mused while reading the paper 

A chuckle escaped his lips, "Look Negary even though the headlines are bad they actually advocated for the Aurors to 'eradicate' the terrorist," Negary let out a squaky chuckle

Suddenly the floo flashed to life and a face appeared in the flame, "Can I come through?" 

Morpheus smiled, "Of course my friend, I even set two glasses aside for us," Arcturus walked out of the fireplace donning the same robes he wore during the Wizengamot meeting

With a raised brow the Black family elder chuckled, "The paper is already out? They work faster and faster each time something happens it seems," 

Morpheus's lips curled, "Your own copy should be arriving anytime now depending on what Manor you are staying in. These writers sure have accurate quotes for not being allowed into the chamber," 

Arcturus shook his head, "Bah, everyone knows with a little coin and some favors anything is possible. Especially with the news," 

"Truer words have never been said," Morpheus picked up the second glass offering it to Arcturus 

Arcturus looked exhausted taking the glass, "I don't get this divination stuff, you just knew I was coming? Do I even need to bother stating my purpose?" 

Morpheus smiled mysteriously, "Why don't you tell me anyway," 

"There is a dark family that hasn't sided with the dark Lord yet, I think I can convince the house head to stay neutral much like I am but, I think meeting you would be beneficial," Arcturus explained while taking a seat of his own 

Morpheus hummed in thought while taking another sip of his drink, "Why me specifically? I wasn't aware people knew of our relationship," 

"You misunderstand they don't know of our connection but of you. I was told if I could arrange a meeting with you he would rethink his position."

"Told hm?" Morpheus said with an amused look, "I don't think anyone can tell you what to do my friend," 

Arcturus let out a genuine belly laugh, "You misunderstand once more he simply alluded to knowing more about you than what meets the eye. Stating his thoughts might change after a meeting with you," 

"Dare I ask what family this is?" 

Arcturus smiled, "Ah you don't know already? How rare, It's the Shafiq family." 

Morpheus took on a look of contemplation as he retreated into his mind scouring his mental kingdom looking for even the simplest mention of the Shafiq family. 

Eventually, his mind made the connection and a smile bloomed on his face, "set the meeting up," 


The sound of feet clacking against the stone floor echoed around the corridor, Head Auror Scrimgeour opened the wide door before him entering a large room with twenty Aurors and Hit wizards waiting for his arrival. Typically only the hit wizards wore masks but the Aurors had masks lying on the table before them as well. 

Rufus didn't waste a second as he entered the room immediately stepping to the front, "We have received new intel about a base the terrorists are using. There are a suspected 12 dark wizards and four werewolves inside. We will approach from the south and infiltrate from the unused garden the house has. Our experts identified several key wards around the target, which we will be approaching from the least warded area. Once inside we will operate in standard infiltration formation, with the new law don't be afraid to use lethal means. The masks before you are for your safety," 

He picked up one of the masks before him, "Each mask has several enchantments not limited to, Voice modulation, Eye color changing, hair color illusion, cooling, heating, and more. They are for your safety this way blood feuds are a nonissue. We will go over codenames after a break. I suggest you get used to wearing the masks," 


Morpheus and Arcturus stepped from a fireplace, the floo system sizzling back to normal flames behind them. 

"Lord Everglade, Lord Black thank you got attending I have been waiting to have a chat with you both," Ali Shafiq Lord to house Shafiq said with a bright smile 

Morpheus smiled politely before moving past the man, "Do you have a wine cabinet?" 

"I'm afraid not Lord Everglade," Ali said with an awkward chuckle while gesturing for the two men to follow him 

Arcturus and Morpheus followed Lord Shafiq through his home. 

Lord Shafiq's home was the definition of old wizarding wealth, each step echoing softly across the marble floors beneath their feet. The walls were lined with portraits of long-deceased ancestors, their eyes following the trio as they walked. A faint glow of enchanted candles illuminated the dimly lit hall, casting dancing shadows on the intricate wood carvings that decorated the ceilings.

As they moved, Lord Shafiq pointed out various features of the manor with an air of pride. "This portrait here," he gestured toward an imposing figure in dark robes, "is my great-grandfather, Safir Shafiq, one of the earliest supporters of our family's stance in the magical world."

Morpheus gave the painting a cursory glance before turning his gaze back to the path ahead, uninterested in family histories. Arcturus, however, took a moment to observe the stern-faced figure before nodding respectfully.

"Ah, and over here," Shafiq continued, pointing to a set of glittering crystal chandeliers, "a gift from the Tsardom of Russia. An alliance that once brought much fortune to our family."

The chandeliers sparkled like stars against the high, arched ceiling, but again, Morpheus seemed unimpressed. "Lovely," he muttered under his breath, glancing at the man with a smirk. 

Shafiq smiled thinly, sensing Morpheus's impatience but pressing on. "The parlor is just ahead. I've had the house-elves prepare refreshments. While I may not have a wine cabinet, I assure you the tea is from the finest selection."

As they reached the parlor doors, intricately designed with silver inlays, Lord Shafiq paused and glanced back at his guests, his bright smile never faltering. "Please, make yourselves comfortable. There is much we must discuss."

"Yes, there is much we need to discuss." Morpheus parroted finding a seat and producing a bottle of wine and a glass for himself, "I hope you don't mind," 

"Not at all Lord Everglade," Lord Shafiq said taking a seat for himself 

Before Ali could speak Morpheus mused aloud, "You know I was searching for where I have heard your family name before. Wondering why you would want to meet me so badly, but then I remembered something faint," 

"What did you remember?" Lord Shafiq asked scooting to the edge of his seat 

"A family my brother ran business with the Shafiq family to the east. The Russians helped you move didn't they?" Morpheus spoke with a small smile 

Lord Shafiq couldn't help the smile that spread wider across his, "You do remember! My family and your brother's connection was well-known by the time he passed. We would have been destroyed just being in relation to the man luckily his allies helped us move erasing the connection. I just wanted to see you in person so I can say, the Shafiq family will provide any assistance that is needed,"